Kundalini Rising?
In 1993, I had lost 75 pounds, had been doing all sorts of bodywork to become more fully alive, get my energy (life) back. I was in another transition.When I work on my emotional well being I generally do body stuff rather than traditional talk therapy. Through working with the body, I release emotional trauma and the accompanying deep gunky psychological protective stuff that keeps it there. I like doing it this way because I get to release all sorts of deep unconscious stuff without years of therapy. Very powerful work; not for the light of heart.
I was ready to live and in my Italian Leo sort of fashion, I was intense in this endeavor to have my body be a clear vessel of light. One of the bodyworkers I was seeing lived an hour and a half away. He was supposedly psychic and combined his knowledge about releasing old body stuff with his intuitive abilities. His name was Cory.
At about the middle of the fourth or fifth session, he was doing deep abdominal work on me. Now...I've had some pretty intense bodywork done. Cory did not do any one system of bodywork but had some training, I think, as a Rolfer. That Rolfing stuff hurts like hell, it does. Only thing that comes close is childbirth.
Anyway...there we were in the middle of that session, when he started in on my lower abdomen. I started to moan, and not in a good way. So, of course, he went deeper. Which, of course made it more painful, especially when he dug his elbow into the area above my pelvic bone and started to rotate it. And dug deeper (hate those Rolfers, I do, but keep going back, I do).
Breathing, moaning, screaming, releasing, more blood curdling screaming, swearing (I'm sure a blue streak as I do during those types of sessions), I finally quieted down and just went into the pain. I dove in, invited what was, surrendered to the sensation.
Anyway...there we were in the middle of that session, when he started in on my lower abdomen. I started to moan, and not in a good way. So, of course, he went deeper. Which, of course made it more painful, especially when he dug his elbow into the area above my pelvic bone and started to rotate it. And dug deeper (hate those Rolfers, I do, but keep going back, I do).
Breathing, moaning, screaming, releasing, more blood curdling screaming, swearing (I'm sure a blue streak as I do during those types of sessions), I finally quieted down and just went into the pain. I dove in, invited what was, surrendered to the sensation.
All of a sudden there is a fire in the deep belly. And it burns. And it builds. It starts to turn into orgasmic fire. Then it shoots, just like a Volcano Orgasm of a life time. And it just kee
ps going. And going. Then stops for awhile, then goes again. And keeps going and going. His elbow is now out of my pelvis, but the orgasm keeps going. It wanes a bit, then starts again. It stops for ten minutes, then starts up again. By the time I am in my car driving my one and a half hours home, this is stop-driving-the-car intense as the orgasm is so strong and is shooting out my head, feet and hands that it takes over. Waves and waves keep coming all the way home. They keep up once I get home, stopping for no more than an hour, then they start up again. I dream them in my sleep. They are there in the morning again when I wake up. And I am walking around having these volcano orgasms throughout the next day and the next and the next.

Now, I know this may sound fun. And today it might be. But at the time, I had three young kids and was running a business with 23 employees. I remember one day I was on a business call to my New York rep...had to stop the call to moan and feel the orgasms.
I kept calling Cory, begging him to help me make them STOP. He had no clue what to do. Thanks. My (then) husband knew what to do with them. Our sex life got better than it had been in years. I was voracious.
But it really wasn't fun. It kept up for weeks, slowly fading a bit, but distracting enough for me to need to try to find a way to stop them. Finally I found that if I held my pelvis in a certain way they slowed down and eventually stopped. Phew. Really, really bad timing.
The next year when I started my Tantra training, I asked all my teachers about this, wanting to understand what had happened to me. The only one that had much to say was Charles Muir who said that it sounded like my Kundalini had risen. It helped to have an affirmation that it was something others had felt, nice to have a reference point.
Interestingly enough, I had mini versions of this repeat when I had two periods of celibacy after my divorce. In both those cases, I had the spontaneous Volcanoes. They didn't occur anywhere near as often as in the original episode, but did happen at the most inopportune times. Like they happened in class...and once at the library when it was so strong I could not stop a moan...and then made the mistake of looking up to see all eyes on me. In both cases, they started after a month of celibacy, then continued until I had penetration. These episodes weren't traumatic like that first time (thankfully....sheesh....), probably because I didn't have the outer world responsibilities going on.

-Doing deep inner work needs time and space. It's way too difficult to integrate things when having to deal with the outer world. It's important to be gentle with the self.
-If you're going to have weeks long orgasms: plan a vacation and enjoy them, at least.
-It would have been nice to have someone there that understood what was going on to at least hold my hand.
-I'm not sure if it was a kundalini thing, but I thought it was...and, I'm still not sure. I do know that many people experience psychic disturbances with the rising. I didn't. But that could be because I was already "disturbed/out there/crazy" so I didn't have to, as that work was already done, hehehehehe. And in that vein: I also cannot read "The Course In Miracles" because I get vertigo every time. A channeler once told me that I have that experience because the Course is designed to break the ego and mine was already broken. Not sure what to make of that, either, but that would be one person's/entity's opinion, anyway.
-Bodies can do trippy stuff.
-I keep wondering what would happen if I was celibate now. Maybe I should give it a try.....nah!!!
Most likely this was kundalini (or in Taoist terms, qi) related. I have had milder versions of what you are talking about for many months. Fortunately for me, there aren't too many days where it is overwhelming like the way you've described.
I've also been rolfed, and certainly that opens the qi meridians in the body so that the qi or kundalini flows more freely. Not all rolfers these days are so aggressive; unlike yours, my experience was virtually pain free.
Interestingly also, celibacy is related to this phenomenon because of the buildup of jing (sexual essence), which feeds the qi. You can learn more about this if you study Taoism (although most sources you can find are pretty cryptic). The best info on this is probably Nan Huai Chin's book, Tao and Longevity.
I like your blog. Very interesting reading.
Namaste, Mike.
Hi, Mike-
Thanks for stopping by and your feedback!!!
I actually have studied lots of Taoist stuff around raising the energy and have also worked as a coach for a number of men. The primary teacher I've worked from is Mantak Chia.
Mostly, though, my practice involved intense Tantric practices after having this experience- the Five rites, intense breathing exercises, ritual, chanting, raising the energy, meditations.
During the celibate times, the energy was so high that I was buzzing most of the time. I also had this theory (one of many I get) that in ancient times, the Holy people probably were celibate to raise the energy lots. Then with time, it got a bit 'bastardized' and translated into sex=bad/sinful.
Thanks, again, for stopping by!
Oh, OK, then you are clearly familiar with these principles. I've also studied some of Mantak Chia's teachings as well, although I tend to find his approach a bit too mechanical for my taste. Still, a valuable resource for sure.
I hadn't realized the extent to which celibacy could affect women as strongly as it does men. In my own case, for some years now I've been mostly celibate, though I do have a girlfriend who lives 2000 miles away that I see every month or two. Still, even then I generally follow Taoist practice. It's interesting to notice how such practice impacts our view of sexuality (at least in my own case). As you described, I'm "buzzing" much of the time, although I've been fortunate that it hasn't been overwhelmingly intense.
I agree with your assessment about how sexuality got turned into "something bad". Ironically, I think this has been mixed with the sexual "revolutions" that began in the 60s and 70s, and now there is an objectification of sexuality that has occurred, which I don't think is entirely healthy. Somehow, people still struggle with intimacy. This is where I think Taoist or Tantric practice is most helpful, although one still needs to transcend many of the same obstacles to achieve true intimacy.
Bodies can indeed do some incredibly trippy stuff. Mine has bent my brain a few times....and I've watched people do stuff that should kill them and doesn't.
Like not eat or drink for four days straight and dance in the hot sun every moment its up and a bit beyond its setting. It just shouldn't be possible, yet I've seen lots of people do it.
Wonderful post, as usual. I didn't complete my emails, nor my additional link love post today. But I did complete most of my week's writing, so I'll have some time for it tomorrow and I'm deeply looking forward to it.
You and your writing are a great blessing...Hugs!
Hi, again, Mike..and thanks for stopping by again.
I find sexuality to be one of the greatest tools I've encountered to directly connnect me to Divine energy...after all, orgasmic energy is just the energy of life/the All. I love the ways in which is tweaks us and provides us with a clear Path to healing. It is the arena I have been playing with the most in terms of Spiritual Growth now for quite a few years.
As I have said a few times on this blog, I am new to this genre of blogs. I am finding it interesting that I don't find too many Spiritual blogs that talk about sexuality. I am curious as to what that's all about and will explore it in the future.
Thanks, again, for your input. I am enjoying connecting with someone who practices this stuff.
Hey, GW-
Sounds like you have been busy and doing your usual intense life thingie. I will look forward to reading what you feel moved to share, as always.
Loves, hugs an encircling you with energy!
I am amazed you don't know what it is.(if I understand correctly) I used to get it in my heart shakra, at a time when I was well celebate and spiritual, I had a violent shaking going out from heart through my hole body and it used to make me cry out. I think one time some old ladies thought I had died as I fell into a deep state after it, I was woken up when someone touched me in the church to see was I still alive.
At the time I called it The Spirit. I think many mystics relate to your experience, you just call it something different. Have you been touched by the hand of God, or has Venus caressed you with her breast? I don't know. But, I wish I had been there for you to hold your hand and make you feel it was okay.
Thanks, Warrior...me, too.
Sounds like kundalini for sure...
My own kundalini experience was intimately connected with my sexuality, and confused with it!
Post-kundalini rising psychotic experience, I completely shut down my sexuality as a way of shutting down the kundalini - so fearful was I of losing my mind again!
Eventually though, realised I couldn't stay completely shut down sexually, so have been opening my sexuality up again (much to my husband's relief) and yes, feeling kundalini moving in my body again.
This time however, I am far more grounded and spiritually strong, and I know there is no danger of losing my mind again.
Now I'm actually getting curious as how to use and explore the energy to it's fullest...
Loved your post, always wonderful to read about other people's experience of kundalini. Makes me feel oh-so normal!
Much joy,
When not thinking it will happen, this energy can be disconcerting, especially since no one talks about it. I can imagine, after reading your story, that it was frightening. So glad you feel back on track now and safer to explore it as the "new you!!"
Hi Pamm,
I had a similar experience this summer and attributed it to a Kundalini awakening. I had lost 40 pounds, was on a purification diet, doing acupuncture on chakra points, Reiki, and was meditating in nature a lot. The energy was sexual at first but I agree with Mike about redirecting the energy as in Taoism to the heart. Secrets of the Tao Te Ching helped me. I also was very confused by the experience and am still dealing with the energy in my abdomen on a daily basis. I have been reading works by Michael Brown from South Africa and 2007 is the year when there is a major shift happening with more presence by the spirit world. I definitely have felt that and a falling away of many relationships.
Also I was doing spontaneous yoga movements for awhile. It was like a spirit had entered me and was instructing me on yoga. Very bazaar experience and I unfortunately told it to some people who thought would understand but labelled me as mentally ill. I've learned my lesson not to talk about these things to people unless they broach the subject (amazingly some have).
Thanks for stopping by, Deb. I hope you continue to find more people who understand and support you.
You've commented long after this was written. I've been doing some intense breathwork for over a month now, and the energy is rising..sometimes gently sometimes with a flourish. I'm so glad I have this reference point so it's familiar instead of disconcerting.
Hi Pamm,
Thanks for responding well after this was written. I did an internet search and found your blog and since your experience was so like mine I felt compelled to write. As part of the experience, many things started falling apart around me and I have given up some ingrained habits as well as a very bad habit I had of trying to save people. I feel as if I am being directed to do a lot of emotional and psychological work for what is coming next on the planet.
Yes, the energy has been rising in me as well and now is in my throat chakra. I have found some meditations on the internet that help with the energy flow.
Deb..I'm glad you decided to. I always love hearing about others' experiences as it supports mine and that, no, we aren't crazy, smiles.
I feel nothing is more important than doing this work right now, getting clear and all. Vital. I'm so curious about the future. I look at the little kids running around these days and they so impress me that they chose to come in at this time. Ought to be interesting!!
Hi, Pamm!
It's 2009, way past the date your post was written, but I still wanted to leave a comment as the subject is relevant to me today.
I just started having some serious and beautiful bodywork done by this shamanic man. I had a pre-New Year session just a week ago and ... wow! I had such an experience! I definitely had energy rising and filling the whole of me for a few days, it was of sexual and sensual nature, the energy. I did try realizing it in a intercourse, but that didn't counter/balance it. This energy kept driving me nuts for days. My mind went into obsessive loops, and its crazy monkey/insect-like patters (re)surfaced, which was very uncomfortable, painful and disturbing. My shoulders, neck and upper back hurt one day -- when my mind was especially insane -- I had such stagnant pressure/a knot of energy there.
I feel like this beautiful and powerful energy has died down now, though. and I feel a bit sad about it. ... maybe, even regret...
it's like I had this Power being in me, coming through me, but then when it hit my head, I could not let it out, and it got stagnant; it started to rot, and it shriveled/died down/went back under. It's like I had it and could not realize/release it/let it be.
I console myself telling myself that, probably, I just was not ready for whatever was trying to happen through/in me.
p.s. I think I still will have another session with my shaman in a few weeks. :-)
Hey, Marina..thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your experience here. This is really trippy stuff, yes, our energetic potentials. Sure makes me wonder what the heck we're all doing and why I don't work on tapping into it more...hm....
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