Yes, the word Easter is obviously from Ostara, Oestre or Ova, the egg. If you've ever w
ondered where the mascot for this Christian syncretized celebration came from, it's because Rabbit is one of the symbols of Oestara- a symbol of fertility. This is the celebration of the Spring or Vernal Equinox. It's a time to celebrate young children, life, gaiety and rejoicing at the return of Life to the planet.

Flowers are blooming, the air is changing, trees are leafing out. Young animals are running around, birds return to sing again. The Earth gives promise of young growing life. We celebrate the return of Life to the planet with the sun staying higher and higher in the sky every day.
Candles return to bear witness to our intentions and are placed on an outdoor altar with profuse color everywhere. Flowers, strawberries, ribbons, toys and all sorts of fun stuff abound. I like it best when this ceremony is performed at dawn, but most people are not as excited about that symbology if it means they have to get out of bed early on a Sunday morning when they would rather spend a bit more precious time in bed. (pansies, I say!!!, hehehehe)
We wear br
ight pastels, bring smiles and laughter to play egg games, run and play tag and hide and seek in the fields. It's fun to plant some seeds for summer flowers. At some point we would share about how we have seen little indications that our intentions were growing and we give nurturing to each other in their "toddler" stages. I like to read an alternative version of the myth of Persephone. In this version, instead of being kidnapped and required to live in Hades' underworld for six months of the year as punishment for eating six pomegranate seeds, she chooses to go back to bring love and light to those who live there.

If I was doing this with a Tantric bent, I would include a circle where we talked about our early experiences with sensuality, sexuality. What are our earliest memories of sex? What are the messages we got about our bodies?
At the end of the fun and festivities we close the circle, then eat, of course- the strawberries, colored eggs, salads of fresh greens, lovely pastries and always always chocolate. Because it's important.
Art credits:
Ostara Image is Called Breath Of Gaia and it's painted by Josephine Wall
Rabbit from Spirit Weaver's Church
Persephone White Flower Gallery
What an aesthetically pleasing blog!
OH my...Mr. Jonas..so fun to find you here and happy you decided to stop by. Thanks. Hopefully it will be looking very different very soon (better) but retain the artwork.
I love your aesthetic sense, Pamm.
I really do.
Thanks, Jonas.
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