Tantric Heart Opening
Greenwoman, a wonderful Spirit who I feel honored to call Friend and Teacher, has asked me if I would be interested in writing on Tantra today and for the next two Thursdays while she is away on a Beautiful Spiritual Journey. I happily agreed. This week, I want to talk about an experience I had before my formal training. It's one of the experiences that guided me to wanting to find a Teacher and study with Masters. Although it was about 17 years ago, I remember it like it was today and can still remember all the sensations and emotions. It also contributes to why I am so fascinated with the power of sex and its potential for us as humans--how it opens us to Spirit when done consciously. It was A...Mazing for me.
I will post two disclaimers here:
1) The rest of this post is a description of a sexual experience, but not graphic. If you are easily offended, I will lovingly invite you to leave now.
2)I can find no other words to use here other than the ones I have used. It was a very intense, dramatic experience that is beyond description with normal words as they cannot begin to touch what the feelings were. If anyone chooses to read this, I will ask that you try to feel the words, not think them.
I love talking about orgasms and finding out from people the various ways they experience Life energy in their bodies. I wish people wrote and shared more about how they experience this amazing ability our bodies have so that we have reference points and don't have concern when we experience them. I know it's not easy talking about this, as I originally had a bit of hesitancy before sharing this on my other blog. I don't really know whether to call this an official "orgasm" or what it was. It began with the Heart, then turned into amazing orgasms, but it's a story primarily about the Heart. It's about life and the healing energy of Presence and Breath. This was the most profound experience I've ever had.
I was with my ex. We had been making love for quite awhile, late at night and I was very tired. We were at one of those lulls in the lovemaking and just lying side by side with him inside me in the scissors position.* We would bring up the energy and then relax. Bring it up, then relax. I started to drift deeper and deeper into my body. I'm not sure how long we were doing this, but it was for a long while. I was floating.
All of a sudden, as I drifted, my heart started to hurt. At first it didn't concern me too much, but then the pain intensified. And kept intensifying. And kept it up. And then I did start to be concerned. And the more concerned I got, the more I tightened and resisted. The more I resisted the more it hurt. When I started to feel pain going down my left arm I freaked out, as I am familiar with the signs of heart attack and my father had just died of one a few years before. As I kept getting more and more frightened, the pain just kept getting stronger. Intense left arm pain.
I really don't know how or why I remembered to do this, I don't know where it came from inside me, except that I had been doing an incredible amount of deep release work on myself for a few years. But I did remember and made the decision to melt into the pain even though I was afraid. I went limp, I let go and breathed as deeply as I could with a restricted, painful chest. All of my consciousness went into the pain in my heart and allowed it to be there, welcoming it, inviting it, asking it to teach me why it was there. At first, with my focus, the pain kept shooting down my arm with increasingly stronger jolts, chest tighter and tighter. I just kept breathing and melting into the pain. It hurt more than anything else I had done besides giving birth. And it was pretty darn close to that intensity. Ouch.
Then...it happened. It was the most amazing feeling/sensation I've ever had. The pain in my heart literally moved. Like a very slow moving undulation, it started at the bottom of my heart and waved it's way up, then moved centimeter by centimeter, up my chest. As it moved out of my heart, Heart Chakra felt completely open....totally free....fwoosh....I felt this huge wave of bliss ecstasy and swirling energy in its place. My arm stopped throbbing immediately.
As it traveled up, everywhere it touched there was intense constriction and pain. When it reached my throat, I thought I wouldn't be able to continue breathing. I was simultaneously alarmed and blissed out with all the different sensations as the continuing but migrating pain kept shifting. I kept putting all my focus on feeling all of it, breathing and melting. It left my throat, slowly traveled up my head into my forehead, leaving that swirling freedom/ecstasy in its place wherever it left and passing the pain on up. As it passed my eyes, tears of release and joy began to flow freely. As it went out the top of my head, I felt a huge pulsing "hole" at my crown and felt huge energies pouring in and out.
I took LSD in my teens, so know what trails are. I saw them everywhere. Everything breathed and flashed like an acid trip. I was connected to/one with/a part of/ creator of everything in the universe. Orgasm after orgasm kept waving over me. I got up and on top of my husband and rode our bodies/souls into oblivion. I was dancing on him, arms floating in space doing mudras of their how accord, as I created the world with my love making, tears of ecstasy flowing. Trails everywhere...I felt the whole universe literally pulsing around me/inside me/ with me.
The ex, was overwhelmed to say the least. I am not sure how long we stayed like that, just rocking to the pulse of the universe. I do know that I went to sleep with my heart still wide open and pulsing/flowing. When I woke up, it was still there. Everything shimmered for days and there were lovely little haloes around people and plants everywhere. I felt like a school girl newly in love with my husband and Life. I giggled lots, feeling innocent, open and full of love for All Beings. Nothing mattered, everything was now, everything hummed and sparkled. It was the most beautiful feeling I've ever experienced, this vibrating, floating world.
All of a sudden, as I drifted, my heart started to hurt. At first it didn't concern me too much, but then the pain intensified. And kept intensifying. And kept it up. And then I did start to be concerned. And the more concerned I got, the more I tightened and resisted. The more I resisted the more it hurt. When I started to feel pain going down my left arm I freaked out, as I am familiar with the signs of heart attack and my father had just died of one a few years before. As I kept getting more and more frightened, the pain just kept getting stronger. Intense left arm pain.

I really don't know how or why I remembered to do this, I don't know where it came from inside me, except that I had been doing an incredible amount of deep release work on myself for a few years. But I did remember and made the decision to melt into the pain even though I was afraid. I went limp, I let go and breathed as deeply as I could with a restricted, painful chest. All of my consciousness went into the pain in my heart and allowed it to be there, welcoming it, inviting it, asking it to teach me why it was there. At first, with my focus, the pain kept shooting down my arm with increasingly stronger jolts, chest tighter and tighter. I just kept breathing and melting into the pain. It hurt more than anything else I had done besides giving birth. And it was pretty darn close to that intensity. Ouch.
Then...it happened. It was the most amazing feeling/sensation I've ever had. The pain in my heart literally moved. Like a very slow moving undulation, it started at the bottom of my heart and waved it's way up, then moved centimeter by centimeter, up my chest. As it moved out of my heart, Heart Chakra felt completely open....totally free....fwoosh....I felt this huge wave of bliss ecstasy and swirling energy in its place. My arm stopped throbbing immediately.
As it traveled up, everywhere it touched there was intense constriction and pain. When it reached my throat, I thought I wouldn't be able to continue breathing. I was simultaneously alarmed and blissed out with all the different sensations as the continuing but migrating pain kept shifting. I kept putting all my focus on feeling all of it, breathing and melting. It left my throat, slowly traveled up my head into my forehead, leaving that swirling freedom/ecstasy in its place wherever it left and passing the pain on up. As it passed my eyes, tears of release and joy began to flow freely. As it went out the top of my head, I felt a huge pulsing "hole" at my crown and felt huge energies pouring in and out.
I took LSD in my teens, so know what trails are. I saw them everywhere. Everything breathed and flashed like an acid trip. I was connected to/one with/a part of/ creator of everything in the universe. Orgasm after orgasm kept waving over me. I got up and on top of my husband and rode our bodies/souls into oblivion. I was dancing on him, arms floating in space doing mudras of their how accord, as I created the world with my love making, tears of ecstasy flowing. Trails everywhere...I felt the whole universe literally pulsing around me/inside me/ with me.
The ex, was overwhelmed to say the least. I am not sure how long we stayed like that, just rocking to the pulse of the universe. I do know that I went to sleep with my heart still wide open and pulsing/flowing. When I woke up, it was still there. Everything shimmered for days and there were lovely little haloes around people and plants everywhere. I felt like a school girl newly in love with my husband and Life. I giggled lots, feeling innocent, open and full of love for All Beings. Nothing mattered, everything was now, everything hummed and sparkled. It was the most beautiful feeling I've ever experienced, this vibrating, floating world.
On the one hand, I wish I had had more knowledge then so that it might have stayed longer. On the other, I learned that this is one state and that it's no "better" than any other state. It's just a state, and experience. Although it was beautiful, I don't mourn that over the next few days, my body decided to literally shut the heart down again (I felt the heart thunks of the closing down). And I am Blessed to have walked away with a number of gifts of which I am so very grateful for.
I believe I was given a glimpse of the potential we all have of attaining that state. I feel blessed to have experienced it. I know that since I went there once, I can go there again. That my Spirit guided me to open there for some reason and I/We shut it down for some equally important reason. I think I know some of the reasons why, but there may be more I have no conscious idea about. And that's OK.
I re-learned that these experiences often come when we aren't on the Path so intensely. I had no idea what to expect, so Mind did not get in my way. Usually, in Tantra workshops, it's the participants that have the fewest expectations and nongrasping desires that benefit from the processes most. They open to the energy much more easily and organically than those who are intensely "On The Path." I believe it's because they are in more of a position to allow the work, instead of pushing the energy.
Finally I re-learned, first hand, the Breath's power to bring us Present. Tantra is really nothing more than learning Presence: presence with energy, with our senses, our feelings, sensations. It's about presence with EVERYTHING that Is, whether It's light or dark or joyous or painful...as it all transmutes into The One. Tantra's Presence reminds us that we can travel every which way and back, but in the end we find all mysteries answered, all enlightenments in the Breath Right Now.

*Although I didn't know it at the time, I learned later that this is one of the traditional ritualistic positions for the Tantric Maithuna Ritual.
Cosmic heart image from here
Gee...I wish that I could have put experiences that I've had like this so clearly into words. You described it so beautifully and so succinctly.
You seemed to sort of wonder allowed about what this was...I thought I might toss in an idea to mull.
What I've learned about energy and the energy body suggests to me that your chakra opened...wider than its ever experienced before, which is painful and there was something stuck which needed release...again that's painful to experience in a chakra....
Frequently a chakra filled with pain will manifest ghost symptoms of a physical ailment.
That opening in the heart traveled to other chakras which then caused spontaneous openings there as well...but hurt alot because of what you released trying to pass through.....
And the healthy stance for the chakras is opened just enough for healthy energy exchange. Being that wide open is usually not healthy for most of us in every day life. A Master lives that way...but only does so upon attaining Mastery. Their entire energy field develops and strengthens to allow such vulnerability. For most of us, being that is not healthy because we are incapable of digesting just any energy that gets captured in a wide open chakra. It works better for most of us to have our chakras closed up a bit and more discerning.
Our chakras are digestive systems...and must be strengthened to accept any and all forms of energy. I have never met anyone capable of that unless they are a Master. Perhaps that's possible, but I don't have any experience of it.
Its also possible that your Kundalini completed a circuit to cause realization. Personally, I think this happens many times...that there's many layers to recognition of Divinity....but that's a whole other discussion.
Thank you for sharing this and for writing about Tantra...you do that anyway frequently, but doing so on Thursdays as a favor to me is muchly appreciated. *smiles*
Thank you for the support about my ceremony and for being a dear sweet presence in my life. ((hugs))
Hi, GW-
I thought at the time that pretty much what you desribed was what happened- that the chakras had opened and the pain was the blocks. Part of what gave me that idea was that it stayed for quite a few days until I shut it down.
What I did not write about is that there wasn't much else that I was too capable of doing during those days. I did function somewhat, but it was way too blissbunnyesque. Not too good an idea for a mother of three small kids and a business to run.
I do want to experience that again as it was so cool. I'm not too sure I would want it all the time for the rest of my life. In fact, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't. I like my brain and being able to function in the world around me....not something I've seen all Masters have mastered.
Have a wonderful time. We will look forward to hearing about what you can share.
Wow! It sounds sooo A-mazing!
It is fascinating to me (sometimes makes me feel so naive, but that is not necessarily bad!)to read of your path!
Hi, Sweet Karen- not bad at ALL!! I see/feel you as one of the truly "good" people on the planet. You rock!
awesome! and can so relate, having had similar.
you inspire me to write more about my experiences... my kundalini awakening (which is just another word for what you describe here) was intimately related to sex... always was my whole adult life...
it's just having the balls to write about sex & spirituality in such a public setting...
I sincerely hope you do, Kara-Leah. There is a hunger for others to hear about your experiences. Just remember..if it's difficult for you to write about, it's difficult for them to talk about, too. You are doing great service with your writings. I, for one, thank you again and again for adding your voice to INCLUDE sexuality into our spiritual lives. The split is killing us.
Pamm, thank you for being so open with your experiences. There are very few people willing to share to this depth. It helps me to know that I haven't lost my mind. (Well, maybe I have, but it's a good thing :-)
In Spirit,
Hi, Nneka-
Hehehe...it sure is nice knowing we aren't the only ones, yes?
One of the wonderful things about BlogLand is that it helps me in this respect. Stuff like this is common and accepted in many cultures. If we were there, we would have guides. Not so here...we are left to ourselves and shoved away (either into institutions or going underground and closeted to be acceptable to society.) This BlogLand gives us that support and possibility to see ourselves as OK..just stuck in the wrong culture for who our wonderselves are.
And yes...it is a very good thing, indeed.
Hi Pamm, I stumbled the post as well.
Thanks, Nneka!! You are a sweetie!!
I stumbled on this blog by accident. I was looking for YabYum images and some how came here. As a firm believer that the universe gives what we need I began reading. I am going to read from the beginning as I am intrigued by this blog.
But can I ask a question?
You said:
I was with my ex. We had been making love for quite awhile, late at night and I was very tired. We were at one of those lulls in the lovemaking and just lying side by side with him inside me in the scissors position.
I want to know, at any point did you orgasm? You say you were tired so I wondered if this experience was brought on before or after an orgasm.
Hi, Paul...
Thanks for stopping by.
So...this happened long, long ago..like probably at least 19 years as my daughter is now 20 and I think she was still a baby. I can't remember if I had or not, but probably had as I generally did with him.
Hope that helps..and I can't help but wonder why you ask. Thoughts?
Pamm and Paul,
This was what I've called a cosmic orgasm, or valley orgasm. It happens after prolonged stimulation and alignment of two spirits continuing in their sweet connetion. Then Kundalini rises, as she did here, so vividly described. I teach Tantra skills, and this is a good example of the rising life force. Thanks Pamm for sharing this extremely clear and detailed memory with all of us.
For me, and other males I've talked to, there is also often a burning sensation throughout the entire body and sometimes the third eye, between the eyebrows, becomes excruciatingly sensitive for a while, until she moves up and off the crown chakra.
Thanks for your story. May it inspire more exploration and sharing.
Sw. PremVeda
Welcome here and thanks for stopping by, Sw. Premvada....and for your kind words. Blessings!
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