I Really Thought....
...that I'd be posting more, after the 30 day journey. Really had intended to start covering other topics that interest me. But life got busy and then I had a new thing come up in sessions that made me go internal to writing here in public.
The image of it that came to me today was about watching our children grow. Parents who really watch their children will notice that their kid is kinda just moving along in life....they're happy, healthy, smiling, cuddly. Then all of a sudden they go through this period where they become like little demons. They cry lots, are very impatient, are clingy. Maybe they revert to younger behavior. Like maybe all of a sudden they want to nurse when they've been weaned. Or they start wetting the bed again. Or all sorts of things that build in a crescendo, until one day, just about when they're ready to call an exorcist, the angel they knew suddenly reappears. But now they are starting to talk in full sentences or reading or walking instead of crawling.
In watching myself and my kids grow, I think we continue to do this. We kinda go into a chaos state right before shiftings or a new level of learning. Just as with our kids when they are needing to cling when they feel something big coming but don't know what it is, I think it really important to be gentle with ourselves. It's all about The Gentles.
Last Wednesday, I did Tantric stuff along with the breathing. At one point, my body felt the urge to do some esoteric pranayamas intersperse with both self pleasuring and tapping my forehead/third eye area.

This continued until I started to feel a wave of intense heat flow up my body and radiate out my shoulders, neck and head. Then began the pulsing of the most intense headache I've ever had. Throbbing, pounding, vise grip, possible aneurysm pain that wouldn't go away. I kept trying to open the seventh and sixth by envisioning energy flowing out both. The pain kinda moved back and forth between the two points, and perhaps maybe some of it was flowing out, but MAN...that sensation in my head!!!! The lid, so to speak, would not let the energy out.
Later that night, I had the same experience...as well as the next few times I've orgasmed. The headaches are the most violent I've ever had. They come on fast and strong (although the last one I felt subtly before the explosion). They eventually go away, but it's a gradual process. The heat is intense (and I've gotten a chuckle or four on how accurate the sexual term "Hot" is).
On Thursday, I noticed that when I tune in to my body, there is a nice constant stronger level energy hum....like a very low level orgasm....going on all the time. When I continue to tune in and focus on the energy, increasing its intensity with my conscious intent, the headache starts to ever so subtly appear.
I'm remembering all the ways that we can shut down life force in our bodies. I'm getting kind of interested and intrigued about the possibilities. I don't think I want to go back to full body orgasms all the time, but the hum sure is fun.
Since then, I've backed way off doing the really prolonged intense sessions. I'm just going through the CD as is, and letting the energy work its magic slowly, instead of pushing myself through whatever is going on.
In the outside world...???...
I'm coming to realizations of fears of some of the decisions I am facing. Although I am recognizing old patterns, I'm trying to do them in a different way now than I did years ago. And..I think I'm succeeding, smiles.
Eskimo Nebula from here
I just want to know you are being gentle with yourself...I mean really loving yourslef. ...As always there is a place here if you need to walk in the hills or by the beach or in the caves....always....
don't push the energy so much....just watch what it does..... Sorry I don't mean to tell you what to do... but... but but.......hmm I bet you have nice butt...hihihi. Hugs and kisses
I am, Warrior, and thanks. May just come visit some day. Sounds really nice.
More hugs hon...and some of those smoochies...*smiles*
great to see you back---i had these visions of you walking on air--with this pulsating light flowing around your whole body, and spikes of energy moving ahead and behind you.
there are always the times where one has to process and still live in the real world.
you have been on an extraordinary journey---being gentle with oneself is a must but there is something telling me that you have to nurture yourself in a different aspect--- what that is i am not sure, but it will become clear to you in the next while.
in the embrace of the inhalation comes the extension of the exhalation.
Hi Pamm,
I checked the map and I was relieved to see that you are not in the fires....
thinking of you...
I've been distracted for awhile but today I just wanted to reach out to my friend. Your 30 day thing sounds interesting I will have to come back and check it out.
Greenwoman..thanks, sweetie...means lots. Life is good.
Hello, Derick!!
Your image sounds like I feel. I am just listening and tuning in lots. The sessions this week have been really good. Intense outer world over the weekend, but my circle of healing women have been with me, loving me and being my angels. I consider you one. Thanks!!!
KAREN!! I've been distracted, too, but I do try to make it over to see your blog whenever I get the energy to read blogs. I am so grateful I'm not in the fires, either. We get them up here in the North, but not now..ours are usually August through September. Plus we don't have the Santa Ana winds. It's tragic..and sounds like it won't slow down for at least another day. Thanks for thinking of me. Hugs.....
thank you very much-- i take it as a great compliment---there are always the reasons for the connections--
energy has a way of traversing places and making itself known.
this is almost deja vu for me
thank you and take care of yourself
Thanks, Derick and Blessings!
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