Monday, April 30, 2007

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Responsibility Without Blame

At first when I heard about this idea years ago, it resonated with me on an intellectual level. When this knowing entered my body, when I felt all that this means, my life truly changed. Magic.

I learned:

...Linear mind cannot fully grasp this concept. It has nothing to hold on to. Because it is a line, and a line has opposing ends, there must be good/bad, right/wrong, black/white, should/should not. Here, the world is created by a separate all powerful god with a plan, a god that judges from on high, condemns, doles out grace or damnation where he sees fit. If a person's life is good or they are born to a particular arbitrary tribe, they are one of The Chosen. If not, they "pay" for one reason or another: "bad" karmic debt being worked off, not accepting Jesus, Job at the whim of Yahweh because of a party taunt.

Mystic mind sees the whole. All is one. All is Love. Even when we choose to not feel/see/be love, Love is extended. We are always and in all ways unconditionally supported and given exactly what we believe.

Mystic mind is not "kind" or "warm and fuzzy" to the linear mind. It sees only play and creation and puts no value on experience where linear mind assigns its dualistic label. It sees that creation comes from desire and that desire often comes from challenge or lack. No value placed here. It's just the Dance of Creation recreating itself over and over for no other reason but the Dance.

...I am the creator of everything in my life, no exception. Everything that is in my now is because of a thought I hold. My beliefs and thoughts are conscious or un. Both create. I am responsible for it All.

....The comfort, safety, freedom and power of Responsibility. No longer am I at the hands of a punishing god. I no longer have to feel the despair of abandonment. I am Loved. The fates do not rule me. I am not a Victim. I am to choose love, trust, hope, connection no matter what is in front of me. I am lovingly embraced and enfolded at all times. The universe slowly and lovingly reminds me over and over when I am disconnected from myself. It supports and shows me I am free to choose pain. my forgetting and fear, I often do.

-My linear mind cannot begin to grasp the why's of my choices....especially my unconsious ones. Why would I, as a child choose disability? Why would I choose cancer? Why, as a woman, would I choose rape?

These are valuations of experiences by the linear mind. To Spirit, these paths (and other circumstance that our brains feel as pain) are rich, full, total in and of themselves. They are neither good nor bad...they just are. There is no martyrdom because martyrdom implies value. These experiences simply offer more to Creation. Perhaps in their extreme challenge, that which would never had been created sees the light. Even the linear mind's extreme pain of Death has no meaning to Spirit. It's not a bad thing...just part of a neverending cycle of birth and rebirth, creation and recreation. All just a part of The Dance which has no meaning but Itself.

...That just as I am not a victim of a god outside me, I am not a victim of anyone else. Linear mind cannot see our connection. But connected we are, partnering in our dips and twirls in Our Dance, all potentially adding to New Creation.

All this is great. When this knowing entered my body in trance, it hit me deeply and altered much in my psyche. But/and I am a practical, well grounded Mystic. I want my spirituality to be alive. I want it to have applications in my life because I came here to live and experience that Life in my body, with all its adventures and emotions.

To be continued.....
Art credits:
Divine Vision by Dana Anderson


Warrior said...

I agree in general... but I take exception to this phrasing....."I am the creator of everything in my life, no exception. Everything that is in my now is because of a thought I hold. My beliefs and thoughts are conscious or un. Both create. I am responsible for it All"
What room is there then for me to create? This space is where I find you. You create you. I create me and there is more. The sum of the whole is far greater than the parts. We must learn to be in the sticking place

Pamm said...

There are intersections in creations and co-creations. We co-created our meeting. Nothing exists that is not without the full permission and creation of the Self. If one of our energies was not in alignment, the meeting would not have occured.

Thing is...if there is one exception, it is all exception. Who decides what is an exception and not? Is this meeting a co-creation and another not? Why?

And here's a lovely paradox- I have only one absolute: this view of creation, also called Law of Attraction. From this one and only one law, everything proceeds, leaving only relativity in its expression.

Again...many of the nuances, I can only feel in my body...much cannot be directly spoken, but I try. I try to describe where it takes me, the outcomes and how it makes me feel/operate...the ramifications it has had in my psyche.

Warrior said...

This body feeling I know well. It is frustrating not to have words for it. It is scary to trust it with another and sometimes second guess what we communicate without the words...
I would enjoy some day to share this with you. Looking and not speaking aloud...
I feel a power....

Pamm said...

Hi,'s always so wonderful when we find people and "get" each other with no words. Very powerful, indeed. I think it's one of the biggest reasons I came here.