Powerful Living - The Victim
This is the first in a three part series on how I came to live powerfully...or at least what I consider powerfully for me. Karen, over at Live The Power is having her Blog Birthday and having fun celebrations for it. Go check it out along with the rest of her blog as she's always got some sweet, gentle wisdom to share.
Karen asked what living powerfully means to us. The more I pondered it, the more I was able to identify three specific areas where once I shifted my understandings of them, my life completely changed.
One was when I finally understood my Victim Voice.
Another was when I truly faced Death.
And the final one was when I learned to Unconditionally Love All Of Me.
These are all intimately intertwined for me. As this was starting to be a book, I decided to break it down into a series of posts so as to be more suitable for BlogLand.
Victim is the most powerful Voice in the psyche and the most influential in our lives. Think about it- what else keeps us back from living all we are meant to be? It's power lies in the insidious ways it influences us...hiding it's covert power from us by pretending to be small with it's little voice of fear:
"I'm wounded... I can't do that. What if I fail? What if I'm harmed? What if someone out there will criticize me? What if I succeed...what will be expected of me then? What about my early life and how I was treated...how can I expect to be someone whole and healthy and successful because of it? What if it happens again? I've been hurt...take care of me...how can I shine with all my problems?"
Victim has all sorts of imaginary scenarios and excuses to hold us back, keep us small. And one really sneaky aspect of it? The minute you heed its siren voice and feel "sorry for it," it's won and will continue to keep you spiralling down forever. It's one of the Voices that I refuse to let wiggle even one inch because I know the trap of its seductive nature. I am lovingly brutal with it.
When I dive into the deeper energy of Victim, what I feel is lack of Trust in the Path. At its core, it's about being disconnected from our Source that trusts that everything in front of us is a piece of the whole, that all is well and that I am Loved.
When I learned the tricksy nature of Victim, I finally understood the Truth (for me), the power and the extent to which I created my world. (these days known as Law Of Attraction or LOA.) I'm kind of a cut and dry sort of mystic in this arena...and this arena only. I don't waffle here with this, don't find relativity here--except in that my whole worldview is just one more piece in a huge world of relativity. But within this subset of Relativity, this law is constant. It's the only thing that Is and from which all experience stems. I create my world. All of it. Period.
I never understand why it is that people somehow discount LOA by pointing to the inhumanity of the concept when applied to genocide, whether it's the Jewish Holocaust or the current one in Darfur. Or Cancer, or rape. What about the victims there, is the cry. How heartless it is to imply that they created this for themselves.
I don't get it. The available alternatives I see are either a random chaotic universe in which there is absolutely no meaning at all....or....there is some divine omnipotent something out there that has created certain people who are destined to be suffering victims. Are these people being punished for something? What? Are they not believing in the right god? Have they not made it to the energetic upper class getting to be one of "the chosen?" Are they, after being created by this god, now found to be arbitrarily unworthy only to be given no opportunity to amend whatever random thing they've "done?" To me, this is incredible arrogance...like somehow because I didn't arbitrarily end up over in Darfur, I was somehow "better" and "got" to be here and not in their pain? How is not creating my world supposed to be a heartfelt, loving, compassionate perspective? Huge disconnect for me.
No...to me, it's much more logical, humane, compassionate and poweful to see that Spirit sees no good or bad, no right or wrong. That all is just a Dance and that some souls choose to come back and experience that negative "contrast" (what Abraham calls it) for the expansion of the All. That from contrast comes new creation...the Dance. That this particular life is small in the scope of The All and its extension, this everlasting soul. And just as when something fails in a smaller way in everyday life, then opens to much bigger and better things, that same energy also applies here. That no, it isn't comfortable or fun or easy for anyone to understand why we would create pain and suffering for ourselves. And that what Victim labels pain, Source sees as Pure Experience, no judgement, no happy or sad: Just. Experience. Even Death is not a bad thing to an eternal soul, so why would any of the rest of it be?
What happens when we take responsibility for our lives but stop blaming? I've touched on this before here, but want to talk more about it, in more grounded mystical terms.
While I live in a world where I take responsibility for everything in my life, the trick is to not label it with judgement and therefore blame. I'll take that I created a rape to spiritually learn something rather than be a Victim in a world where I have been damned to a life of suffering by a God for some stupid arbitrary chance event. Victim thrives off blame. Someone/something out there is stopping me from being me. Someone has hurt me, therefore I am now not responsible and don't have to look at myself again, don't have to learn, grow, add to the All because I hurt. It ensures that we don't have to ever again operate from a position of unconditional love because we are justified in our position of being "wronged against." (a saying of the Hendricks).
Another criticism of LOA is that people are outraged at the concept because now the Victim starts blaming themselves for their stuff...and aren't we bad LOA people for making them be that way. Please, people..please see this is Victim speaking and hooking into other people's Victims.
When we create our world, there is no hierarchy, nothing to blame. Hierarchy is required by Victim...it says there's me down here, and you up there. Therefore, since I am weakly down here, I am not responsible...you are higher than me, you are in charge/the cause of whatever happens therefore you are to blame when something goes "wrong." An evolutionary transition in moving from Victimhood to taking responsibility is a temporary rest stop in this dynamic where instead of blaming someone outside us for our pain, we blame ourselves. Tricksy, yes? These Voices are really really good.
What's powerfully tricksy about this is that it takes so long to discern when we're doing this to ourselves. Hierarchy and the need to blame are so ingrained that we miss them. We think that because we no longer blame something outside ourselves we've now taken responsibility. But really all we've done is shifted blaming an outwardly imperfect, victimizing world to blaming our own victimizing imperfections. "Why did I create this? What's WRONG with me that I would DO this to myself? What part of me needs fixing to make myself not create this again?" It's so subtle, so insidious.
So what happens when we get outside our normal responses and look dispassionately for just one minute and imagine seeing things differently? What happens when we take the pain of having had something "happen" to us and reframe it by dispassionately saying "...Hm...that's interesting....what are the gifts here?" What happens when things are reframed into seeing it as the Dance, not personal, not that we've done wrong or been wronged against, not that we're damned but that we chose to gently and lovingly learn something here that will bring us back to Source?
Which feels better? To consider that I have such strong energy that something big had to happen to learn that I wanted to create the drive and commitment to something equally powerful? Or that I'm a victim and have no control over my life, on any level, much less an energetic creative one? I'm liking option one, thank you very much.
Not all may agree with me. No one has to. They can embrace Victim, holding it tightly in their justification as to why they cannot be all they want to be. While I might want them to be empowered, feel sad they don't want to, understand this isn't easy....in the end, it's their choice. I honor that in them.
My first step to living powerfully, then, was to see and take responsibility for everything in my life without judging it or blaming myself for it. There is no: I didn't create this mess and am now empowering myself to not be a victim in the future. It's: I did all this...hm...must be something wonderfully powerful here or I wouldn't have done this. Hm....let's see what it is.
Am I able to maintain this all the time? Hell, NO! I get seduced by Victim all the time. I call it "The Suck," where I feel like I'm on the edge of a black hole, then falling into it big time. I've made no bones about these past two years and my re-emergence. I felt lost, out of control, wronged against, all of it. It was intense.
But the pain I created around it wasn't nearly as intense of what it would have been before. If I had gone through that stuff twenty years ago, I might just be in a psychiatric ward (some will argue that I belong in one now, hehehehe.) Instead, I feel kinda like Persephone, actually. But rather than the more well known version where Persephone is kidnapped, raped, and destined to return in Hades because she innocently ate six pomogranate seeds (random or what?), I prefer to embrace the more Feminist based version.
In this telling of the story, she goes down to the UnderWorld unconsciously at first. But once she's gone there, and re-emerges back to her Mother, she continues to return out of Choice. Why the Choose to return to the Dark? When she met all the Souls who feel stuck in the darkness, she wanted to shed her light so returned to keep them company and remind them of who they are. This is the archetypal shift I choose to embrace- that of transforming My Victim into a Woman Of Power.
For this piece I've chosen pictures of Gaia as a symbol of power in the face of seeming victimhood and the power she holds in self healing and rebirthing. We may end up not OK, but she will endure, heal herself, and do so with grace and power.
Mother Earth by Susan Seddon-Boulet
Awakening of Gaia by Staldren
Gaia Protects Earth from the Folly of Man from here
Momearth from here
Gaia's Party Dress by Francene Hart
This is deep Pamm! I love the part about accepting responsibility with "no judgment" and that "I created this, what are the gifts?" I sometimes tend to take it back inside and blame myself (especially when I'm tired or PMSing!)
It's just an experience-no judgment!
Such Wisdom!
Thank you Pamm!
Love you!
I love this post. I remember when I was first introduced to the law of attraction--maybe 27 years ago. I've always been amazed at so many people's reaction to this also. Mostly they have been annoyed or infuriated with their perception that they are being blamed for what's happened in their life. Their victim voice is intent on blaming others, life, whomever else that they can point a finger at to relieve themselves from taking responsibility for what has happened to them.
It's weird because for me, I felt a great sense of relief and hope when I was first introduction to this law. I felt empowered and free. Finally I was no longer at the arbitrary mercy of some God outside of myself, or as you say a "random chaotic universe" . It was all in my own hands, it was up to me. It's taken me years and years to understand how the LOA actually works and I'm still learning of course. My victim voice still screams sometimes and has it's way with me--it is so tricksy like you say.
I love your point about how when a person stops blaming others they often simply turn the table and start blaming themselves. There is a big difference between responsibility and blame. It has taken me a good long while to understand the subtleties.
One of the most significant aspects to all of this for me, has been the releasing of judgment. There is no one to blame, neither self or others if we let go of judgment. What is, just is, it's neither good nor bad. We get what we need and whether we think we need it or not, here it is. This is related to accepting what is which I've been writing about some in my blog.
I like the Mom Earth picture. It's so wonderful!
Hey, Karen..thanks for being the person who suggested to write this stuff. It's been great reading stuff here and there in response.
Hugs and love right back atcha.
Hi, Adrienne..I agree..that release of judgment (in my case self judgement) was the final key. The learing to love myself portion of this series. When that fell into place there was huge space for Life to flow.
Hi, Aldian..yeah...it is gorgeous, yes? One of the things that has been really fun on this blog is getting introduced to all sorts of amazing art. I can't wait until I can start collecting!
Thanks for stopping by!!
I love this post !!!! So much wisdom for me to assimilate. I can feel its power. Some of it I have in my bloodtream, some of it I want to absorb so that it will be !
Thanks, Annie..wow..what a juicy way to put it. Lovely...
Hmmmm....makes me want to breathe and have a long thought. *smiles*
Some of the beliefs you share about the law of attraction don't feel like the whole picture for me...that there's some piece of the puzzle missing for me....
It feels true for me that we both create our own internal reality and co create an external mutual reality...the two interplay in that dance you speak of for me....
I totally take responsibility for my internal reality. I am the sole/soul author there....
I don't wish to take sole responsibility for the state of the world. I didn't do most of this mess and am not going to buy into the idea that I need lessons on war or any other stuff like that. I don't think that's on my spiritual or psychological to do list.
I think what's on my to do list is the going back into the darkness to help others that are stuck in shit like this...stuff they co created for us all...I think my to do list is to bring deep beauty out of all that back into the light and to bring the light into that darkness.
That I buy...and I also like that I am dancing with those around me...that I'm calling to me people and experiences that influence the me that's inside....who give me a chance to choose what I do inside with my reality....I definitely am enjoying that empowering experience. Even when I'm feeling terrified of it...as I am right now in so many ways.
The question and the emotional stance of Hmm....where's the beauty in this? What can I learn...? That's good stuff and its definitely accepting responsibility without any blame...its definitely taking the Voice away from the Victim and giving it to the Magician and Priestess inside...giving yourself the empowerment to cast lots of good stuff into the cauldron of my heart and mind and make a brew of power for myself.
Yup. I love that.
M's question would be, this is the first day of the rest of you life Shannee. What are you going to do with ?
All good questions...and they are definitely disempowering that Victim inside and not giving it any wiggle room. I too try not to wiggle and writhe in that Victim mode....and am frequently not successful...but the point is to love myself as you say and to keep moving forward into the Dance.
Right now, I'm simply trying to understand what I need to glean from being in love with whom I love ...and how I'll stay strong to accomplish my goals. Those are my internal reality stuff....good place to keep my focus isn't it? *smiles*
Thanks for hosting a long thought...zappies...!
Pamm, this was a great post. I would imagine that you are familiar with Caroline Myss' work? The Victim archetype, when empowered in us, helps us to recognize both a potential to be victimized by others (or self) AND our own potential for victimizing others for personal gain. It's funny that one portion of The Victim is often discussed (where we have freed ourselves of the victim mentality) but very little about how we victimize others (either present or past tense)....and what we can do to eliminate that.
Some interesting thoughts on LOA as well....
Hey, Greenwoman-
Always fun to hear your world...
I don't want to take blame for the rest of the world, but I take responsibility for my part in the co-creation of it...the energetics that started it and that is sustains itself because I don't do anything direcly to stop it. And while I don't feel I 'need' to learn anything from all that stuff going on out there, I do anyway. It impacts my mind, my Spirit and my action in the world.
Do you really think we can exist without "negativity" or "contrast" on this plane? Many humans consider a hurricane or an earthquake a bit of a war on them...sure do cause plenty of destruction and death...many times what some wars do.
Hi, Grace, and thanks for stopping by...
I am familiar with her, yes.
That's the role of Victim..it operates from hierarchy...I am the Victim or I Victimize.
I'm thinking with consciousness all that comes to light and we operate from intent rather than falling into stuff and living the hierarchy.
I don't speak the same language she does, but it all, in the end, seems to come back around...to me, at least.
Hey Pamm...
I'm liking your thinking girlfriend!
I love your thoughts, your journey, and insights... and I love how gently you share what is true for you.
You are so respectful in honoring your truth and expressing your life experience as yours.
I really admire and honor this about you!
Lots of love,
Thanks, Jennifer..you have been a delight to find here in Blogland. The world is definitely a better place with you in it!
"I take responsibility for my part in the co-creation of it...the energetics that started it and that is sustains itself because I don't do anything directly to stop it."
Yeah...Definitely agree with you there. I totally agree with Starhawk in that somebody has to do something and it may as well be me....*smiles* Ever read Twelve Wild Swans. I think you'd really like that book. Its a good one for this topic.
"And while I don't feel I 'need' to learn anything from all that stuff going on out there, I do anyway. It impacts my mind, my Spirit and my action in the world."
Have to agree with you there too. Totally. Most of the time I just feel sad about it and I try my hardest not to let myself feel overwhelmed about the mountains of mess to remedy...to just look at my little corner of it and I do my best to help where I can as much as I can.
"Do you really think we can exist without "negativity" or "contrast" on this plane?"
I believe that each soul examines the contrast of life in some way that suits the essential nature of the soul in question...and it is totally normal that there's both dark and light and all the spectrum in between. I am not a proponent of world peace per se. I am a proponent of what sustains life. I don't think it healthy to eliminate death, disease or strife. These are Teachers. I just know that I don't particularly need them on my to do list and that I needn't feel responsible for each instance it exists in someone else's life as many seem to do...
It seems to me that many spiritual people have the need to eliminate death, disease, war and destruction. Makes no sense to me. Then there's nothing to push against...though I could easily give up on the war thing. I think that its about time humanity grew past the need to explore that one....but that's just my opinion...apparently not enough people agree with me. *smiles*
"Many humans consider a hurricane or an earthquake a bit of a war on them...sure do cause plenty of destruction and death...many times what some wars do. Thoughts?"
I think this is just an emanation of humanity's tendency to need to control their environment and when they can't they have a shit fit about it...just like a two year old who feels that world is totally out to get them. Grow up! Its what nature does...there are cycles of life going on here that are far bigger, more encompassing and more important then the fact that your house is standing or not....and yup. It sucks to loose loved ones and mementos when there's a natural disaster. I'd be sad just like anyone else...but the fact is, humans put their structures in stupid places.
Our ancestors would never have lived in New Orleans. Never. They'd have looked at that structural set up with the levies and the placement of the buildings and said that all the people there were mad and that no one should speak to them for fear that madness would spread...and that's the truth of it.
The people in New Orleans died first and foremost because they didn't have the sense to move out before the disaster hit. Its not like they can't think for themselves and see that its not safe to live behind an aging wall with a mile of water behind it....That's just a matter of physics that any child could figure out...its not a matter of if something happened to the levy, it was when.
What happened with the government's response to that disaster was criminal...but if we showed some sense as a society and stopped assuming we can control the uncontrollable, we'd likely live through disasters more easily, because we'd assume we should take responsibility for our own survival and not look to others to make it safe or for nature to stop being nature.
Anyone with a little time in the cub scouts could have taught people how to clean their own urine to make it drinkable with a little sunshine and some clear plastic....and there were many other things that people could have done to make themselves more comfortable and safer in that situation that followed, but I guess this is starting to be lost technology and that's a sad thing...
I think its really quite simple. If you don't want to get flooded out of your home, don't build or buy in a flood zone...and if you don't want to live with the results of earth quakes and tornadoes or hurricanes, then move to a place that doesn't have them. If you choose to live there, then you have made your choice. End of story.
That sounds harsh, but its simple survival....
I have a spiritual teacher who says all the time, 'You've got a brain. Use it!' I think that about sums it up.
Hehehehe..I love it when you get all WiseWomanWarrior, Greenwoman!
I think it fruitless to try and eradicate much of what we try to control. When we will see that when we get rid of one thing twelve more show up. I also find it interesting, that, like you, I think the most "damage" that happens to the planet in natural distasters comes from us forgetting how to live with Earth, not control her for our benefit. In nature, the earthquake shakes things up, maybe new cravasses are made, maybe it's time for some to die in this way (as opposed to another way on another day). But it's the cities and the unnatural things we've built that provide fodder for real "tragedy."
Anyway...thanks for stopping by and "adding to" with your words, you sweet thing.
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