Powerful Living 3- Loving Myself
This is the third piece of how I live powerfully. The first two parts are about how I see The Victim, the second is my relationship with Death. These posts were inspired by Karen Lynch's Blog Birthday Bash.
I love us folk "on the path." I love hearing our stories how we came to where we are (one of the reasons I love blogs...free, ongoing, mini-biographies). I love how dedicated we become to our path of self discovery. We spend hours reading, studying, doing all sorts of practices, going to workshops, taking online courses, doing classes of all sorts and kinds on body, mind and Spirit.
I love us folk "on the path." I love hearing our stories how we came to where we are (one of the reasons I love blogs...free, ongoing, mini-biographies). I love how dedicated we become to our path of self discovery. We spend hours reading, studying, doing all sorts of practices, going to workshops, taking online courses, doing classes of all sorts and kinds on body, mind and Spirit.

We are, as a group, committed. We do really difficult work, mucking our way through our issues (...and man this stuff takes time and energy...yes?). Once you're on The Path, there's "no going back...." right?????
Our goals are "honorable." We want to become better to be happier, more productive people. We want to be better partners, parents and friends to those we love, better citizens to co-create a better, balanced planet. Many of us want to become enlightened. We want to be our own personal best. And when many of us find answers, we want to spread the word of the world as we see it. We want to teach others what we've learned..."the way."
If the rest of the Speerchul world is anything like I was, we are always looking for the piece that will help us heal some wounding within ourselves:
"I want to heal the old relationship issues I have so that I don't bring those to my new relationship...I want to start healthy and whole."
"When I heal the piece about my father not loving me, I will feel whole."
"If I could just find where in my life I got this procrastination/eating/poverty consciousness issue from, my life would magically be better."
"If I can just flow positive energy, then things will also flow outside me in ways that are more in line with my vision."
"If I am a vegetarian and meditate enough and do enough yoga, my body will then be pure so I can move the energy better, which will lead me to enlightenment much faster."
And on, and on, and on.
I used to be a Type A person (I really, really was....and no one who knows me now who didn't know me then, believes me but it's true). I was really Type A with my Spiritual Path. After devoting most of my waking hours to either practice or pondering my Spiritual Path and personal gr

By the time I hit about 38 I could see that I had come far, but oh my...I still had wa-a-a-a-a-a-aay more to go. When I would finally feel like I had an issue healed, four more would pop up.
...it will NEVER end.
I will ALWAYS be fucked up.
I froze.
I started to freak out.
Then I felt it.....
What a.....relief!!!!
I will always be fucked up....wow....cool....No matter what I do, I will always be wounded. No matter what I do I will always have issues to work on, to mend, to be aware of. It's a part of being human. I don't have to heal anything to find a perfect partner because five more things will show up behind it...plus...my partner will be wounded, too. And that's OK...this spice is what we came here to do and play in.
It's OK that I'm not enlightened...I don't ever HAVE to be enlightened. And I don't have to go anywhere to find enlightenment, I don't have to buy any more books, go to any more seminars, spend any more money doing any of this stuff unless it's to play and fine tune...I don't HAVE to be doing this any more.
And...get this...Pammie...even if I get it even half way together this life, I will die and just start this journey all over again. It's never ending.* Ha-ha-ho-ho-he-he-ha-ha.
What a relief to let go of the striving for perfection!!!
And another big revelation??? I thought I liked Me before, and that all this was coming from love and "good, right" intention. And it was. But now I see that I was giving myself subtle, and not so subtle, messages that there was something wro-o-o-o-ng with me. That I was flawed, not whole, not complete, separate. My Victim had tricks-i-ly convinced me that I had so much wrong with me that there was no way I could ever get out of it, or feel whole because of all the imagined stuff.
Maybe I'm just a very slow learner. Maybe it's because I'd done all that stuff that I got to this place. I really haven't a bloody clue and it doesn't matter. What matters to me is that I really like what it's done inside me.
There's a calmness that was never there before. I laugh at myself. Whereas I was "o

I am much more present, feel much more Life Force moving through me. Because I'm not so worried about "doing things right," I have lots more energy to really be with others. Since I let go of my inner struggle, I'm no longer inside myself and can be fully here with them. Because I laugh at myself, I laugh much more with others foibles, instead of judging. If I make a mistake, it's no big deal. If others make a mistake it's no big deal. I see many more "mistakes" and "miscommunications" where I used to be sure someone was intentionally doing something to me. I feel much more compassion for the world and all our little things that make us human. I feel others hearts even more. I don't have to look far to always find the positive in life and others now: positive is just there. Because I am coming more and more to terms with the dark places inside me, I can extend that out to others. Because I'm gentle with myself, I can be gentle with others when they need that gentleness the most. I realized that before, no matter how hard I was trying, I couldn't extend out that which I wasn't willing to give myself. It wasn't balanced.
Am I saying that the journey isn't needed? Not really. I don't know about anyone else, we all have our own journeys. It obviously was needed for me because that's what I did. Am I saying that there is nothing more to learn? No. Do I think I will never attend another workshop, read another book, listen to another Teacher? I haven't a clue what the future brings. I may want to, but that's a very different energy than thinking I need to do this to get better.
So now when people talk or write me about the confusion they feel, or if they are upset that they haven't moved further upon the Path, or are upset or questioning something in their lives about their lovability...I remind them:
You are doing just fine. In fact, look at how really well you are doing- look at this, look at that. Be gentle with you

I invite them to imagine they are with their best friend who is in deep pain. Would you berate that friend who is in agony now? Coldly or angrily tell them to go fix themselves? No...you would hug that friend. You would be there with them. Sit with them, hold them, love them. Please....be with yourself in the same ways you would be with this friend or a child in pain. Give yourself that which you give others.
I think that when we learn to love ourselves we shift in all sorts of ways. What we do on the outside may look the same, because much of the action is the same. But I think the outcome is much more positive when we approach our Living from a place of LovingOurselves Power. I also believe in the magic that when we are acting from a place of inner love and harmony, that our mere presence shows others that there is another way...the way of self love.
When people love themselves, they naturally extend that love outward toward the world. They don't have to be mean to others to protect "what's theirs." They trust. They don't judge others. They do no harm and live with a strong sense of internal ethics. Likewise, when they see action out of alignment with the good of The Whole, they act because they have to. When you love yourself, you can't not act. But the action comes from a very different place and intent.
Aside from a short period of my life, I have always done service work of some sort.
I am, once again, slowly beginning to work more for the a larger audience of people and the planet. But this time it's from an entirely different energetic intent. It's softer. Before, my motivation came from being driven by my Victim Voice that I needed to fix the imperf

But there is pain and as this hurts the whole, it touches my heart. This time, I don't feel the need to heal the world. I want to support Earth and it's people in the ways they define they want that help. Because I'm an Italian Leo, I get on an occasional fun rant or four. But when that's done and I calm down, in the end, I am comfortable enough in myself that I don't need the world to fit my vision of what it should be. I trust that all is well and working its way through whatever the Soul Path is.
Service work still calls me. It's where I feel most alive. I am slowly beginning to put myself in the middle of places where people are remembering and re-awakening to their empowered selves and creating new lives in the ways they define and want them. Because I love myself now, and am not caught by my Victim, I no longer see Victims out there that need help or fixing. I see Strong Souls who have lived and learned lots through their ordeals and are ready for huge creation. I am excited to see what they will create and want to celebrate and support them. I feel called to do this because there is simply nothing else I can do.
Plus, it's really a lot of fun.
* I don't suscribe to the whole wanting to get off the karmic wheel of life thing because I think from our soul perspective this Earthly life thing is a good thing. I think souls are chomping at the bit to get the opportunity to come back here and add to creation in this way. And...part of that co-creation is working with and loving our "stuff."
Art and Images:
Dalai Lama from here
Mary from here
Tara from here
this is really great--it is always strange how one has to go so far on a path, only to realize that what you now know ,is something you have always known and without doing and experiencing those things you would not have come to the present realizations.
a quote by Oliver Wendall Holmes--
one's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains it's original dimensions.
thanks again
Hi, Derick..thanks for stopping by! Loved the quote. And I know...aren't we humans fun with the stuff we put ourselves through? We totally amuse me.
I like how you view things. *smiles*
And thanks for listening so sweetly to all my insane comments lately. *grins*
Insane? How is that possible coming from one of the sanest people I've ever met? Woman!! You are ON IT!!!
I needed to read this today, so thank you. It helped me immensely. I feel like I'm stuck and maybe I just need to stay stuck for awhile. Things will work out, I don't need to stuggle so much or work so hard, things will work themselves out eventually. And I don't have to be perfect or more enlightened, maybe I'm just right for right now. And thanks for reminded me to be gentle with myself because most of all, I need that right now. thank you Pam.
Wow, Pamm!
this is beautiful! As usual you have expressed a challenging subject with eloquence and grace!
Things do work better when you love yourself don't they!
Thanks Pamm. Love you!
You bet, Deb. Be gentle with yourself. I'm thinking a massage is the ticket for you. Yum.
Well, thanks, Karen..you are always so supportive!! Hugs and Happy Birthday month(s)!!!
Ahhh Pam,
This is so, so lovely!
Your brightness, your truth, your insights are starting my day off fabulously!
Lots of love,
Thanks for the reminder!
Rickie Byers, Michael Beckwith's wife, has a song that goes, "No mistakes have been made in God. All the ways that we seem to fail, in God all fades. It all fades into God." My favorite line is the song is, "And the shame of not
choosing higher and all the disappointing moments fade into God."
We're just here to live. Thank you again for the reminder.
In Spirit,
Happy to hear that Jennifer...have a grand one!!
And winks right back atcha, Greenwomen..(I keep wanting to shorten it to GW but that creeps me out...in reference to our mighty leader.)
Hello and welcome Nneka. Yes, we are. I keep coming back to how everything, at some point, just looks so perfect. All of the pain and the coming out of it. The journey. I got to go to my favorite beach on Sunday. I have gone there so many times in so many states of bliss and anguish. It feels like it holds much of my history, so that when I visit I look back with a distant perspective and am so appreciative of all of it.
Thanks again for stopping by and adding to. I hope to hear your voice again and will mozy on over to see if you have a blog....
Ha..yes, you do and I've been there many a time...sheesh....brain leaves me at times...
its been a absolute pleasure reading your blog--thanks
visit sometime soon
Will do, Derick!! And thanks for your kind words.
i loved the images in this post - the dalai lama (with this BIG grin on his face), jesus, mary, tara, kuan yin ... everybody gathered ...
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