Monday, July 16, 2007

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I've got some posts in a couple of Carnivals this week and wanted to send you their way for some wonderful writing by other authors.

Momentous Feelings was chosen by K-L Masina to be included in her Be Conscious Now's Carnival of Truth #4.

My favorite entry in this Carnival and below was from a new to me blog called Diary of a Bad Buddhist. Love this writing and the way she is so honest and not all flowery. The article submitted this time was Bad Buddhist vs. The Fourth Precept . Great fun.

And the post called "Thursday's Tantra: Letting Go" was featured at the Meditation, Yoga and Spiritual Growth Carnival hosted at Treehouse Jukebox:Adventures In Earth.

I enjoyed this article at Zen Chill Power called "The Power of Letting Go." I'm guessing it was a theme this week for me.

The other one I really loved, mentioned above is Bad Buddhist Signs On posted at Diary of a Bad Buddhist. The Subtitle on the blog? "I'm going to follow the Eightfold Path if it fucking kills me." These are the reasons I love carnivals. I LOVE this blog. The whole thing...I want her to write more and have put in my official request.


Anonymous said...

Hey Pamm,

Great way to connect to the Carnivals you're in - and thanks for the link.

Bad Buddhist was my favourite new blog too - and like you, I love discovering new blogs that are DIFFERENT!!!

So many blogs I've been to follow the old Steve Pavlina template... come on people, we're all so different, let it shine forth!!!

Pamm said...

I agree, Kare Leah. She sure is a hoot.