
...that I'd be posting more, after the 30 day journey. Really had intended to start covering other topics that interest me. But life got busy and then I had a new thing come up in sessions that made me go internal to writing here in public.
Although I've not been writing, I have been doing my breathwork sessions. Days 28-30..and the days since have all been kind of progressions of a theme.
There has been lots coming up around surrendering. Surrendering to not really knowing what's going on...yet trusting and feeling lots going on. I continue to open, continue to feel, continue to experience the energy moving through my body in different places. It all feels like there is healing going on, slowly, yet surely, as my body accomodates more and more Life Force.
These last few days, there was a pattern of taking awhile to get into the intense, fast paced tempo of the cathartic, circular, fast breathing. I found myself rewinding back over and over from minute 21 or so to minute 15 and getting then keeping that intensity going.
One thing I'm finding interesting is that I'm starting to experience that numbeing, tetany in my fingers after I've been breathing for a long while now. It feels like the breath has cleared lots on one level and that now I'm accessing another- one that's possible scarier so my hands are holding.
The pattern the past few days has been that after a number of rewinds of the CD, all of a sudden my upper chest/heart area starts to generate tons of heat, along with prickles. Then the breathing starts to really breathe me. Huge inhales are followed by long slow exhales, where I feel everything flowing out of me and don't want to stop. I feel lots of energy flowing out my feet, knees, all the chakra areas from throat down. It kinda pulses, but mostly is just a steady flow that feels like there is a hole in the area where something is pouring out.
The nausea comes now with the deep breathing and doesn't wait for the rest period. I allow it. Today it had progressed from feeling like it was in my belly to definitely being in the throat area...first in the lower throat, then more towards the area closest to my skull..then into the inner ear/temporal area. As it moves, the area it inhabited before is left feeling free. So in other words, when it shifts from my abdomen to my chest/heart area then up..I feel no stomach nausea. Not sure if this makes sense, but it's the best I can to to describe the physical feelings.
Day29, the energy was really intense and it felt like if I wasn't able to totally relax in the middle of the intense feelings, that my hands would have been experiencing pain and tetany. My arms went up perpendicular to the floor, outstretched to the sides and didn't want to come down. It was weird. On all days, when my hands have started to go become numb, with more breath, they relax and just allow the energy to flow, instead of being all curled up in pain. There is also lots of enery in my backm which I'm very thankful for after decades of being numb. Plus, there is the beginning sensation of the tightening of my throat, which used to happen all the time when I used to do this years ago. But this time I slow it down, knowing that each time I touch there, healing occurs. I don't need to push because I'll be back tomorrow and can let the energy flow a bit more to allow the healing slowly, without trauma (I used to choke and stop breathing from chest pressure and my throat feeling like it was closing).
I've decided to continue this journey. I won't be journaling about it as much as I have been. I'll probably only be updating about it from time to time, maybe with big breakthroughs. But I keep hearing "A Year Of Breathing" in my head. So we'll see where this goes.
My assessment of this 30 days?
I feel more alive. It's not an effort to do this at all. I crave it, and get almost frustrated when my life (which has been busy with family matters) puts it off until the end of the day. I feel that if I start to fall "off the path" during the day, and start to feel disconnected, all I have to do is breathe and I'm back to feeling loving and OK.
I feel very vulnerable. Some days, such as today, I'm weepy. I'm feeling more energy from those around me, am much more sensitive to their moods and overall energy they primarily a happy person? Frustrated? Angry? I feel their energy literally cut through me and I have to breathe to not feel overwhelmed. I figure that with time, I'll be able to maintain my openness and not be influenced as much by those around me.
In the meantime...
I feel lighter, more at peace than before I started. I walk with my meditation more and more as a constant reminder of Life. I'm clear that I am beyond blessed. I've come to some difficult decisions that might not be easy in the implementations, but which feel good in my body. I keep getting images of
1) selling all my "stuff" and entering a buddhist temple or going to my cave.
2) selling all my "stuff," moving to LA to live with my daughter and starting anew
I'm noticing that the constant there is selling all my stuff. So, I guess, a garage sale might be happening soonly here, smiles.
Surrendering....I'm learning what this means. Still have more to learn.
The journey continues.
Life's been beautiful and busy.
Friday's session was powerful, again, but I took it easy. I'd been pushing it so much that week that I thought it would be a good time to just do the CD as it was and not rewind it at all to prolong the experience. Great heart and throat openings, but gentler than the beginning of the week's.
Then all of a sudden, life got really busy. I had Nona* duty as my grandson came to spend both weekend nights with me. It was fun. He is a delight. Saturday, I didn't find the time to breathe. We were running around too much. Sunday, I made time, but only did a short session. Mind was too much in Monkeyville, so I didn't fight it.
And I was marveling today on the amazing abilities of Mothers. How in the heck do we do it all? When I think back to when my kids were little, my today me wonders how I did all the inner growth work. I had three of the little folk, a business to run and was doing this breathwork at night when the kids were in bed. Geez.....makes me tired just thinking about it!
I started today feeling way more grounded than I did all last week. Last week was a haze of emotions and opening. Lovely. I'm so happy I had the opportunity to just flow with it all.
What pervades everything is the Path of Unconditional Love. Of finding peace in the middle of chaos. I continue to tune in, go deep. I had a few times over the weekend where I lost myself, but I regrouped and found peace. Life as meditation.
Today's session began with the prayer to open to whatever needed healing.
At first MonkeyMind was there...rewind, rewind the CD to try and stay internal. At one point I had such an awakening to an idea of love that I went to the computer and wrote it down before it went away. But then I went back to breathing. It was then that the fun began.
For whatever reason, I was moved to touch the top of my head. Ouch!! Tender. So I massaged it. Then, my hands wanted to move up and down with the rhythm of the breath. So I just let them go. I was sitting cross legged on a Zafu pillow. My hands were relaxed with palms up. My arms raised with every breath on the inhale then slapped down onto the inside right above the knee area. GAAAAAA....way tender.
Mind at that point wondered if they were associated with any meridians, if there was a connection to the top of the head and that point. When I just went to look it up, it appears it could be the gallbladder meridian. Whatever it is, it was beyond ouchie. My arms and hands just wanted to continue that movement...then they switched to fists with knuckles hitting the inside knee points. I think it alternated with occasional wanting to go back to the top of the head to rub there, too.
That energy died down, then I felt that opening sensation that occurs at different place around my body with this process. I felt it in heart, throat and hands but it was strongest in my back lumbar area, this time on both sides and emanating out. At this point, the music and breathing were fast, almost a pant. I kept it deep, way into the belly and focused on opening to bring the breath to my back. As the work felt really good, I rewound the fast part about four times.
When I slowed down a bit, the nausea showed up. I was excited in that this time I was sitting up, so not as deeply into trance and was able to just sit with it. Although it wasn't as strong a sensation as when I was lying down, it was strong enough to peek and make sure the bowl was closeby, just in case. I breathed with it, allowed it, felt the heat with the allowing. More openness and expansion in the heart. I really think this is about the heart chakra opening. We'll see.
What I liked about this was that the nausea came when I was still very aware and not that deep. I forgot to mention that at one point my hands were drawn to the lumbar region, too..deep massage while breathing..then did a belly dance sort of gyration in all sorts of directions, during which all sorts of tinglies went up my spine and I felt pops and snappies of release in my brain and cervical vertebrae.
I think the nausea could only appear when I was really deep before and my concious mind wasn't in the way. I'm excited it appeared when I wasn't that deep and I was feeling all that energy flowing out the back. It says to me that things are moving quite nicely. I don't think I've ever mentioned here that while I don't usually experience nausea, the last few times I smoked pot I got ill. The last time, in 1987, I was sick for about three days, with lots of vomiting the first day. I also vomited lots in labor. And with each time, my cervix would open more, then after giving birth I had huge kriyas that lasted a long time. I feel like old blocks are now slowly, consciously opening.
* I'm not aging happily and hate what I call "the G word." I'm Nona..the Italian word for the G word
Most every time I've asked for spiritual learnings and opportunities, the universe provides almost instantaneously. In this case, I've asked to open my heart more and find places of unconditional love.,
Today's session ended with a very long pee. I forgot to mention that every time I have a particularly good session, I always have to pee after. Yes...these sessions are that releasing on all sorts of levels as the body lets go.
I'm utterly fascinated by this nausea thing that happened last week. I had it again, twice today.
It happens when I'm in deep body trance....right on the edge of almost asleep but hovering while still breathing strongly. Then I bolt up with strong feelings of being right on the verge of vomiting. As I'm so deep, my body reaction is to sit up and make sure I don't vomit on the carpet. And then I get frustrated because I don't want to stop the flow of energy, either. Tomorrow, I'll bring a bowl so I hopefully don't slow it down again but just let the impluse flow to see what's there (if it shows up).
Even though I stopped myself, when I laid back down, I breathed into it and felt more energy moving. After focusing on opening and bringing life to the Belly, I noticed that there was lots of energy flowing from my heart. It stayed strong for a couple of hours.
The last two days I was traveling so did breathe but only for short periods, just to the point of happy bliss feelings.
My mind wants to "explain" the nausea. I almost started to go there while breathing..trying to let my mind clear and "give me messages." What I got was to just feel, not interpret.
I had come into the session with the prayer to open and heal that area of my back that feels frozen. At one poing my hands were, again drawn to the right Sacro-iliac joint so I put my hand under and rolled around on the fist to push on the pressure points. After awhile, it felt much freer, but it was after that when the nausea showed up.
So curious.