Flower Friends
While walking this morning, I passed a flower garden and got happy just looking at it. It seemed the flowers were screaming "HappyHappy" to me as I walked by. They beckon me to look at and remember the abundance that's all around me. They stand tall, bending in the wind, sometimes opening their faces to the sun, sometimes only coming out at night. They live short lives, but when they're here, they are unabashed in full glory, screaming bounty and beauty like nothing else.
Their colors are magic. I can't merely look at a flower from far away. I get my face right up next to them. I've always liked flowers, of course, but many years ago, I started to beentranced by them. How do they do those colors? The perfect fading into perfect permutations of shades and hues. If you look at the petals, they are just about perfectly matched...the lines are equidistant, the spots uniform in how far up the petal they go, their overall pattern, how they line up in comparison to each other. Perfect. Ever look really closely at one... those little hairs on the flowers that hold the pollen..sometimes so small that at first I sometimes miss them. But they're there. And when I look at the flowers closely, I always find more color within color, pattern within pattern. They are truly miraculous.
Flowers, of course, do lots for us besides just be pretty. Lots of them taste really wonderful and are great in salads and on cakes. Many of them provide wonderful smellies for our delights. Long, long ago, I got introduced to Flower Essence remedies and got hooked. The first one to "discover" them that I know of was Edward Bach, who noticed that he felt different emotions around different flowers. So he distilled their essences by floating them in water (in very special ways) and started sharing them with people as healing tools. I still consider Rescue Remedy an essential in my home, both in the drop form and the cream. Whenever anyone has trauma of any kind, it's one of the first things I use. I remember I was cooking on one of those flattop stoves. I had no idea that the pan I put on my palm had been on the high heat burner. I heard the skin pop and sizzle as I felt the burn begin. My whole palm was red. I immediately put on ice, then slathered the cream on, put on gunks of aloe, wrapped
in a bandage, took the oral Rescue Remedy at intervals until the next day. After 24 hours, I still had no blisters!! Not one. After two days of this treatement, I thought it safe to stop. Within 20 minutes of taking off the bandage, a huge full palm blister started to form. So I reslathered and it went away. I've used this stuff to relax colic-y babies, calm women in labor, and help out of control kids. Who wudda thunk?
So, yes, they have healing properties that they offer in love that we humans have learned to harness and use as allies. But I think their magic lies elsewhere also. How can anyone not feel joyous just looking, really looking, at a flower? I'm thinking they come here to spew joy over the planet. They sure do that for me. I think that's their primary job: to remind us of the joy that is available at every moment. That there's beauty right here right now in front of us, whether in numbers or alone. That the universe is a perfect place, with that perfection expressed in every form of life. They gift us by reminding us what's important.
I mean...how do they DO that??????
Flowers are amazing in all of their properties! Wonderful post!
Aren't they? Whoever invented them sure did a good job.
Thanks for stopping by, Mark!
:) this is such a refreshing post. Flowers ARE healing! I'm doing my best to garden these days, in pots on my patio. But I miss having a yard. For several semesters I took a floral arrangeing class. It was so fun! And it never failed to lift my spirits when I was done. Even now, I'll go to the farmer's market and buy myself some pretty gerber daisies, snapdragons, lillies..and put them around.
I haven't tried the Bach Flower Essences, even though I've heard of them (are you familiar with Isha Lerner???) I should see about getting some. I use other types of essential oils...some rose and geranium, ylang ylang and such. :) Could be time to add a few of these to my tool box. Thanks for such a beautiful post!
Hi, Grace- I love pot gardens. So fun and happy. Flower arranging can be great, yes? Therapeutic. I love how just adding one small flower can change the whole arrangement.
I am not familiar with Isha Lerner. I've used Bach remedies and a few other brands. Used to have a whole set for my midwifery pratice years ago.
Mmmm...ylangylang...one of my favorites!!
This one makes me smile. I hope you have a lovely couple weeks!!
Thanks, Greenwoman...and I hope yours is a powerfully sweet one!!
Hello there...You've got a nice smile yanno...*smiles*
I was wondering if you might like to do something Tantra'ish the next two Thursdays or at least direct folks to a Tantra'ish post from the past...just to keep folks thinking Tantra while I'm gone on Thursdays...
If so, I'll leave a link to your site at the end of my TT post tomorrow. ((hugs))
Sure M'lady...sounds like great fun. Tantra'esque posts the next two Thursdays it is!!
Nice post, I also am completely passionate about flowers. I have filled two lots mostly with flowers and paint them in dawn light. I also make essences from time to time.
I like your photos too! Nothing quite like a flower...
Hi, and welcome Lexi- thanks for stopping by. Yes, they can become quite addicting. You sound like a modern Monet!!!
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