Thursday's Tantra: An Erotic Healing Story

Her eyes now closed, she breathes deeply into her belly. With each breath, she feels herself go deeper and deeper into herself. She sees energy entering her first chakra, filling her, then moving out of her body with the exhale. With each breath she moves her focus up her body, allowing in clarity, cleansing each center, then allowing all that she no longer needs to leave with the outbreath.
When she feels open, clear, she brings the earth's energy up into her, feeling it enter her body, swirling, filling her as she sends roots out her first chakra into the earth all the way to its core. She is grounded in the mother. Now with her outbreath, she feels roots coming out the top of her head, searching, traveling to the outer spaces, rooting her firmly in the father. Breathing in, she pulls gold down from the sky, green up from the earth and unites them in her heart.
The door knocks. She puts on a sarong and goes to open it. Here is the man who is visiting her today, who has come for an experience he has never had before. She invites him in and brings him to a pre-filled bath. It has flower petals floating on it. Spicy lavender, cinnamon and cloves smells softly fill the air. Candles are all around. He disrobes, steps in, sinks down into the water.
She sits next to him outside the tub. He looks into her eyes, and she invites him to breathe with her. She asks him to concentrate on each area she touches, to imagine the air there, feeling it vibrate. As she touches each chakra, he brings focus there and within a few minutes he starts to relax, to let go of his outside world.
She tenderly washes his body, charging the water to cleanse his body, mind, soul and heart of the week's stresses and hurts. They breathe together and feels himself let go at even deeper levels. Nowhere but right here, right now exists.
The bath done, she dries him off, taking her time, paying attention to every part of his body. Every breath's awareness comes to her touch. She takes his hand, and leads him to the massage.
Off goes her sarong as he lies down on the floor. She sits between his legs which he has splayed over hers.
He is open, vulnerable. Again, they pause, as they look into each others' eyes. She sychronizes her breath to his, then subtly slows them both down. She leans over his sex and places a hand on his heart. They breathe together. Then she invites him to close his eyes as they begin a dance on the floor.
At first it's the dance of stillness. She holds her hand on his heart. Then she places the other on Vajra.* She stops, concentrating on connecting the energy. She invites Vajra's yang energy up her arm, through her heart, then out the other arm and hand, sending their combined energy into his heart. Seeing/sensing the circle of energy she continues with breathing and uniting their bodies and souls. The massage begins. 

It's like none he's ever felt before, no massage he has even heard of. No particular rhythms, no particular strokes. Her hands move all over him, his whole body covered in oil. Sometimes she touches lightly, like a feather. Sometimes her hands don't even touch at all, tracing butterfly lines that are more sensed than felt. At other times her touch goes deep...he can feel it in his bones. She does long strokes, taps him, scratches, thumps his skin, deeply kneads. She cradles him at one point and holds him on her lap while rocking him, softly humming a lullaby. Every part of his body is included, no one part getting more attention than another. One minute she is drawing circles around his nipples, the next she is digging her elbow into his thigh, then sliding her whole bod
y down the length of his back. He's flipped one way then the other, turned, folded, stretched.

He feels Her. Not only her hands, but all of her concentrated in them. Soon he notices a sensation in his chest. Its a constriction. He has no idea what internal place it comes from. As she is still very much in trance, she intuitively puts her hand there, moving it in imperceptively small circles. The other hand touches his perineum. She gently rocks his whole body rhythmically, connecting Heart and Sex. It's quiet, so quiet, so peaceful, he's so open. And the tears start to fall because he's never felt like this before, never knew it possible for a body to feel so cared for and embraced, so whole, so alive from head to toe.
She moves back between his legs, now focusing on Vajra. Her whole body, her whole being is focused here. She has felt her heart in her hands this hour, pouring out her connected Love to him, expressing it in every move she makes; honoring, seeing/feeling this man as the embodiment of God here on Earth.
And now she feels herself dive even deeper into herself. She brings the energy up, sends a prayer to Shiva to direct her hands and heart now in her honoring if Him in this aspect of Life Force. Placing her hands with reverence, she begins to stroke Vajra and Jewels with love and adoration. Her hands dance with different rhythms. As he starts to feel an orgasmic release coming, he, as instructed, tells her his level of arousal before he has reached the tipping point of no return. She stops, wrapping her fingers around the top of the scrotom at the base of Vajra and gently pulling down with one hand, while taking the other and squeezing right under the head to stop any chance of ejaculation.
Each time they reach this crescendo, she reminds him to breathe the energy up and throughout his body. Each time his body fills with increasing energy so that soon his whole body is pulsing. Each time the sensation peaks get closer together and stronger but they are able to work in unison.
They hold ejaculation off for quite awhile until this last time he explodes, fire shooting out the top of his head, hands and feet. Energy keeps rolling in waves over his body in the longest orgasm he has ever had.
When he is spent and lying there in bliss, she lays Vajra pointing towards his heart, lying on his lower belly. She takes her left hand and covers it gently, letting the warmth of her hands comfort and connect. Again, she puts her hand on his heart, connecting the two with her breath.
After a few minutes of this time out of time, she invites him to lie on his side and she spoons him from behind, putting her hand over his body on his heart, filling him with all the Love she has to give, giving Thanks to Shiva for giving them these bodies to share Divinity.
After awhile, when he feels grounded, he gets up and goes to dress. While passing a mirror, he notices that the lines in his face have softened. He looks decades younger, at peace, his eyes shining so brightly they almost glow.

*Tantra poetic word for penis
This story was previously published on my other blog.
Please be sure to visit my dear friend and Sister Tantrika Greenwoman for her post on Thursday's Tantra:Solitary Practice. All her posts are wonderful, but this in is particularly exciting for me as she is sharing some of her deep healing process. Yum.
And...if you would like to be included in a link for writing on Tantra or other forms of Sacred Sex on Thursdays, we would love to include you. Also..any questions for either of us are always welcome, too.
Hieros Gamos by Jay GutvegTwo red couple images from here
Tantra Dance 2 from here
Beautiful post. *smiles*
I thought it was a lovely way to introduce some terrific techniques!
thanks for an inspiring piece
Thanks, Greenwoman.
Hi, Derick and you are kind to comment and say so!
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