Mayan Calendar and 2012
A few days ago, my good friend, Adrienne told me she'd read an article by Charles Berner. He developed a Spiritual Process she's into around Dyad Meditations. This article, or series of articles, was about "The End Times." We talked about the Mayan Calendar, other psychics, Abraham, who have all talked about these times as happening soon, the Bible, and all that stuff...and isn't it interesting that they all say lots of the same stuff....and isn't it interesting that it all seems to point to pretty soonly here.
We also talked about how when the topic of aliens, psychics, The End Times, Atlantis, etc., come up we both find them interesting in a detached sort of way, remain open, think they probably have Truth to them but don't focus on them as they aren't our in our daily consciousness or experience (except that she has had a few alien experiences, but doesn't get caught up in them).
So we had our conversation, that was that, it crossed my mind fleetingly during the day, I let it go, and then I went merrily upon my way.
And then the next night I was at the gym on the new-to-me spiffy treadmill with its own TV (and how cool is that???..can we tell I'm easily impressed?). I was flipping through the channels and came upon a History Channel show that showed a Mayan scene. Before I even tuned into what they were talking about, I knew. It was about The End Times. When something random like that comes up in my life twice in a little over 24 hours, I pay attention.
So I listened, remembered some stuff and learned other things.
I've known about the Mayan calendar thing for years. I even got that Dreamspell game thingie that Jose Arguelles made years ago, when it first came out. But I am a simple person and didn't understand all its intensity so gave it away. I knew that the Mayan calendar (as well as the Hopi Calendar) both call for the end of time to be 2012.
As I haven't been paying attention to any of this for years, what I had forgotten, and in some cases didn't know, was that the predictions said a whole slew of things that have already come true. And that they predicted that the End would come on the Winter Solstice at 11:11GMT when for the first time in 26,000+ years the Sun would line up with the Earth in the middle with the line extending out to a "rift in the Universe."
What I also didn't know was that Scientists found a black hole in the center of the Milky Way that and that, in fact, on the Winter Solstice in 2012, this line up will occur.
Then it got even more interesting. I mean...I was already curious with the Mayan Calendar's specificity, but then the show started in on Terrence Mckenna and the I Ching and this thing he discovered called "The Timewave." Believers, the curious, sceptics, neutrals, scientists are welcome to google Terrence McKenna and I Ching and find all the hits I did. Pretty interesting stuff. Let me see if I understand it enough to give a short coherent explanation of it.
The easy part (because I used to play with it many moons ago): The I Ching is a divination tool developed by the Chinese long long ago. You throw three coins. If they are predominately heads you write a solid line. If tails you write two lines. You throw the coins six times, writing down the single or broken lines on of top each other, starting at the bottom. When you're done you have a hexagram. There are 64 possibilities. They look like this:

You then find the text for the specific hexagram in the I Ching book and it gives you considerations for your question.
I'm not too sure what to make of all this. Years ago, when I was in my 20's, I heard a theory that the Earth had tipped on its axis long long ago. When I heard it, my immediate mind flash was that it would happen again in my time. That feeling has come back from time to time. But I'm no psychic so I take that for what it's worth (nada). All during the History Channel show, they continually talked about the Earth tipping on its axis because of the electromagnetic influence with the alignment of the Sun, Earth and Black Hole. I've also felt for a long time that Christians want their Judgement day so much that they would energetically create Revelations to prove the Bible "right." Truth is, I think it could happen. And maybe not.* For some reason I don't understand, the imp in me gets kind of excited at the thought of a new world, no matter what the cost. I keep getting the image of Earth shaking off the human-fleas.
But then I get terrified as my daughter, Morgan, who doesn't have a thyroid and needs technology to live.
I haven't stopped thinking about all this. In fact, it seems to be coming in lots. Usually I focus on appreciating now, but there are times when I get scared about Morgan. Funny what we focus on, given all the other ways she could die just by walking out the door today, much less participating in the predicted evolution of the End Times.
But mostly I notice the gift of having the awareness in my consciousness. Kind of like I wrote before about how death makes me so aware of and thankful for being present to Life. I have no idea if it will happen or not. It's not like I am becoming an armageddon person, ready to go stand on a corner with a sign that says "The end is near." I'm just observing my world with great interest.
I've amped up noticing its beauty and its wonder. I've noticed a subtle internal shifting. I was giving thanks for lots in my life before, but am contiually doing so now. Everything is a gift, every tweak is relative to what may come. Things I was thinking important...just...aren't.
I'm not worried about me dying. I am worried about having to live without my children and grandchildren--so I'll probably make them come be with me on December 19, 2012 just in case. I figure if we all die we all die and won't care. I've decided that I will continue to watch how things go and that if the end doesn't come, certainly nothing has been wasted by appreciating my world more and being more present in my gratitude for my loved ones and all that surrounds me. One thing's for sure: I'll be hoarding thyroid medicine. I've learned the wisdom in "trust in God and tether your camel" enough to live it.
*my personal vote is for "not" because, truthfully, it sounds like lots of un-fun work. Plus what will we do without Botox?
Mckenna did a computer program where he put these hexagrams through 64 cycles of the 64 possibilities, assigning them a date starting when the I Ching was created. He came up with energetic cycles of the hexagrams on a timeline that predicted world events. They predicted wars, and other stuff. Guess when the 64th cycle ends? Yup....on December 21, 2012 at 11:10.
I'm not too sure what to make of all this. Years ago, when I was in my 20's, I heard a theory that the Earth had tipped on its axis long long ago. When I heard it, my immediate mind flash was that it would happen again in my time. That feeling has come back from time to time. But I'm no psychic so I take that for what it's worth (nada). All during the History Channel show, they continually talked about the Earth tipping on its axis because of the electromagnetic influence with the alignment of the Sun, Earth and Black Hole. I've also felt for a long time that Christians want their Judgement day so much that they would energetically create Revelations to prove the Bible "right." Truth is, I think it could happen. And maybe not.* For some reason I don't understand, the imp in me gets kind of excited at the thought of a new world, no matter what the cost. I keep getting the image of Earth shaking off the human-fleas.
But then I get terrified as my daughter, Morgan, who doesn't have a thyroid and needs technology to live.
I haven't stopped thinking about all this. In fact, it seems to be coming in lots. Usually I focus on appreciating now, but there are times when I get scared about Morgan. Funny what we focus on, given all the other ways she could die just by walking out the door today, much less participating in the predicted evolution of the End Times.
But mostly I notice the gift of having the awareness in my consciousness. Kind of like I wrote before about how death makes me so aware of and thankful for being present to Life. I have no idea if it will happen or not. It's not like I am becoming an armageddon person, ready to go stand on a corner with a sign that says "The end is near." I'm just observing my world with great interest.
I've amped up noticing its beauty and its wonder. I've noticed a subtle internal shifting. I was giving thanks for lots in my life before, but am contiually doing so now. Everything is a gift, every tweak is relative to what may come. Things I was thinking important...just...aren't.
I'm not worried about me dying. I am worried about having to live without my children and grandchildren--so I'll probably make them come be with me on December 19, 2012 just in case. I figure if we all die we all die and won't care. I've decided that I will continue to watch how things go and that if the end doesn't come, certainly nothing has been wasted by appreciating my world more and being more present in my gratitude for my loved ones and all that surrounds me. One thing's for sure: I'll be hoarding thyroid medicine. I've learned the wisdom in "trust in God and tether your camel" enough to live it.
*my personal vote is for "not" because, truthfully, it sounds like lots of un-fun work. Plus what will we do without Botox?
Mayan Calendar by Eve Andersson from here
I Ching hexagrams from here
Very interesting. A long time ago, I read about the Mayan stuff. Later, I was into the I Ching. I’m familiar with most of the areas you wrote about. Mostly drifted away from it. The mundane in all its glory and grossness kinda takes over. Over the last year or two, my son has been bringing these things up. The Mayans, the world tilting and convergence etc etc and I’m usually folding laundry and going: hmmm hmm. Yeah, interesting. Saying to myself: isn’t it cool how he’s into reading about all that stuff I was into reading. (Bit couldn’t he just help me fold the laundry?) He even went so far as to say: The people who are ready for it, open to it, will survive and thrive in this new world etc. He’s such a mix of 18-year old guff and wise and good fellow… I mostly just stand back somewhat bemused. Not knowing quite what to make of it. Same with reading your post – what to make of it? A lot of “end of times” stuff, like the people who went to join that comet (forget the names)… just seems so made up for very weird reasons. But there a quality to 2012 that seems a little different. Hmmm. Who knows? Overwhelmingly, though, I’ve always felt, as early as 11-years old as well as now: bring it on. Could use a good spring cleaning. Or, I guess, a winter cleaning. Either way, it’s a topic that I find very difficult to discuss because it is so ephemeral… I go in circles and end up saying nothing. As made evident by this comment. Maybe it IS as simple as amping up, as you say, on noticing the beauty and wonder. Saying thanks.
Hey, S...well...again, sounds like we approach it in very much the same manner. Interesting, do we have for dinner tonight?
But yes, I continue to notice still increasing levels of gratitude and appreciation. And I really really like that reminder when I forget and think some"thing" is important.
These perdictions of end times are all very interesting. It is fun to see how everything appears to line up. If in fact, the end of times happens, it appears as though it will happen to all of us at once. This would be completly out of our control. I think the key is to make sure we don't let ourselves get wrapped up in the thought of the end of times. If it is the end of the times, it won't be the end of us, simply an end to our human self, however our energy will remain.
Yes, Mark, it's also be a piece of my belief system that the soul carries on.
Not sure what form it takes. I kinda get that it's like the Buddhists thing of merging back. Ego really likes the idea of "me" sticking around, but that would be Ego, yes?
'Trust in god but tether your camel'? OK I've never heard that one Pamm, it's a new one on me. Cause everyone knows that your camel is just as easily stolen tethered or not. Me, I don't take it seriously until it appears in the FT ( And today strangely enough, they predicted that oil will essentially all but be expeneded in about 5 years. In & around 2012. I'm going to buy some extra ammo. Hey, it's the guy thing to do, right? Cheers & Good Luck! 'VJ'
Oooh..another piece of the puzzle. Thanks for that one, VJ. Interesting, indeed. is a guy thing to do...just like thyroid medicine and Botox would be a girl thing to do, yes?
Roar! :)
The Mayan tradition does not says that December 21, 2012 is the End of Time.
It says that that's the end of the current "time cycle" which is described by that particular Mayan calendar (they have several ones).
At the end of each "cycle" something happens and the humanity steps to a new level of existence.
It's not destroyed.
We should become more conscious, happy, good and so on.
Hey Tigrotto Tündér -
Thanks for stopping by!!!
I do like your interpretation of it more than the one on the show, wink, wink. I have gotten that it will be a time of more light for those left- a new beginning after taking a shower so to speak.
There are also those who interpret that it will be the end of life as we know it here on Earth for therefore the "end times" for them. Not everyone is as excited about major Earth shiftings and the ramifications of them.
Either way...aside from my daughter and her thyroid, I'm not too worried about it. Rather I am happier, giving thanks more.
Thanks for your input!! Blessings!
this is apparently factual evidence, although I'm loathe to believe the world will truly end. The bible makes no reference to the days when it will happen, but alludes to the truth of a spiritual awakening in this near future. I feel that we will experience an opening in our minds and souls that will encompass all existence and reveal the secrets of the universe. Many people will not survive the transition, but if our eyes are truly open our minds will manifest new realties that will coexist within our own
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