Day 21
Today's session ended with a very long pee. I forgot to mention that every time I have a particularly good session, I always have to pee after. Yes...these sessions are that releasing on all sorts of levels as the body lets go.
I had another interesting thing happen in that usually I don't answer the phone when I'm breathing, but my daughter called and I knew it was important so I answered it. What was interesting to me about it was that when I put the headphones back on, I went dizzy/disoriented and it took awhile to correct. It felt like the music was influencing my brain waves. Never had that happen before. Trippy stuff.
Although I had the bowl, ready to vomit, I, again, spontaneously caught my breath when the sensation came up. This time, however, I was able to catch it after the first impulse and just feel/breathe it through....not fighting the sensation, just allowing it all and breathing into it more.
It feels really cool the way my body is responding energetically. The more I allow
ed the nausea, the more the breath played with it, the more I felt energy pouring out my heart. I also felt, for the first time, energy pouring out my back in the upper part of the lumbar area where it's frozen. I'm liking how I'm not getting excited when that stuff happens...just continue breathing, focusing and feeling, not letting mind get in the way, not pushing, just being with all of it.

After awhile, the energy also went down my legs and eventually, for the first time ever, I felt it pouring out my yoni. At first it felt like my uterus was contracting...or expanding?...not sure...not cramping or painful, just lots of pressure there, feeling very big. Then with a number more breaths, the energy slowly moved so that my yoni felt really really full...stretched tight. When I was able to relax into it, the energy sensation pouring out was incredible. My hands were throbbing (but not in a bad way) with so much life force coming out.
Before that, I got in touch with a deep longing for The Beloved and cried lots...had all sorts of realizations about life situations. Not sure what they all mean but it was great to feel them. It felt especially yummy top just sob. Really was a no brainer that I could cry this session, because I've felt weepy and emotional all day. I didn't disappoint myself. They showed up pretty quickly and got more intense as the session went on.
One thing I remember is this flash on when I was overweight. As I lost the weight, I would notice at plateau stages that old issues would come up. I wouldn't realize it for awhile, but then would go..geez..why is this bothering me now..haven't though of it for ages. As I healed the issuem (primarily doing this same work), the weight would melt off.
In my 3D life, I'm a confident person. But when I was younger (teens to 20's) I had huge shame issues. Earlier in this session I felt shame overwhelm me. All sorts of stuff has been going on in my life these past two weeks that has brought feelings of shame for me. In fact, I've been really good at creating all sorts of situations to bring it up. It all culminating with meeting up with my sister this past weekend so being reminded of old family issues. We are all very good at shame...which....lest I forget....also goes hand in hand with judgment of others, too. I've been wrestling with unusual-for-me internal dialogue lately, Judge has been running like it hasn't run for...sheesh....20 something years??? I'm highly critical of both myself and others right now...not like me. At. All. It does not make me happy.
I "got" that this may be like the weight issue maybe this is surfacing now as I open loving life force is infusing my body the last vestiges that were/are buried in my hip and frozen back are healing so all that is flushing itself out. The crying wasn't only about craving for Union, and also on a more practical level of the fear of having to make some decisions that may not be easy. But then again...this is precisely why I'm doing all this.
When does one pull the plug on important stuff? When is enough enough?...when all resources are exhausted? Or...does one cut one's losses and try to regroup with half a heart? And what to do when neither one feels "right?"
I guess my answer would be that I breathe. Kinda feels like all I want to do right now, smiles. Help!
Image is from here and is what I feel like during and after a session. I wish I could see energy. I can only feel it.
My interrupted work with cranio-sacral and accupunture women amounted to going back in time physically. As bits of my body got put back into place, a few years peeled back, and lo - there was an old feeling I'd tucked away. Fascinating stuff. Hoping to get back to it! Sounds like you are doing great with it... letting it happen.
Yes breath but you can step back for a moment too. No one is judging you about it except yourself. If it is important you can't really pull the plug, just put it aside till you have more strength for it. There is no time line for it.
Wish I could do what you are doing.
What you describe both frightens and intrigues me.
I have been following your posts about this meditation practice so avidly...they are wonderful insights into this sort of spiritual practice and how it can effect you and what it does to expand consciousness and heal.
I plan to share just a little of today's session in my Tantra post this week. I'm looking forward to it. I haven't written about my Solitary practice in awhile. I needed to immerse myself in it awhile.
Nice post really. ((hugs))
Hi, Sulpicia- It's been great and I hope your journey is a grand one, indeed!! Isn't that memory thing a trip?
Hi, Warrior...I'm not feeling outside pressure to do this at all. I almost Not an effort whatsoever. And thanks for your kind words.
Hehe...hi, Deb...yeah, me, too...hehee..not really. I'm loving it.
Thanks, Greenwoman...I look forward reading your post. I know I keep saying this, but I am thoroughly enjoying this, learing lots and am so thankful for having it in my life.
this is not something that you should be overthinking.
you are doing amazing stuff--TRUST in your instincts---you do know exactly what has to be done to make yourself whole and it does take time to assimilate everything.
as you become more attuned and reconcile all the emotions the right path will resent itself.
enjoy the moments right now
take care and thank you again
Hi, Derick..
Thanks, as always for your words. You so get this process and I feel blessed to have friends to share it with.
I think the thing that is highlighted mostly here for me is just that- I don't think (hehehe) I'm getting to mental about this. Realizations are coming in flashes, had some great ones today.
One thing that's been fun is that in the past when I would do this, I would push it. Now, I'm allowing it...not forcing, just following and allowing what's there/what feels right.
Hugs, and thanks, again.
Is there any sense in my clarifying, I really meant be gentle with yourself, dont force yourself. That's all, but you will be glad to know you are having a trickle down effect. I have been quite ill and had lots of crap bubbling up...I allowed myself be tilted into meditating yesterday...a habit I lost....My damn grandfather was fun...hard but thanks for the little push in the right direction.
Warrior- Hope you feel better soon, my friend. And you betcha.
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