Law Of Attraction: Money And Flow
I've listened to Abraham tapes for over twelve years now. Before that, I worked with Gay and Katie Hendricks for years using their Quantum Therapy practices designed to release unconscious blocks to abundance and joy in every area of life. I've watched "The Secret." And now, since starting this blog last month and wanting to find out what's out there on this subject, I'm discovering whole blogs that focus on how to create money with the Law Of Attraction. As a student of Life, I am curious about how others use LOA, interpret it, incorporate it on a day to day basis. These reflections and mirrors are some of the ways I use to learn about myself.
I guess I've been using Law Of Attraction to do just that- create money. I created a livelihood for myself that "shouldn't" have worked out for me for a variety of reasons. But when I look more deeply as to how I've used Law Of Attraction as it pertains to money, I think I've been using it backwards from how I'm hearing it used these days (which doesn's surprise me in the least, because I do most things backwards).
Money is a symbolic expression of energy. We assign arbitrary value to things and jobs based on a number of factors having to do with economics and the belief systems that created them. I don't care to waste much space on here talking about them right now. To me, our world economy is all illusion, a co-creation that we continue to support and perpetuate.* And if you don't believe that, go learn how the really really beyond rich people use money. It's surreal...but I digress....
My Life Intention is to be connected to Inner Source, be connected to joy, love, happiness and flow, The All. It is everything for me and has been at the base of everything I have done my whole life. Money has been more of a barometer for me, an energetic measure of how I was doing internally with with this intention. Money is one tangible expression of my vibration in all things rather than the reason for lining my energy up.
What's important to me is not to be rich just for the sake of being rich. Or that money isn't flowing so that means I'm poor and can't buy a designer handbag. It's that IF having money is important to me and if I don't have the amount I want, what is this telling me about myself, my relationship with my higher self and my connection to The All? Where am I not feeling worthy? Why would I create lack....what are those beliefs? Why would I hold myself back from the life I want and envision? What am I afraid of?
I know that Abraham talks about not having to understand all this stuff, not having to know the why's of things to change. I also know I am who I am, and part of how I soothe and realign myself is by conscious self talk to remind myself that I don't have to hold onto a particular belief because it's not true. For me, and only me, bringing those beliefs into the light helps me let them go and believe something new. If I don't deal with the unconscious "stuff" I'm not starting "where I am." I'm just putting a smile on my face and pushing all that unconscious stuff down. If I've learned anything in the practical application of LOA and watching my outer world responses to my inner world, it's that when I finally and fully embrace where I am right now, I move through this manifestation to what's on the other side.

*As a side note to be explored some day- what will our world look like when we as humans shift and embrace abundance more as our dominant worldview rather than the lack and scarcity our economies are based on now?
Hi Pamm,
i really enjoyed this post.
Your paragraph that starts with "I've watched the money come..." mirrors my own experience.
Great post!
Thanks for stopping by, Karen...and welcome! And thanks for your kind words. Blessings your way!
It sounds like you have a very good understanding of the law of attraction and how it has worked for and against you in regards to money. It is good that you understand the law of abundance and that you are the only thing that gets in the way of abundance. Good article!
Yup, thanks, Mark, and thankgs for stopping by.
I really enjoyed this article and quoted it at both and I loved the questions you posed about where we see lack or why we see unworthiness when we think about our money. I'll try to spend some time medidating on those questions. Thanks, Tracee Sioux
Hi, Tracee, thanks for stopping by and saying hi....will go over and check them out! I LOVE your ID. So creative!!!
Wonderful article Pamm, just what I need reminding of: All is well, no matter what it looks like. And beautiful images too - I'm stealing Abundance and Abundant Love for my vision board!
Greetings, Hilda and welcome here! Glad you liked the post and yes, I love the images, too. We are so blessed to have the internet and access to so much creativity that we might not otherwise find.
Hello Pamm, great stuff you've got here and I like your sharing. Keep it up!
Thanks for stopping by and your kind words. I will...and hope you keep reading!! Blessings!
Your saying "Money is a symbolic expression of energy " is great.
Good Post.
Thanks !
Hi, Antonio..thanks for stopping by and your kind words!
Unconditional love is the only truth by David Icke, READ IT.
You're already full of knowledge, but please, go deeper if you must.
Hi Anonymus (july 5), I love your phrase:
You're already full of knowledge, but please, go deeper if you must.
And the post is really great. Thanks!
Thank, you, Eliana.
Wonderful post. I'm not surprised that it resonates with so many people. It certainly resonated with me.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi, Jimmy...thanks for stopping by and reading this after all this time. even gave me an opportunity to reread it. It IS a good post :)
completely agree that money is a refleciton/ indication of how one's doing with the inner-self, "It's that IF having money is important to me and if I don't have the amount I want, what is this telling me about myself, my relationship with my higher self and my connection to The All? Where am I not feeling worthy? Why would I create lack....what are those beliefs? Why would I hold myself back from the life I want and envision? What am I afraid of?"
feel supportive
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