Thursday's Tantra: Letting Go
I am sending zappies of Love to my friend Greenwoman, who usually does this Thursday's Tantra series on her blog. She is away on a Spirit Journey Ceremony adventure and asked me to fill in for her for a few weeks. Blessings to you Greenwoman!!! May your journeys be fruitful for you in all the ways you want them to be!!
I thought I would share a ritual that helps release the connections of past partners whose energy you no longer want to keep in your body. I first did it in a women's group. We were told that esoteric thought is that all women keep a cord or energetic connection to every man they have slept with and that until we cut the cords, our energy is drained. And while I don't live in a world where I think anyone can do anything to me that I don't allow, I do hold to things unconsciously and this exercise has helped me feel better a number of times.
I don't know if it also applies to men, but I got the impression that it does not. I can't help but think it a useful exercise for anyone to do, especially if you are having a hard time letting someone from your past go.
For this meditiation/visualization I think it's important to not think about if it works or how it works, but that you are aiming to feel better. You don't have to figure out if it's "real." Many people don't "see" when they do visualizations, they just feel or sense. It's all OK, there is no right way to do this.
If you are not familiar with the Chakra system (and there is lot to be familiar with but all that stuff is not important for the exercise) then here is a nano-primer-
The Chakras are energy vortexes in the body that send and receive energy. There are many different systems which say we have anywhere from four to twenty or more of them, but the system we are most familiar with is that there are seven main ones. There are located as follows:
2) above the pubic bone- orange
3) belly- yellow
4) heart- green
5) throat- blue
6) between the eyes- indigo
7) top of the head- violet or clear
The exercise:
Find a time when you can take upwards of an hour. Not that it is necessarily needed, but if you want to milk it, it is nice to have that leeway, especially if you are doing this for the first time or if you are really hurting. Turn off phone, TV, and tell everyone you want privacy. Light a candle, setting the intent to find peace, love and release.
Breathe deeply until you feel ready to begin. Then put all your consciousness at your perineum. Feel. Without forcing anything, see if some one comes to mind. Maybe there isn't, maybe there are tons of them, whatever. See or imagine any cords that might exist, any connections you might feel that connect you to this person. They may be strings, they may be ropes. Let them be what they are, don't edit.
You see the relationship. You acknowledge both of your parts in the Dance. You feel the feelings it brings up and you don't judge the feelings (even if you end up judging, don't judge the judge). Just be.
If you find someone there that you love and want to keep connections to, then just feel the happies. If you cannot remember names or faces but know that there is someone there or a number of people there, that is OK, too. Just imagine anything that feels OK with you to symbolize their presence. It all works.
As you are just being there....if you feel someone there that you no longer want there, take your hands and hold them over the top of your head. Lace your fingers together so that your hands and arms create a "blade" so to speak, from shoulder to shoulder. Then, keeping your finders interlaced, the blade intact, take your arms and CHOP that cord. I usually make a noise of some sort to accompany it, but do what feels right. I accompany this with seeing my part of the cord coming back to me, and theirs going back to them. I also say something to the effect of "I release you, ________ with love, and I take my energy back to me with love" or whatever hits me in the moment.
If the relationship was particularly icky-sticky and you still have anger, and you are not at the place yet to let go of anger, then maybe you want to tell the person (in your mind's eye) that you are on the road to letting go of your anger as you don't want the energetic connection any more. You are cutting them now and will continue to cut the cord to them. You just want to let them go.
Then work your way up through the rest of the chakras, doing the same thing. Different people might be in different places, the same person might show up in more than one chakra.
Know that these cords may come back with time if it was a particularly intense relationship. I had many sessions to release the HUGE (sucker was at least six inches across) rubbery, veiny umbilical cord that ran from my solar plexus to my ex. It required sawing many times to finally release that one. I came back to him many a session over quite the time period. Sheesh.
It's always nice to journal after, as it is not easy to remember stuff when you come out of a meditative space. It's often like a dream which fades with time.
Then, when done, sit with yourself and feel your wholeness, all of you back to you. Put out the candle. And, if you can find more time, figure out a way to continue to renew your energy in any way you do that for yourself, be it a bath, taking a walk outside, dancing.

Polyamory from here
This post was included in the Meditation, Yoga and Spiritual Growth Carnival hosted at Treehouse Jukebox: Adventures In Earth.
That's an intriguing exercise, Pamm. As a yoga practitioner, I've seen the powerful effects breathing and body awareness can have. Wonder why it doesn't seem to work for men?
Wonderful - and I've found that exercise works with difficult family relationships, work colleagues, situations, and so on.
Thanks for this - it was just what I needed when I needed it.
I'm loving your blog!
Hi, Jonas...I didn't communicate that let me elaborate on why I said what I said about not knowing if it applies to men or not-
In Tantra, the woman supposedly takes the male energy up into her, through her yoni/first and second chakras. She then takes that energy, brings it up, filters it through her heart and returns it to the man who then brings the energy down again from the heart to vajra and the circle keeps going. Hopefully, with training and awareness, the woman transmutes/heals the energy.
It's kinda like the energy follows the anatomy.
So even though the woman "receives" the energy and the story was that it is "in her body" I can't believe that this wouldn't be a really beneficial thing for men, too. (tried to say that in the post, but maybe it wasn't evident).
I am so wordy and often cut things for readability and brevity....and maybe sometimes shouldn't. There's more but this is a comment and not a post..hehehehehe....
Welcome here and thanks, Irim. And thanks for your "adding to."
Thank you for this, it's great. I've done cord cutting through Archangel Michael, but never going up the charkras, which is a great idea. Will do this soon :)
Love your blog!
This is a fabulous exercise! I have done something close to it with the colors while getting acupuncture. I will do this now to get rid of suicide husband and a few others. ;-)
Thanks so much!
Hi and Welcome here, Simonne! Hope the exercise serves you as well as it has me when I've done it. And thanks for your kind words!
Hi, Alexa!!! So fun to find you here. Yes...perfect one to do with ex!! Hugs to you.
Very beautiful Pamm...
I've recently had an interest in the neurology of our connecting through sex and it is a very real, physical reality that women produce those chemicals that bond us to another during sex.
This exercise you share is a very powerful way to release those cords that bind us...
Excellent post Pamm,
oh cool. that's just what i need. how fortuitous.
Hey, Jen!! Thanks for stopping by and your kind words.
Would love to learn more about your information on the neurology of connecting through sex. Do men do the same thing?
This is a great exercise that will serve many well. Thanks for sharing!
OH goodie, Sulpucia...happy it came at a good time.
Hey, howdy, Mark!!! You bet and thanks for stopping by.
I haven't visited here in awhile, and this is just the perfect thing for me. Thank you! How funny...I was just dancing a 'release'...and while I've done some verbal releasing (even some visualizations of drawing my power back through my solar plexus) I have a feeling this is just what I needed. And as it's Saturday and I'm alone, I can take as long as I need. Thank YOU so very much for the Divinely Inspired post!
Oh good, Anon and welcome back! Enjoy!!
HI Honey. I know it's mine, but I am mad well okay just a little peeved. Then I read the explanation and thought cool okay but wait... I can assure you men do this exactly the same way as woman. Why or how has it come to be that people seem to think there is only one circle of energy? Or that men and women have different energy. I should blog this but here goes. I brought this idea to process work and then heard it adopted by teachers. I was amazed they felt they had to. Imagine for a moment how you are alone feel your energy. Now imagine how you are with someone else. You energy changes. Now image the mix of energy of both of you together. So there is the cycle of one, the second cycle of two and the third cycle of union. Many old religions talk about the inner, the outer, and the other( to god ). Men and Woman are different biological but the energies move up and through us the same way. If not our chakras would be different. .... The excercise is fantastic and very useful. I knew a healer who used to use a mix of this and the archangles energy but I don't know much about them. Thanks for reminding me of it.
Hey, Warrior..not sure why the peeve. It could ve... Hey, Warrior..not sure why the peeve. It could very well be that it works as you say it does. All the explanations I've given here as to how it works have been given to me, just as you gave me your hit on it. I don't know how it goes for a man as I'm not inside a man's body...but as I said...I always thought the exercise would be applicable to men as well as women. All I speak to is what I feel or how I direct the energy.
I'm not really clear...but the circle in Tantra is ongoing because circles are. I can only start my part of the circle from me. I would imagine that my partner can only start from where he/she is. Once the circle is going, then it's a circle, so one. So???
I do know this...I don't really follow any rules, nor do I think there is only one way to do these kinds of exercises. This is one offering of one way to do the visualization.
Pamm...I just wanted to get back with you. I did this meditation on Saturday night and was very pleased with the results. I didn't have any residuals except from my very last relationship (I've done my own 'chopping' in various ways, with other practices, over the years) But I was struggling with letting go of the PAIN of this particular relationship. I noticed that this week, it's simple evaporated. This might or might not have been amplified by the general 'cosmic' sort of energies going on last weekend...but either way, I wanted to thank you again for this 'tool' to add to my toolbox!
Oh, happy you came back and shared. It's such a good one to do, for sure. So glad it showed up at the right time for you and that you felt a let go.
This is a terrific exercise and I'm sooo glad that you presented it Pamm. Alot of people need this one.
I learned to do this during my study of Wicca quite a few years ago...I've continued the practice through my years since learning it and added my skills as a shamanist into the mix to study the whole technique.
I learned some things as a result that were not apparent to me when I first started to employ this technique. One thing is that some of our connections with people are not only of this life...and frequently, those connections which surpass this single present life are still of great value to the soul. Sometimes we simply cannot finish business with a soul in this life and we must have a do-over. Sometimes we finish all our contracts with each other in previous and last lives...and it really does feel like an ending...but that does not mean that the soul connections aren't still valuable.
Let me explain myself with an example.
I'm a healer in the sense of what people recognise happens to shamans. I need some sort of stimulous to wound me in each make my soul remember its purpose in that particular life....and so to set my feet on the path that will renew the healing power in me. Some lives that has been an illness or an accident...but I'm a deeply emotional being...and usually it is a traumatic that includes a deep wound to my heart.
My soul of the one who was my father in this life is usually the soul mate who offers me that gift. It is a horrid role to have in someone's lives over and over. It is likely that he will not provide that service to me at some point...but at present I can remember at least three times that he has done this for me.
I may need him again. If I cut that cord, I am cutting him away from not just this life, but from others....
I do not wish him to ever hurt me again...but I also see things bigger than just this life. I see that my purpose is bigger than those moments of harm and I accept that I may need him again...or someone like him.
You see, knowing how it feels to be a victim is part of what gives my gift power. I must know that intimately to be as effective as I am....
That's a simple fact that I've struggled to accept...but its truth and perhaps I will grow beyond needing that reminder as other lives unfold. If not, then I'll need my father again.
So, I've never cut that cord from him. Despite the fact that I'd like to remove all energy of his presence from my body.
There have been others since then that I have cut away....and from my future.
How do I know the difference....?
That's where my skills in shamanic practice come in mostly...but its also a sense of yes and no. Everyone has that sense...I simply ask the cord..."Do I still need you?" If the answer is yes, then I seek another way to change the impact of that energy connection. Perhaps I'll write about that at some point. It would be a good match for this post and it would be healing to write about this some more. Thanks for the reminders....
Hi, Greenwoman...
That part about asking the cord if it's time to sever is an interesting one, indeed. Thanks. I had always just done it that if I find someone there that I feel I want out, I'll cut. If I want the connection, I don't include them or focus on them, but actually strengthen the cord at times.
So happy you're back.
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