Tuesday, June 5, 2007

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Tantra Exercise: Desire

This exercise can be done with anything in any circumstance where you have a desire for something.

Say you want a cup of tea. Pay attention to every detail in its preparation, the enjoyment of it.

Putting all awareness in your hands/body, see/feel your hand as it touches the cup. Appreciate its design and colors as you remove it from your cupboard. Feel the texture of the tea strainer. Watch each leaf of the tea fall into the tea pot. As you pour the water into the pot, watch and become one with the steam. Hear the tea pour out of the pot into your cup, notice the color. Smell the plant smells. Feel the heat of the tea.

Now sit with the cup of tea. As you hold the cup, imagine that the cup of tea desires you...your lips...wants to feel your tongue. With each sip, feel the tea's desire for you. Sit and enjoy every sip slowly, feeling the longing from the tea to dance with you, become one with you. Remember and imagine throughout your day that everything you desire also desires you.
Image from here


Greenwoman said...

Hi there! You know how I love this meditation...and so I added it to my highVibeit meme. I posted my meme finally on Defining. I hope you'll come say hello. Big hugs!!

Pamm said...

Why thank you, My Dear One...Blessings and hugs right back.

Kathleen said...

What a beautiful Meditation. I haven't practiced Tantra, but I am a tea person. You've given me a new way to view my morning tea time.

I love your blog.

Pamm said...

Thanks, Kathleen, and welcome!!...it's fun to be in love with the world, yes?

Darcy said...


What a beautiful post! Your site is excellent, and I just reviewed it in my blog at http://spiritualblogreviews.blogspot.com. I referenced this post in particular, simply because I was so enchanted.

Thank you!

Pamm said...

Why thanks, Darcy...I can't wait to head on over and see what your blog is all about! And I hope you enjoy the practice. I love it. Do it lots. Blessings!!!