
Also known as Summer Solstice or MidSummer. This is the fifth sharing I'm doing on the Celebrations of the Wheel of the Year. The other preceding posts can be found here. Please note that these are not necessarily the ways that those who call themselves traditional Wiccan or Pagan would interpret these holidays or celebrate them. They're just me and where I've come to with them. I meditated on the energies as I felt them, added to the things I had learned and took them different places. I see these celebrations as not only about the celebrations of the cycles of the Earth, but also our life cycles. Ostara is about birth and young childhood, Beltane about becoming alive sensual beings in our bodies as the Earth starts to grow strong with lush green everywhere.
By Midsummer time, gardens are in full swing. In my area, some of the harvest has begun and all the rest of the plants are in full expression. How that translates to me in terms of our life cycles? We are in full on adulthood. We have grown, are in the midst of creation and full on expression of defining who we are. In the olden days, this was another of the fire ceremonies, that often included an honoring of Life Force in the form of sexual activity. In the groups I participated in, we focused more on our inner achievements and their expression's manifestation on our outer worlds.

Generally this celebration included a time when each participant was given an opportunity to share the ways in which their intentions made at Imbolc were coming to fruition. Each person's journey in turn was given full space and attention and was honored. As we live in an area that gets very hot with has rivers and streams, we usually had our celebrations by the water. We would have a fire. We were instructed to bring organic materials to make a "Prayer Boat." We would do a deep guided meditation, make our boat, then offer them to Yemaya or any other Energy that caught our fancy. It was really fun to watch them float down the river, making their way to the infinite ocean of wish fulfillment.
When I did the combined Tantra/Wheel Cycle of Celebrations, I had the women bring an outfit and a piece of music that best portrayed an aspect of their Sexuality that they usually didn't allow out, but they wanted to embrace. We then took our turns, standing up, speaking as Buried Voice to tell who She is, her gifts, and what she wanted from us. Then the music was turned on and we Danced Her.
I came dressed as a Dominatrix. I remember starting out, speaking as her, but holding myself back as her energy terrifies me. The more I spoke the stronger she became. When I fully allowed her in, started whipping the air, putting every ounce of me into her, the other parts of me literally fell to the ground, as I was shaking so hard. I sobbed and could not continue. Pretty powerful stuff.
And, of course, no matter whether Tantrically inclined or not, there is always feasting. Always. With chocolate.
Questions to ask at this wonderful Solstice time???
As this is the time when the sun and moon get equal stage time, this is a time to also look at balance. How am I in balance? How am I out of balance?
How am I allowing and acknowledging all MySelf?

What are my greatest gifts that I can start to express more fully?
And if you have time for nothing else, go light a candle, put on some great music ("In Your Eyes") by Peter Gabriel mentioned in the previous post is always a nice choice) and Dance in joyous celebration of your glorious You!
Litha Card from the 4 Witches Occult Shop
Floating Leaf Offering from here
Dancing woman from here
It's late afternoon on November 26, 1945. Bird & Diz & Max are in the kitchen making up some magic. WOR never sounded better. The best there ever was they said.
Years later Moondogie would eulogize and sell over priced Caddy's to all those who couldn't afford the ride, but still grooved to the vibe.
It's the beginning, and the beginning of the end.
But it was there. The world began anew in a flux & flutter of angry atoms, just recently cooled from the Holocausts East & West. They cooled as they met in the air on the breath of masters of the form.
And only Max is with us yet.
Cheers, 'VJ'
VJ...I'm lost....please help me with the references. I live in a different world.
I believe VJ is referring to Charlie Parker aka Bird (saxophone), Dizzy Gillespie (trumpet)and Max Roach (drums) playing together in 1945. This might rival Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes." Some say they "sounded like lovers locked in a giddy embrace."
Beautiful post!!! Good questions. I'll be spending the summer on those, I think. High time.
didn't have the time to find a better site - but you can listen to samples on this page.
Oh and WOR was a studio.
And that's all she said. Back to packing.
Hey, S...thanks...I thought he might be referring to Dizzy Gillespe (as I have no other reference for them) but don't know the others.Will go check it out. Thanks!!
Geez, I thought I had this to you. I had previously tried to post this, but blogger must have ate it! But Sulpicia has it right. And it's not hard to figure out. And given a choice, ole Pete would agree too. And because I'm almost anal, I can make that prior post reappear below:
This is what I love about the Net Pamm. It's right there in nanoseconds.
Search for
Bird & Diz & Max on Google, and you'll get there in all the top 5. Do Bird & Diz on Wiki and you'll get 2/3 of the cite. []
Wiki has this on Moondog who was into stuff long before the hippies:
And I was wrong on the Caddy's. Moondog's theme was part of the Lincoln Navigator ads of recent years. (But they're really 'rebranded' Caddy's by another name).
So it was another music cite, cause my thoughts on Beltane & May Day would be a bit more complex. Suffice to say that the standard bacchanalia cited was not common fare for most of the past 200 years or so. There's good reasons for that. But hey, that's musty old history. I was trying for happier thoughts, and I think of music.
It's some of what I play to make me feel happy. It's like having a revolution in a can. (And yes, the Town Hall concert will do fine. Even the Massey Hall one too!) Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'
Thanks, I've got it all.
I loved this post! I never thought of a prayer boat...but I have done sand prayers....Those are lovely to do...letting the waves gently release the spell for manifestation...*smiles*
I loved the Tantric expression ritual too. Its a beautiful tradition. I never had a group to do such rituals with...I always wished for that. I'm really enjoying this insite you've shared into the lovely women's time you've had...Adrienne's posts are mana that way too.
I love my women's time...but it is missing this powerful expression I'd really treasure sometimes...Its powerful and deep in other ways that are satisfying though.
Blessed Litha to you...*smiles*
Can't to see what you've got for the last few Sabbats. *grins*
Wishing you were here in town to be a part of our women's group....
Enjoy the Prayer Boats. Sand prayers are later in the year, wink, wink....
Both Hiroshima & Nagasaki do prayer boats almost every year. Both cites has rivers running through them where some of the survivors tired to evacuate during the attacks aftermath. This is probably the largest single example of mass prayer 'boats'/paper swans in the world. And not for nothing I was thinking of Holocausts East & West. Sometimes it's better to just be grooving to the music too. Cheers & Good Luck! 'VJ'
Thanks,'s all falling into place, the pieces and part of the way that mind of yours works....hugs.
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