How I Do Law Of Attraction
I can get lost. My mind starts going places that bring pain. I go into negativity, losing Trust in my Voice. I forget that what is in front of me is safe, that nothing can harm me, that I am on my Path, that all is well. I know that all experience is experience...but I'm human, not an Avatar. I don't stay in BlissEnlightenment all the time. I've stopped placing that expectation on myself.
I came here to be alive and experience all that is. Sometimes, it's not happy. Sometimes things are not what my mind wants them to be. I am in pain. I cry. I can be very good at whining. I get angry, upset, frustrated, lose hope. All of it.
How do I live this Truth of Creating My World? How does Law of Attraction work in my real, practical day to day life? What is my process? Where do I go?
I shifted a few months ago, but in my very recent history
After being a Sparkly Bliss Bunny for a number of years, thinking I had mastered things and that life would only get better and better, I slowly and inexorably spiralled down into a place where I stayed stuck for a couple of years. Life as I thought it would be did not manifest. A very good life fell away, piece by piece. This new life was a dream I chose with full consciousness. My Inner Voice was so clear that this was the right path. The risks that others reminded me of were ones that I had considered, but from my perspective, they weren't that much of a long shot.
I was wrong. Or I had misguided expectations about timings. I don't know...the jury is still out, and I am letting it go. By defining my experience as a Risk, I opened myself to all that means to me. Part of my definition involves a possibility of delay or failure, especially when dealing with unconscious creation, or what one Teacher calls "creation by default." I've lost faith in my Voice a number of times these past two years. It seems it's gone in cycles where I am fine, I trust, then the world falls apart. I got depressed when I thought of my blocks to abundance and was in total confusion about which Path to take to find my way out of the mess. I knew that if I was in alignment, this would not be. And that, in some ways makes it even more difficult. I refuse to be a Victim, but it's not as convenient when I cannot "blame" anyone/anything else but myself for being right exactly where I am.
I've detached from the tenacious emotional entanglement I created. I no longer cling, no longer try to force things by focusing on what isn't working, thereby creating more of "not working." Part of my frustration was that I feel such a passion for this vision. Part of the Story, part of my justification for making my life hell by trying to force things before I am ready, is that it's such a good vision. It serves humanity and the planet in what I feel are really good ways. I've worked really hard to get it to manifest, my partner has been working about 50 times harder. It gets to this point, then right when it feels like this will be the time it will shift, completion eludes. It's never for the same reason. He is a Master at what he does. There is no reason for it not to have completed, except it doesn't. I/we have a block.
I've been slowly making my way back, with these last two months or so being able to see more light than shadow. It grows exponentially every day. But that doesn't mean the shadow is fully gone. I sometimes have to work at changing the vibration that I established slowly over those two years. I find myself going back to fear when I am off...sick....frustrated...questioning...tired of patterns in my outer world (I am such a hedonist). But these episodes are getting further and further apart and the peace stays in increasingly longer cycles. I feel I am on my way to reshifting my vibrations and get my creations back on track to the way I want them to be--back to where I was and higher, rather than attracting/creating my fears.
My work/play these days:
Because I create and that creation is from my thought pattern, I want to focus on where I want to be, not what is in front of me. It's not a denial, it's a choice...big, important difference. It's an acceptance of where I am in this moment, not fighting what is, not trying to make pretty, but also not believing it has any basis in Truth. It isn't all of me. What is in front of me now is a result of my past vibrational offerings. I may not be able to be a blissbunny yet, but I can find something to take my focus off what is in front of me, see and allow it as temporary therefore not a monster. I can get me more into alignment with what I want. If I have happier or even more neutral energy running, I inch closer.
When I was in this cycle before, about eleven years ago, I flashed on an image one day while walking. I was in a huge room that stretched further than the eye could see. It was full of gears of all sizes- some as small as a few inches, some 20 feet tall. I had the lead gear in front of me. It was my job to turn all these gears. I would feel/see myself standing ready to move my gear, knowing that when I pushed mine it would start all the others moving. I knew the ones further away, many of which I could not see, might take a bit more time to move as the system aligned itself. Not much, mind you, but there was a bit of a lag time between what I put in motion and all of it moving together. This was the meditation/visualization I did many times throughout the day. Magic began.
These days when/if I start to feel "off," I allow that to be there, and simultaneous

Life continues to shift. I don't feel I am in the surreal haze I was in, having to consciously put one foot slowly in front of the other to be able to walk. I have angels and fairies abounding that support and help me on my Path. They are there waiting for me to open my eyes and allow their support and love in. Life is good.
And I'm getting really close to the space I was in before, which was me running, flittering around, all sparkly, saying every day in grateful wonderment:
I love my life!!!
Beginnings from Lunar Archives sorry...I cannot figure out who the artist is....