Q&A 1- Law Of Attraction
I have a dear friend who is very supportive and encouraging me with this blog and other creative endeavors. He has asked to be call Sam on here.
We come from very different backgrounds. He is a man of science and math. I am a mystic. We have formed a very close friendship over the years. He has a number of questions about all this stuff. We talked about it and thought it might be fun to do Q&A's from time to time. His first question:
We come from very different backgrounds. He is a man of science and math. I am a mystic. We have formed a very close friendship over the years. He has a number of questions about all this stuff. We talked about it and thought it might be fun to do Q&A's from time to time. His first question:
Pamm, what a beautiful blog you are creating! Very moving writing and
terrific artwork to go along. I can buy in some to what you are saying about
the Law of Attraction. Certainly there is great value in positive thinking.
However I cannot reconcile “creating my own world” with the idea that “my
life has a purpose”. My spiritual belief is that the universe will help me
accomplish things only if I am moving in the direction of the purpose that
has been set for me. Can you help me with an explanation?
Sam...I'm glad you like how this is going and thanks for the compliments.
First off, I want to say that this question has brought up an issue for me that I think will bear repeating many times. Sam...I have no answers. I do not propose that anything I have written here is "truth." It's just my Truth. I don't put these disclaimers all over the place because it interferes with the flow of writing and I have this in my sidebar Welcome. But I will emphasize it from time to time. I think that there are tons of Paths to the Divine and that mine is one. It may not be, and probably isn't, for anyone else and that's fine with me. I've gotten here through years of searching...all done internally then finding universal supporting evidence in my outside world. I finding my way through my body and get my mind out of the way, then ground it here after with my brain. With everything I hear, read, whatever, I wait until it feels right in my body before I take it is "me." I encourage all to do the same.
And I am happy to answer the question as I see it.
This is more than just positive thinking, but includes positive thinking. It isn't just "let's be Pollyanna and golly things will come my way." The thing about positive thinking is that it creates a vibration. That vibration attracts that which is like it, puts us in the energetic field to rendezvous with things similar. So if you want more love but the stronger unconscious thought is that you are afraid you won't get it, you won't get it. Your vibration is "won't get love." Likewise- if you strongly believe that your life has a purpose..AND if you hold no conflicting beliefs to get in the way of that belief, then the universe will definitely support you in that belief, just like it supports every other belief. I would agree that it will provide you every opportunity as you move toward your believed purpose, probably in truly magical ways (cuz it has so much to work with).
The only place we differ is the discussion of who/what is the prime mover here. Am I hearing you correctly: are you are saying...that God, The All, The universe is something separate? Is it Fate...something/someone outside us that plans what we do? Is there a tallying, a place where it is written, a man who sits on a chair who decides all this for each of us? Or is it us, our souls, our higher selves who direct this, then us tune into, lead us to the places in the universe (which it is a part of) that bring us what we want?
First off, I want to say that this question has brought up an issue for me that I think will bear repeating many times. Sam...I have no answers. I do not propose that anything I have written here is "truth." It's just my Truth. I don't put these disclaimers all over the place because it interferes with the flow of writing and I have this in my sidebar Welcome. But I will emphasize it from time to time. I think that there are tons of Paths to the Divine and that mine is one. It may not be, and probably isn't, for anyone else and that's fine with me. I've gotten here through years of searching...all done internally then finding universal supporting evidence in my outside world. I finding my way through my body and get my mind out of the way, then ground it here after with my brain. With everything I hear, read, whatever, I wait until it feels right in my body before I take it is "me." I encourage all to do the same.
And I am happy to answer the question as I see it.
This is more than just positive thinking, but includes positive thinking. It isn't just "let's be Pollyanna and golly things will come my way." The thing about positive thinking is that it creates a vibration. That vibration attracts that which is like it, puts us in the energetic field to rendezvous with things similar. So if you want more love but the stronger unconscious thought is that you are afraid you won't get it, you won't get it. Your vibration is "won't get love." Likewise- if you strongly believe that your life has a purpose..AND if you hold no conflicting beliefs to get in the way of that belief, then the universe will definitely support you in that belief, just like it supports every other belief. I would agree that it will provide you every opportunity as you move toward your believed purpose, probably in truly magical ways (cuz it has so much to work with).
The only place we differ is the discussion of who/what is the prime mover here. Am I hearing you correctly: are you are saying...that God, The All, The universe is something separate? Is it Fate...something/someone outside us that plans what we do? Is there a tallying, a place where it is written, a man who sits on a chair who decides all this for each of us? Or is it us, our souls, our higher selves who direct this, then us tune into, lead us to the places in the universe (which it is a part of) that bring us what we want?
Our souls are a part of Godforce to me...so yes, this can mean that the universe is "directing" me because I am a part of that universe. But to separate something out of the equation, as if we are not one, is the place I keep hearing that we differ. That, I, Pamm, am merely here acting out a script. This is an ancient discussion.
And his followup question, copied from email:
We both look for clues outside ourselves to see what we are manifesting. I see/feel that when I am on the "right" path (in other words, when I am in alignment with my desire and my Inner Being) things fall into place and they manifest. The universe is always helping me to figure out what my vibrations are in this moment, what beliefs I hold that are self defeating. I, too feel that if we get a "signal" that things aren't going right, it's important to recognize it and respond. The "flaw" you speak of is that I am not in alignment with the path and the signal I am getting is universe telling me that. The universe always brings me what I really believe about something, not what I think I believe or pretend to believe. It's a vibrational thing and vibrations don't lie.
Again, for me, it's as I stated with your first question...it's a matter of internal or externally based choice. Who/what chooses? Is there something out there that sits and plans every step of our way? If something outside us has a plan, when do we become free? If we are bound by fate then is the recognizing of the signal you speak of our choice? Is the choosing under our control? Or is that, too fated? If it's not fated, then when does Choice begin and fate stop? And who/what decides when fate stops and choice begins? For me..and only me...even with linear logic, "fate" as predetermined by some outside source, makes no sense to me...unless your belief is that everything we do, every breath we take is fated. My body feels dissonance there. This is the universe telling me that this idea is not a part of me. Hehehe....I guess I am fated to not acknowledge fate.
As far as a purpose...I think that when we find our self defined soul's purpose, we feel in alignment. Things click, the universe sings in harmony with us to support us in ways we could not imagine possible because we are one with the universe. No conflicting beliefs are interfereing with us allowing the universe to flow in us. But, again...this purpose doesn't come from outside us. The universe love us unconditionally, without hesitation. It loves us so much, it doesn't care what we do...it just goes on loving. It has no requirements of us; we put those on ourselves. We want to do service. We want to make our mark, we want to do what we can to further humanity in our own unique snowflake ways. And we do.
And his followup question, copied from email:
Pamm, I would still like to say a few words in defense of theAgain Sam, we see and feel the same thing happening but we approach it differently.
concept of fate. While I agree that it is important to look within and that
there are many answers to be found there, I also think it is important to
look outside of myself for clues from the universe regarding my fate and the
purpose of my life. My spiritual belief is that if I am on the right path,
the universe will help me. If I am on the wrong path, my way will become
more and more difficult. It is important to be able to recognize and respond
to these signals. That way one can change direction before devoting enormous
of effort to a path that is flawed or fated never to be.
We both look for clues outside ourselves to see what we are manifesting. I see/feel that when I am on the "right" path (in other words, when I am in alignment with my desire and my Inner Being) things fall into place and they manifest. The universe is always helping me to figure out what my vibrations are in this moment, what beliefs I hold that are self defeating. I, too feel that if we get a "signal" that things aren't going right, it's important to recognize it and respond. The "flaw" you speak of is that I am not in alignment with the path and the signal I am getting is universe telling me that. The universe always brings me what I really believe about something, not what I think I believe or pretend to believe. It's a vibrational thing and vibrations don't lie.
Again, for me, it's as I stated with your first question...it's a matter of internal or externally based choice. Who/what chooses? Is there something out there that sits and plans every step of our way? If something outside us has a plan, when do we become free? If we are bound by fate then is the recognizing of the signal you speak of our choice? Is the choosing under our control? Or is that, too fated? If it's not fated, then when does Choice begin and fate stop? And who/what decides when fate stops and choice begins? For me..and only me...even with linear logic, "fate" as predetermined by some outside source, makes no sense to me...unless your belief is that everything we do, every breath we take is fated. My body feels dissonance there. This is the universe telling me that this idea is not a part of me. Hehehe....I guess I am fated to not acknowledge fate.
As far as a purpose...I think that when we find our self defined soul's purpose, we feel in alignment. Things click, the universe sings in harmony with us to support us in ways we could not imagine possible because we are one with the universe. No conflicting beliefs are interfereing with us allowing the universe to flow in us. But, again...this purpose doesn't come from outside us. The universe love us unconditionally, without hesitation. It loves us so much, it doesn't care what we do...it just goes on loving. It has no requirements of us; we put those on ourselves. We want to do service. We want to make our mark, we want to do what we can to further humanity in our own unique snowflake ways. And we do.
Law of Attraction.
I am on the same page about these topics as you are Pamm...with on exception.
I think that there are some lessons that we agree to before we clothe ourselves in a body in this life. I think those lessons give the sense of fate that Sam wonders about. Those lessons seem destined in some way...as if we cannot stop them. I suppose that the power of our agreements and our soul's will is inexorable. I think the part that we don't get to make up is the exact nature the lesson takes when it unfolds.
I believe that we agree to effect each other when we incarnate and that this has much impact on our reality and on how those lessons we agreed to play out.
I think we also frequently agree to do favors for others...soul friends...or that we frequently agree to hang out with those we love or have loved many times.
Those too can feel like fate because of the impetus of the powerful manifestation of our soul agreements and the agreements we make with other souls.
I don't think that every moment of my life is full of the unfoldment of some agreement. I think much of the time things are just like you describe them...but then there are other moments that seem to me like this part...like a sort of fate....that I still created or cocreated...but that still somehow feels like a force outside myself because its power to manifest comes from long ago to effect the now.
As you say...my two cents, not the all powerful Truth.
Thanks, Greenwoman..I love hearing places where everyone has come from and to. I would love for this blog to become a space for an honoring discussion of it all. Thanks for stopping by and adding to.
It sounds like sam has a lookin at the process. If you are in tune with the process it will work for you. If not it will work against you. I can see that. I just wonder what happens when the process which is the right path is one that is extremely difficult? Is sam saying that life if you live it correctly is easy? Or if you are not living life correctly the crap you come up against is your own fault?
I couldn't help remember the threads in the tapestry. If the image on the tapestry was the sky and sea, and if threads were mindful, would the thread making up a star agree with the explanations of life from the thread making up the sea?
In fact, this comment of Sam's
"My spiritual belief is that if I am on the right path,
the universe will help me. If I am on the wrong path, my way will become
more and more difficult."
This is not so much fate, this is choice. If things are crap stop and change what you are doing. It's not fate at all methinks?
I cannot speak for Sam, Warrior. Hopefully he will read this and respond himself.
Re: difficulty and "rightness:" this past almost two years now, I get the image of Frodo and Sam on the mountain in the Lord of the Rings. It takes them forever to get into the cave, then once there they still have a struggle. And I've done a really good job of climbing and struggling. Is this Path "right" for me? These are the questions that cycle every so often.
What I hear is that both Sam and I agree that there are times in life when things do not flow or are painful. One of the eternal questions we have asked through time is to understand the "why's" of pain: why does it exist? Why is there suffering, why do terrible things happen?
Another question we ask is: if I work hard, if I have good intent, then why don't things go the way I want them to? (which is a subset of the pain question, because when things don't flow, then we are often in pain).
As humans wanting our worlds to make sense, oftentimes the only way we can come to terms with these questions emotionally is to answer them in a spiritual context. I call all sprituality "answering the Big Questions."
I hear all of us acknowledging that we feel helpless in consciously controlling our worlds outside us. And I hear each of us has come to a different place to explain those things in the ways that make the most sense to us at the moment and that work to keep us whole.
The longer I live, the more I feel that in many ways the thread from the star cannot begin to understand or agree with the one from the sea. And yes, they all do make one very nice tapestry.
Thanks, Warrior....
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