Fifth Chakra

I've always been a Spiritual Seeker. The first time I remember feeling that connection probably when I was about three. I remember feeling one with the universe, singing loudly while swinging. I was flying.
In church, I would feel myself flying, again, above the congregation- not an out of body experience, per se, but just felt myself transported. This usually happened while singing also. I love to sing.
And although I started this post thinking it would go one way, I've decided to follow my impulse and take it to the new place fingers are going with it.
I have a thing with my fifth chakra. It's a family thing, carried down through my mother's side.
My mother's brother died from strangulation when his windbreaker got caught on a nail he had used to replace a cotter pin on a grain elevator. The ripstop material got caught on the nail, then pulled him down until he died. He struggled. Both shoulder bones were broken from him trying to save himself. My mother died "by her neck." She had a fast growing tumor that impinged upon her carotid artery. Between the pressure of the tumor and her coughing from leaking blood, it burst and she bled to death. All three of my children have physical manifestations of blocked energy there: the oldest has had ear problems, had surgery and is now deaf in one ear. the middle had her thyroid removed. My youngest had the some of the most crooked teeth I have ever seen (fixed with braces for many years) and her jaw is sharply angled to one side (which she opted not to fix).
Whenever I do breathwork, it's my throat that takes the most focus. I stop breathing because it constricts. I cough, gag, spit, arch my throat. I have memories of being hanged in a past life. My throat and chin are really the only places on my body that "look my age." I've been a borderline rebel all my life, wanting to create myself solely in my own image, and yet I am always feeling I am living a half life and not being all I can be. I remember one time a psychic started touching her neck, coughing and feeling like she was choking the minute she first went into trance and focused on my energy.
My life has been intense these past two years. I've gone through and continue to be in the middle of some intense transitions and making huge changes in my life that disrupted all that I had created. Even though it has all been my choice, it has not been an easy cycle. During the stress of it, I slowly but surely began to shut myself, my voice, down piece by piece. I began to re-awaken a few months ago, coming out of my cave little peeks at a time. I retreat again when it feels like the right thing to do. I've been making decisions to live no matter where it goes. I want expression. I want to create.
So, in essence, this blog will also be a re-emergence; a combination of memories and processes I have done, and what is going on now with the places it takes me. I've done this before, this intense spiritual questing. I think I am being called to be more involved again. And it there's anything I have learned in this Questing it's that I know and have experience with the tools, it isn't the same as the Doing of it.
So, feeling my throat. Focusing on the breath moving through, where it sticks, where I unconsciously hold energy, subtly constrict the muscles in my neck and jaw. Where is my tongue? How are my shoulders?
I am going to start singing more.
Hi there! Thank you for inviting me to read here. I'm deeply honored. *smiles* I decided to start with the first post and work my way to the most recent as I found time.
As I read this, I kept thinking of all my own fifth Chakra experiences. I've been shaken until my neck got whiplash. I've been in enough panick stops in cars that I've had whiplash a number of times. I've been strangled, either by choking on something being forced into my mouth or by being grabbed.
And I also thought about what's healed this for me. It has been quite simple for me really. It's been chewing or sucking on two different things. These are remedies that I learned from a Lakota sundance chief or from one of his students.
The first thing is to chew and then suck on fresh or dried sage leaves. That combined with Cedar leaf tea is quite an amazing remedy.
The other is to sit close by an ant hill and pick up the tiny pebbles that they throw out of their nest and suck on them. The sundance chief who taught me this one said that these stones are clean and from deep places in the earth...undisturbed by man...and that they contain ant medicine.
I can tell you that the sage even clears up gingivitis, which you may know is nearly impossible to do. And that the ant pebbles made a change in my chakras that is hard to describe.
I'd love to hear about your experiences if you decide to try these remedies...and I might point out that each time I've used them, they were usually used in conjunction with sweat lodge ceremony, so that may also have played a great part in the sense that it worked. *smiles*
Hi, and thanks. Interesting in aren't both sage and cedar astringents? For some reason that flashed when I read them. I will give them a try and report...will do the sage and cedar tomorrow and will look for ant hills. Interestingly, I have a "stuck" cough right now. This past two months I have been sick more times than all the last two years together. I am thinking I am cleansing. It is a good thing.
And thanks again for stopping by, Greenwoman. I will be making this more "public" in a few days, but wanted to invite you here and make sure you got here. I feel I have much to learn from you.
"I feel I have much to learn from you.'
Gee Pamm...I think I've rarely recieved a higher compliment from anyone. I feel the same way about you....and I am deeply appreciative of this invitation into who you are on a more personal level. Thank you.
You bet. It will be fun getting to know you more with time and connection. Blessings! And these are the reasons I appreciate the Blogland. Cool spirits I never would have come in contact with are right here in my house with me. Love it!
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