Thursday's Tantra: Bringing The Energy Up
If you've learned the basic breath, kegel and pelvic tilt and are combining the three (or at least two of them) you are ready for this stage of practice. Now the fun really begins where you get to start consciously bringing orgasmic energy up your body. You can increase your ability to feel Life energy flowing through you. It also forms the base for increasing orgasmic potential whether you are just beginning to feel it, want to enhance what you already feel, become multi-orgasmic, or if you are a man, help you with both PE and ED.
I've included this picture of the chakra centers as a handy reference.
Although not necessary, it helps with this exercise to have some hypnotic music to play. Something soothing, monotonous, entrancing is best. The CD, El Hadra, is an excellant choice.
This exercise was first taught to me in its basic form in 1994 by Margo Anand. She calls it "Opening the Inner Flute" and it is included in its full on form in her book The Art of Sexual Ecstasy. I think it is the best selling Tantra book in the world.
Start your breathing.
Then add the kegels, then pelvic tilt if you want.
After you feel comfortable and relaxed, focus on the red area (first chakra, at the perineum). If you have a difficult visualizing this, some find it helpful to envision the colors and the area itself. It's important for you to continue the exercise even if you don't think you are feeling anything. If you "fake it," in other words, even if you only imagine you can feel it, the body will often follow suit and actually start to feel after awhile. You can't do this wrong.
Feel your sexual energy and visualize that area lighting up and filling with energy. As you exhale, feel/see/sense the energy going out and down. Even if you don't feel anything, just keep pretending you do and often you probably will when you least expect it.

After a few times of having just this area light up, then see the energy move from there to the next stop above the pelvic bone. Release/see/sense/feel the energy go down and out as you exhale.
After a few of those, bring it up to your belly. Take a few breaths there, pulling energy up, letting it out.
Just keep going, stopping for a few breaths at each energy center; to the heart; throat; between the eyebrows; all the while imagining you are bringing Life energy up the center of your body. Eventually you bring it all the way up to the top of your head.
Then after you've brought it all the way up, stairstep your way back down, with each few breaths; bringing it to the Third Eye, Throat, Heart, etc., all the way down. End with just breathing fully into the belly, then regularly. Slowly feel your body connecting to the floor, ground more and more fully into the Earth, then when you feel ready, slowly open your eyes, roll over and sit for awhile before getting up.
What you will notice is that after a number of times doing this that the center of your body feels really free. Many will begin to feel energy rising in different ways. You may start to get tinglies, shoots of energy, or oozie orgasms that make you shudder while little ripples of delight pass through your body. There is no right or wrong way to do this.
If you don't feel this stuff, just keep doing it. I know you will eventually feel something, perhaps ease and peace, clarity and inner ease.
Just doing the exercise this way is extremely beneficial in and of itself. It tunes you into the energy, opens pathways, increasing connection and presencing. It can also be used to directly influence sensual experience and orgasmic capacity.

After you've done this a few times and feel comfortable with it, you can start a basic modification to really spread the energy and get it moving. When you are ready for this next level, you can combine this with self pleasuring. As you bring yourself almost to the point of orgasm, then stop the stroking. Take a huge breath in through your nose, bringing the energy up through the Chakras. Many people bring the energy up to the heart, to assist the heart in opening. Some bring it to the Sixth. Just bring the energy up, hold it, pump the kegels as you do the pelvic tilt, diffusing that orgasmic energy all through your body. When you need to breath, slowly release the breath, imagining the energy flowing out the first chakra into Earth, taking all blockages you are holding on to and don't need with it. As the energy of orgasm lessens, begin self pleasuring again. Do this raising of the energy at least three times before you let the orgasm complete.
You may notice after awhile of doing this that your body gets very sensitive to energy movement. Because you have practiced this, you will be able to diffuse the energy easily, bringing Life through you and vitalizing your body for optimal health.
Good Saturday morning to you, Pamm !
Just happily added you onto my erotica links.
No, I don't have a tantra blog, but I think if my new date becomes a boyfriend, I'll be having to practice some of the things you mention here more often !
Hope all is well with you, and thank you for the sweet comments that you leave me !
Loving Annie
Hi sweet thing...*smiles*
I liked this post very much. I actually got that book by Ananda recently and have been just taking a look at how she presents things and what sorts of practices she offers and why....
I'm considering teaching tantra locally some day...not now but in a year or two I think it would be fun.
Its really fun to learn isnt' it? *smiles*
I'm having a very hard time getting excited about Tantra with M being gone...but we are still practicing our meditations together...that connection I feel with him gets stronger each day, despite being parted.
I am deeply grateful and blessed by that outcome of continuing to practice....He is getting better with the energy work of it too as a result...There are moments when I feel that I am being caressed intensely by his!
Hi, Annie..your date sounds so exciting!!! And I hope the two of you will practicing lots of Tantra in the years to come, wink, wink.
Thanks for stopping by and bringing your sweet energy here.
Yes, Greenwoman..Tantra is so fun to learn..practice, pratice, practice!!! Oh darn!!!
I think you'll make a grand Tantra Coach. I'd take your class in a second. Just might!!
"I think you'll make a grand Tantra Coach. I'd take your class in a second. Just might!!"
I am deeply touched that you see me that way. I feel the same way about you. I think you have a language and a way of looking at life and spirituality that is very useful and very healthy. I like reading your thoughts and learning from you. *smiles*
Well, thanks, Greenwoman. Guess that's what makes us Sisters, yes?
hihihi that's what we did Saturday morning.. Opening the inner energy is buzzing all over the place :-)
Oh goodie, Warrior...happy you are feelin' it!
I've done this a couple times, once with an amazing result: I brought it up to my heart chakra, and felt... just serene, at peace, but also i suddenly... had to RUN! I had all this energy shooting through me, reminiscent of energy I had during a panic attack, but this time it was good. So I ran.
Unfortunately, I have this health issue where if I ejaculate, it sends me into a mental fog and very low self-esteem for weeks, so climax is an extra stressful time.
It's a good tool indeed.
Hi, Dan...thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience!
Yeah..this could help that fog thing, I bet. I'd be curious to see where it took you with a regular practice.
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