Our Brain, Sex, And Spirit
My last year of college I did a senior project on trying to find the etiology of why the devil is correlated with sex. It was a ridiculously large endeavor that had no business trying to fit in a 40 page paper. For the project, I did parallel research on the history and evolution of the devil plus the evolution of the Christian Church's views and doctrines on sexuality. And, although I found tons of art from the 6th to the 9th century that depicted the devil with a hard-on, unfortunately none of it has made its way to the internet so you'll just have to trust me that the theme was pretty much on everyone's mind. Did you know that the people of the middle ages thought that there were so many devils and demons everywhere that you couldn't drop a needle without it hitting a number of them? These were very frightened people.

In the Christian church, the Trinity takes care of three areas of the quadrant. Holy Spirit is the Mystic, Jesus is the Emotional, God the Father is the Rational. The body is left and because the Christian Church does not have that completion, the psyche of the Church, so to speak, develops its Shadow, the Devil, to take that role. Since the brighter the light of the other three, the darker the shadow, the Devil 'becomes' a very powerful force that is correlated to the Earth, sex and anything considered having anything to do with the body.
When I read this, I finally got a little "a-ha" that has sort of kind of satisfied me. But I've kept the question in my mind and always kind of thought it would be fun to go back and do new research on the subject. I think I've found something that adds to the picture.
Over the past four years, I have become increasingly passionate about learning Neurotheology. It is a new study that involves two of my favorite subjects: the Body and Spirituality. These scientists hook people up to EEG's and study the brain's response when people are in, what they would subjectively label, an ecstatic state (during their height of prayer or meditat

They then take these brain mappings and try to explain the mystical experiences given what is known physiologically about the particular brain area that is lit up. In a VERY short synopsis: they are finding that the same areas that are lit up during mystical states are the ones that are also lit up in sex, rage, fear, dreams, near death experiences and more. All of this is located in the deepest primordial parts of parts of the brain called the Limbic System. Oftentimes people that have a highly charged Limbic System are generally amped up in a number of these areas.
It makes sense to me that if all of that deep unconscious stuff is all there in the mix, that when it is stimulated it can go overboard and may short circuit from time to time, given the personality and environment of the person. It also explains some other things to me, too...like:
Often it is the most taboo stuff gets the most intense orgasms.
Why violence and power are often such a turn on for people.
Why murderers often report a rush like an orgasm of sorts.
Why fighting between couples often results in very passionate sex.
Why fantasies are so dark sometimes.
Basically, those who study Neurotheology feel that our drive for spiritual quest remains crucial to our psyches because, in part, our brains are wired for it. At this point in this new science, when they asked the question of what the evolutionary function of spirituality is, they cite that the initial brain nervous pathway response of both orgasm and spiritual ecstatic states are identical. At this point they suggest that it began as a pathway aligned with procreation. Again...this is a new field of endeavor, in the questioning stages. I don't think this field is trying to reduce spiritual experience to a series of chemical responses. But I do find the questions being asked and the science being studied extremely interesting. And I love pondering the possibilities that can be considered with them.

Jung Quaternary graphic from here
Geez honey, all you had to do was ask, start here: "Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven: Women, Sexuality and the Catholic Church" by Uta Ranke-Heineman (Author), Peter Heinegg (Translator) (1991).
Cheers & Good Luck, 'VJ'
Hi...yeah...I've had that book for about 12 years. It's a great one. Also read Origin, Tertullion, and all those guys. Was depressing to say the least.
I reall liked learning about the devil thing, too. It was so interesting seeing the historical progression of his role and power in the church. Great stuff...do want to go back to it more some day.
I hadn't heard of Neurotheology...I guess I knew that these studies were happening...must have just missed the title for it...In any case, that whole field fascinates me. Thanks for the post!
You bet, Greenwoman. I would love to study this more...even tried to find schools for post graduate study, but was so new two years ago that I couldn't find anything.
See also the great : 'The Devil's Lane: Sex and Race in the Early South' by Catherine Clinton and Michele Gillespie (Hardcover - May 22, 1997) Very useful for historical perspective. Cheers, 'VJ'
Yes,I agree with your truthful words:
...'those who study Neurotheology feel that our drive for spiritual quest remains crucial to our psyches because, in part, our brains are wired for it...
A good post.
Thanks, VJ..will check it out. And wasn't that Eunuchs' book a good one? I've been pondering rereading it as it's been so long. Will check the other one out. It's now "on the list."
Hi, thanks and welcome, Surjit. And Blessings abounding right back!
Uta Ranke-Heinemann's was a deep, deep book. (We're srewing up the spellings here too). This is a bit more about her:
Daughter of Gustav Heinemann (German Federal President 1969 - 1974)
Was a fellow student of Josef Ratzinger, the current Pope Benedict XVI and became the first female professor for theology in the world.
Was stripped of her departmental chair by the Cardinal of Essen after she publicly had doubted Mary's virginity (1987).
Defeated candidate to become Germany's president (Bundespräsident) in 1999. She ran against Johannes Rau, who ironically was the husband of her niece Christina.
Here's a book blurb mentioning some other works that would be useful to pursue:
Cheers, 'VJ'
Wow, talk about synchronicity. In an email to some priest friends on Monday, I wrote:
Has it ever occurred to anyone that sexuality is the Church's Jungian shadow? Everything is done in response to it, to control it, but no one ever looks at or deals with it directly and honestly.
Your post gave me goosebumps. It was brilliant.
Hi, Irim:
Thanks for your kind words and welcome here.
I loved it when I found that piece in my research. It made so much sense to me, especially when I considered that the Son and the Father are SO bright, the shadow HAS to be VERY dark to balance it.
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