Edges Meme
Garnet David of Glittering Muse has tagged me for a Meme that was started by Adam of "Monk At Work" called "What's Your Learning Edge?" Adam asks us to
"Write a post about your “learning edge” and what you’re into these days. Feel free to mention any books you’re reading, classes you’re taking, people you’re learning from or collaborating with, etc. Tell us about the gems you’re picking up, the fun you’re having, etc., especially if they’re shifting the way you look at what you do."
My Edge? The place that occupies most of my mind these days? It's learning to trust my Voice above all else. It's showing up in two basic arenas:
1) to trust the Path I've chosen (trust my Inner Voice) even when I have no outward manifestation to support it
2) to trust my intuitive hits, then bring them up and out of my mouth. (Trust my Voice in the outer world.)
Why are these such edges for me?
For years I was tortured and unhappy. I lived a life of "shoulds" offered from every other voice but mine. Although I could list chapter after chapter of the story, the story doesn't matter. What matters is that I woke up about fifteen years ago and slowly started to live My Life.
The friend and Teacher I count on is Abraham. The words I hear on tapes soothe me when I forget that all is well and to trust. I do the practices I learned from other teachers in the past- The Hendricks, the practices I learned from Margo Anand, The Voice Dialogue work I've done by Hal and Sidra Stone.
But with this edge, there really is very little that one can learn outside oneself. It's more about paying attention and taking the risks as a daily practice. So I speak what I feel, instead of holding stuff in because I am hesitant to offer information that is unasked for. In my coaching, I am trusting myself more and more to know exactly what will work for a particular situation. After the session, I'm quite surprised and happy how things progress for people when I am with the moment instead of having things planned. It's about watching my mood, staying very intently with my breath- bringing it all the way down to my first chakra and feeling/listening with my whole body as to what my intuition tells me is my next step. Then I take it, no matter how "odd" it may seem in the moment.
And now I get to tag two others. I am going to tag Jennifer and Karen. I am so curious to see what their edges are!!
Thanks for the links Pamm, they look interesting. I just left you a rather lengthy comment elsewhere, so I'll try to make this more brief.
My learning edges? Almost as old as time itself.
1.) I read. No really, I read a lot. Lots of different stuff.
2.) I listen. And I try and hear people. What they're saying. What they're not saying. How they say it. How they phrase it. How they compose it and put it in context.
3.) I try and be as direct as possible & simplify when I communicate. I try and take consideration of the audience, and where they are at & the perspective they're coming from, as much as I can discern this.
4.) I often have the time to do this in conversation. The kinds of talks people almost forgot how to do. The kinds you find in abundance on the Net, but typically from isolated o outposts here & there that may gather for your fortunate benefit.
5.) I know that life is filled with needless & often meaningless suffering & disappointments that we just need to endure. That we need help and assistance to do so. Here love & companionship are essential to the journey. We would scarcely survive without this. Many will succumb for want of it.
6.) Life can be cruel, brutal & short. Do what you can with what you've got to make the most of it, and to add or help more.
7.) All the world can be improved, even just a little, with more and even better music.
Cheers & Good Luck! 'VJ'
Hi Pamm.
Thanks for sharing this about yourself.
I have sensed you are very intuitive and have the ability to listen to your heart..
Your sparkly personality doesn't come from following but by shining! :-)
Thanks for this tag... it is a fun one!
I'll get to it for sure!
Lots of love sweetie,
Thanks for sharing. You sound like you are on a wonderful path of self awarness!
VJ...I know you read. I know you read alot. You h... VJ...I know you read. I know you read alot. You have way too much knowledge in way too many areas not to. Thanks for sharing all this stuff about you..you know I love to hear more. Still can't wait for tea.
Hi, Jen..thanks for your always kind words. Will look forward to hearing your edges.
Publish Reject
Hi, Mark, thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.
Pamm- I like the approach you took here, similar to my "just being". I've had some break throughs in being. Now I realize there's a flow to it, literally a swimming in some time stream, physically letting go to remain in the flowing present. It's such a challenge for me! I tend to lock into a physical state and try to hold it. Not good!
Yes, David...things keep shifting and changing, flowing as you say. I am personally amazed at what my body holds onto. It's truly a physical thing. Regarding the Voice thing- I can feel it in my jaw and neck..upper chest. When I breathe into that area, I can feel a swirling in my third eye. This is why I think the breath is so important. I think I keep talking about it to remind myself to do it. By tuning into it, I automatically tune into the body, release holding and allow flow more.
Trippy. Hugs to you!!
Hi Pamm,
Thanks for jumping in on the Learning Edge meme... I'm posting an update post today, linking to your blog and this post, so others can find it.
Quite a few people have jumped in so far, and what people are learning is exciting to see.
And since one of my learning edges is the Law of Attraction, your post especially was a fun one to read!
Thanks again!
Why thank you kindly, Adam! And you betcha.
I'm doing this (can you see it?)
I usually wait and think and it all comes to me (intuitive blogging!). Today I went to Adam's blog for more info and got caught up reading about "Virgo's" and the tendencies we (me, i'm a Virgo, apparently Adam is too)have towards self-criticism and perfectionism. Unfortunately that got me totally off track to get this post out!!
But I'm working on it!!
Thanks for the tag!
Yes, I can, Karen. I thought of you in that when I got this.
You're doing well...and I'm bubbling about a post on powerful living for your meme...I write the same way you do.
Hugs and happy birthday weeks!!
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