My Truth
After traveling high and low, far and wide, both inside and out, the only Truth that remains for me is that I create my world. For me....from this, all things flow; other than this, all things are relative.
Our job isn't to arrive at One Final Truth because there isn't one. Finding it would mean the end of creation. Our job is to constantly be open to questions, to finding the next step. To recognize that new questions immediately arise from answers and that we hold all the answers and all the questions inside us. Truth is not expands, it becomes more because the minute we create one thing, Life calls us forth to create more from that. This is what creative Life is about- the expansion, the more. It isn't about staying only with yesterday's thoughts, but rather taking what we have learned from yesterday and moving it forward in new ways.
When the Visionaries, the Mystics of each tradition connect directly with Godsource, who do they see? Does a Sadhu see White Buffalo Woman? Does a Pentecostal see Hecate? Does Oshun appear to a Roman Catholic?
No. We create our worlds and The All supports us so completely that even at this level, It manifests itself to us in the ways in which we will most easily receive It.
Why? Why do it this way? Why not one religion, one answer that lets us know our true nature, the One path back to God and how to "be" here on this planet? Why no user's manual for Earth?
Differences exist to further creation and expansion of Life. If everyone's brain worked the same way, if we all had the same experience and came to the same conclusions, there would be very little questioning, therefore very little new thought would emerge.
Differences exist to further creation and expansion of Life. If everyone's brain worked the same way, if we all had the same experience and came to the same conclusions, there would be very little questioning, therefore very little new thought would emerge.
Our job isn't to arrive at One Final Truth because there isn't one. Finding it would mean the end of creation. Our job is to constantly be open to questions, to finding the next step. To recognize that new questions immediately arise from answers and that we hold all the answers and all the questions inside us. Truth is not expands, it becomes more because the minute we create one thing, Life calls us forth to create more from that. This is what creative Life is about- the expansion, the more. It isn't about staying only with yesterday's thoughts, but rather taking what we have learned from yesterday and moving it forward in new ways.
These days of abundance of ideas and communication, we each have tremendous opportunity to discover and create new truths. A scientist knows the properties of different compounds. He knows how they interact with each other and in nature. But it's the creative scientist who makes new connections from yesterday's knowledge, applies things differently, who makes a new discovery. All knowledge builds upon itself and continues to be "more." Same thing with spirituality and truth.
When I go
deep inside and ask what it is that finding Truth does for me, immediately the answer is "safety." Truth gives me a framework, a place to "belong" in the universe. If I can find the Truth, I have something to hold onto, something that I can say is concrete, real....even if it's in the ethers. Answers help my ego to cope, even if those answers involve the message that ego itself is the culprit for causing all my pain. My ego is more than willing to accept the blame if it can feel safer that it now has something to hold onto, to work toward, to explain the discomfort it feels. Ego thinks that when an answer is found, it can now go fix things or at least figure out an avenue to come to terms with itself.
A Teacher of mine once said that Truth is that which cannot be argued. Philosophy 101 said that if something cannot be argued it isn't Truth. So where are we to go with this?
Back to the self, as it's all I have. I am new here in what I lovingly call SpeerchulBlogland. I've been playing in SexBlogLand and this is a different world. Most of the blogs I read are by people sharing what they have found to be Truths. I am almost envious of convictions and surety in what they believe. I have a difficult time saying that anything is a Truth because I only see them as truths for me...and truths that are constantly in flux. As I said at the beginning of this post, the only Truth I continue to tenasciously hold onto is the one of creation. I've experienced it too many times, seen it in too many ways and places, sifted and sorted and pondercated on it and this is the only Truth I end up with. And, yet, I am even fluid in this, remain open. Yes, I've found some "lesser" things that ring as true for me and when I share them, others find resonance. I figure that's because we are on the same wave length, see the same things. I've been sharing some of them on this blog and will continue to. But I share them with a hesitancy, because I don't see them as the end, the only way. They're just my way.
In the meantime I continue to find delight and wonder in the manifestations of people's Truths:
When I go

A Teacher of mine once said that Truth is that which cannot be argued. Philosophy 101 said that if something cannot be argued it isn't Truth. So where are we to go with this?
Back to the self, as it's all I have. I am new here in what I lovingly call SpeerchulBlogland. I've been playing in SexBlogLand and this is a different world. Most of the blogs I read are by people sharing what they have found to be Truths. I am almost envious of convictions and surety in what they believe. I have a difficult time saying that anything is a Truth because I only see them as truths for me...and truths that are constantly in flux. As I said at the beginning of this post, the only Truth I continue to tenasciously hold onto is the one of creation. I've experienced it too many times, seen it in too many ways and places, sifted and sorted and pondercated on it and this is the only Truth I end up with. And, yet, I am even fluid in this, remain open. Yes, I've found some "lesser" things that ring as true for me and when I share them, others find resonance. I figure that's because we are on the same wave length, see the same things. I've been sharing some of them on this blog and will continue to. But I share them with a hesitancy, because I don't see them as the end, the only way. They're just my way.
In the meantime I continue to find delight and wonder in the manifestations of people's Truths:
-the Buddhist who finds Nirvana by letting go of desire
-the New Thought person who creates their lives through conscious desire
-the Pentecostal who starts speaking in tongues or does that snake thing
-the Tantrika who finds ecstatic union in sexual union
-the Native American who goes on a Vision Quest and meets her Totem
-the Voudoun who accepts her spirit ancestors/gods/goddesses into her body in trance dance
-the Shinto priest who connects with the Kami in an early morning ritual dip in a pond
-the Roman Catholic who sees Mary or is "blessed " with The Stigmata
-the Sufi who spins his way to Allah
-the Pentecostal who starts speaking in tongues or does that snake thing
-the Tantrika who finds ecstatic union in sexual union
-the Native American who goes on a Vision Quest and meets her Totem
-the Voudoun who accepts her spirit ancestors/gods/goddesses into her body in trance dance
-the Shinto priest who connects with the Kami in an early morning ritual dip in a pond
-the Roman Catholic who sees Mary or is "blessed " with The Stigmata
-the Sufi who spins his way to Allah
-the Atheist and Agnostic

all of 'em.
Why? Because to me, we/they are all an important part of the Dance that we come here to do: the sheer joy of creation for no other reason than itself.

all of 'em.
Why? Because to me, we/they are all an important part of the Dance that we come here to do: the sheer joy of creation for no other reason than itself.
This article has been included in be Conscious now's Carnival of Truth
I enjoyed this entry immensely. Thank you.
Well said. I totally agree. Now if we can only get the rest of the world on board, maybe we'd have a leg up on stopping all of the ridiculous religious wars.
You're welcome, Jonas.
Welcome, Authormom- what a great ID..gonna have to go meander on over to your profile.
Sure would be nice to stop wars for believing that ours is the only way.
I love your blog, would you like to exchange links :).
Thanks, betcha...done!
Hi Pamm,
I love this post. I agree with you that the only whole Truth for me is that I create my reality.
As you may have realized I live in an area of people who are sure that they have the only truth and that they are the only chosen elite of God. I could never accept it as I could always see that there were other ways to see things. You expressed it very well and with eloquence.
Thanks, Karen..yes, you do live in an area where I imagine you are definitely in the minority.
Aren't we blessed with the interenet? You know you have a community of like minded folk to share your reality with! Friends are always a good thing.
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