Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Measure Of Success
In days of yore, I was always focused on the end. I didn't understand it when people said that it wasn't the destination, it was the journey that was important. It was a total "huh?" disconnect for me.

I then had an agriculturally based business. As the years went by, we hired more and more Mexicans. They were happy. They worked. They didn't complain. They made the job fun. Given the nature of the industry, we were not able to ever offer them any sort of advancement that would make them wealthy or successful by regular business mode standards. They worked hard and in horrible conditions (it gets really hot here, lots of mosquitoes, and ag work is hard labor intensive work when you do it organically). In many respects, they worked much harder than many folk who made much more money than they ever would.
I watch my healer friends, who have such high intentions to give service to the world, struggling with their bills even when they work forty hours a week plus...if they can get that many clients. I have met very few alternative healers who make an income that would be considered "successful," because their services are not deemed important enough to compensate as well as a lawyer or doctor or consultant. Many of them invest lots of money in tuitions. They spend years educating themselves, investing in their job. The people they serve are greatly impacted, yet we don't value that as much as we do being able to close a real estate deal.
I've known of many women who have C Sections with 7 pound babies and are told that their pelvis is too small to ever deliver vaginally. Two years later, they easily give birth vaginally to a nine pound baby. I've known of parents who have one child who is happy and well adjusted and their other child commits suicide. I've known of business owners who lose everything only to come back with the same set of skills and do really well in their next one.

All Photos by Nancy Rotenberg
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tantra: Soul Gazing
Short, sweet, simple post, but maybe the most profound Tantric experience: looking into the eyes of your partner for long periods of time. Whenever I do it, it feels like my partner and I melt into one another. I lose all sense of boundaries, separateness. Nothing exists but his eyes, the beating of my heart and the halo that surrounds us.
To do this is simple...just gaze into the left eye, said to be the window to the soul.
If you want to dress it up a bit, you can add a heart salutation, something I learned from Margo Anand. For this, you and your partner sit across from one another. Put your hands in the prayer pose pointing down to Earth. One person breathes, the other follows their breath (the best way to do synchronized breathing). After you've settled in and feel a connection, as you i

You can then

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Outstanding Women Bloggers!!!
My dear Birthday Blog friend, Karen from Live the Power, has nominated me for being on the list of "Outstanding Women Bloggers." I get to feel special even MORE this week!! Pretty cool.
Valeria Maltoni of Conversation Agent is the brilliant mind behind this list. I get to pass on the celebration and the awards.
So...I choose, Jennifer of Goodness Gracious and The Art of Intimacy, Kara Leah of be Conscious now, Isabella Mori of Change Therapy, and Greenwoman of Defining Spiritual Presence.
All of you belong on a list of Outstanding Women Bloggers! Please pass along the honor to as many other Outstanding Women Bloggers as you wish.
Here is the list so far……
45 Things by Anita Bruzzese
A Look at Art & Design: Lisa Mikulski still a great pair of legs Angie McKaig by Anja Merret
Ask Dr. Kirk The Artsy Asylum by Susan Reynolds
Back in Skinny Jeans by Stephanie Quilao
Balanced Life Center-Spirituality applied to Life by Nneka
be Conscious now by Kara-Leah Masina
BlogWrite for CEOs Debbie Weil
Biz Growth News by Krishna De
Brain Based Biz by Dr. Robyn McMaster
Brain Based Business by Dr. Ellen Weber
Brand Sizzle Anne Simons
Branding & Marketing Chris Brown
Brazen Careerist by Penelope Trunk
Build a Solo Practice, LLC by Susan Cartier Liebel
Change Therapy by Isabella Mori
Christine Kane by Christine Kane
CK’s Blog CK (Christina Kerley)
Colloquium by JHSEsq
Communication Overtones Kami Huyse
Confident Writing by Joanna Young
Conscious Business by Anne Libby
Conversation Agent Valeria Maltoni
Corporate PR Elizabeth Albrycht
Customers Are Always by Maria Palma
Customers Rock! Becky Carroll
CustServ by Meikah David
Creative Curio by Lauren Marie
Debbie Millman by Debbie Millman
Deborah Schultz by Deborah Schultz
Defining Spiritual Presence by Greenwoman
Designers Who Blog by Cat Morley
Design Your Life Ellen and Julia Lupton, identical twins
Design Your Writing Life by Lisa Gates
Diary of Claudine Hellmuth Claudine Hellmuth
Diva Marketing Blog Toby Bloomberg
Do It Myself Blog by Glenda Watson Hyatt
Dooce by Heather B. Armstrong by Edith Yeung
Email Marketing Best Practices Tamara Gielen
Emily Chang - Strategic Designer Emily Chang
Enter the Laughter by Marti Lawrence
Escape Blog by Melissa Petri
Escape from Cubicle Nation by Pamela Slim
eSoup by Sharon Sarmiento
Essential Keystrokes by Char
Every Dot Connects by Connie Reece
Fish Creek House by GP
Flooring The Consumer CB Whittemore
Forrester’s Marketing Blog Shar, Charlene, Chloe, Christine Elana, Laura and Lisa
Forward Steps by Thea Westra
Franke James by Franke James
Get Fresh Minds by Katie Konrath
Great Presentations Mean Business by Laura Athavale Fitton
Hey Marci by Marci Alboher
Get Shouty by Katie Chatfield
Goodness Gracious by Jennifer
Holly’s Corner Blog by Holly Schwendiman
ifelse by Phu Ly
Illustration Friday Penelope Dullaghan
Inspired Business Growth by Wendy Piersall
J.T. O’Donnell Career Insights by J.T. O’Donnell
Joyful, Jubilant Learning by Rosa Say
Kinetic Ideas Wendy Maynard
Learned on Women by Andrea Learned
Lindsay Pollak by Lindsay Polla
Live the Power by Karen Lynch
Liz Strauss at Successful Blog by Liz Strauss
Lorelle on WordPress by Lorelle VanFossen
Making Life Work for You by April Groves
Manage to Change by Ann Michael
Management Craft by Lisa Haneberg
Mandarin Design Daily:The MEG Blog Michelle Goodrich
Marketing Roadmaps Susan Getgood
Moda di Magno by Lori Magno
Modite by Rebecca Thorman Molly E. Holzschlag
My Secret Spiritual Dance by Pamm
Narrat Assets Karen Hegman
Netdiver Carole Guevin
On My Desk Linzie Hunter
Pass the Torch by Kelly Curtis
Peace Love Harmony by Kirsten Harrell
Presto Vivace Blog Alice Marshall
Priscilla Palmer: Personal Development Demands Success by Priscilla Palmer
Productivity Goal by Carolyn Manning
Purse Lip Square Jaw Anne Galloway
Small Biz Survival by Becky McCray
Small Failures: Sustainability for the Rest of Us Jess Sand
swissmiss Tina Roth Eisenberg
The Brand Dame by Lyn Chamberlin
this is Rachel Andrew
Sheriar Designs Mani Sheriar
Spare Change Nedra Kline Weinreich
Talk It Up Heidi Miller
Tech Kitten by Trisha Miller
The copy Writing Maven Roberta Rosenberg
The Blog Angel by Claire Raikes
The Engaging Brand by Anna Farmery
The Floozy Blog by Kate Coote
The Kiss Business Too by Karin H.
The Origin of Brands Laura Ries
The Parody by Sasha Manuel
The Podcast Sisters by Krishna De, Anna Farmery and Heather Gorringe
Veerle’s blog 2.0 VeerleVersa Creations by Vivienne
Water Cooler Wisdom by Alexandra Levit
Wealth Strategy Secrets by Nicola Cairncross
What’s Next Blog B L Ochman
That’s What She Said by Julie Elgar
Ypulse by Anastasia Goodstein
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Thursday's Tantra: An Erotic Healing Story

Two red couple images from here
Tantra Dance 2 from here
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I Feel Special
I'm pretty blown away and just want to say a heartfelt Thank YOU!! to two people who have been kind enough to review my blog and say wonderful things about it. Makes my heart happy.
The first honoring is from Darcy at Spiritual Blog Reviews. Her site is very informative because she's done the homework of checking out the blogs here in SpiritualBlogLand and gives a short synopsis, thereby saving us the work of having to sift and sort through archives. Go check her out!!!
And a very special Thanks to Kara-Leah Masina of be Consious now, who gave this blog a really nice review. I was quite delighted and taken offguard...was not expecting it or the kind words. (I was, of course, being a bit self-critical as my webmaster has disappeared and I'm not sure of the direction I want to lots isn't fininshed here to make it "professional.") She was very kind, wink, wink....
Kara-Leah is an articulate, dedicated woman and a great writer. I am so impressed with her commitment to her and others' Paths. Her heart feels huge to me and she has lots of really wonderful and helpful sparkly reminders of how to reconnect with Spirit. I applaud her journey...she's going for it with a refreshing mix of the personal and the Spiritual Practice, bravely sharing things that are not easy to share in the outer world. I am especially excited about her beginning forays into stretching herself to talk about Sex and Spirit here in SpiritualBlogLand. It's scary, but I feel, vital to include this most Holy aspect of ourselves in the discussion. You are a hero to me.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Powerful Living 3- Loving Myself
This is the third piece of how I live powerfully. The first two parts are about how I see The Victim, the second is my relationship with Death. These posts were inspired by Karen Lynch's Blog Birthday Bash.
I love us folk "on the path." I love hearing our stories how we came to where we are (one of the reasons I love, ongoing, mini-biographies). I love how dedicated we become to our path of self discovery. We spend hours reading, studying, doing all sorts of practices, going to workshops, taking online courses, doing classes of all sorts and kinds on body, mind and Spirit.

We are, as a group, committed. We do really difficult work, mucking our way through our issues (...and man this stuff takes time and energy...yes?). Once you're on The Path, there's "no going back...." right?????
Our goals are "honorable." We want to become better to be happier, more productive people. We want to be better partners, parents and friends to those we love, better citizens to co-create a better, balanced planet. Many of us want to become enlightened. We want to be our own personal best. And when many of us find answers, we want to spread the word of the world as we see it. We want to teach others what we've learned..."the way."
If the rest of the Speerchul world is anything like I was, we are always looking for the piece that will help us heal some wounding within ourselves:
"I want to heal the old relationship issues I have so that I don't bring those to my new relationship...I want to start healthy and whole."
"When I heal the piece about my father not loving me, I will feel whole."
"If I could just find where in my life I got this procrastination/eating/poverty consciousness issue from, my life would magically be better."
"If I can just flow positive energy, then things will also flow outside me in ways that are more in line with my vision."
"If I am a vegetarian and meditate enough and do enough yoga, my body will then be pure so I can move the energy better, which will lead me to enlightenment much faster."
And on, and on, and on.
I used to be a Type A person (I really, really was....and no one who knows me now who didn't know me then, believes me but it's true). I was really Type A with my Spiritual Path. After devoting most of my waking hours to either practice or pondering my Spiritual Path and personal gr

God.... will NEVER end.
I will ALWAYS be fucked up.
I froze.
I started to freak out.
Then I felt it.....
What a.....relief!!!!
I will always be fucked matter what I do, I will always be wounded. No matter what I do I will always have issues to work on, to mend, to be aware of. It's a part of being human. I don't have to heal anything to find a perfect partner because five more things will show up behind partner will be wounded, too. And that's OK...this spice is what we came here to do and play in.
It's OK that I'm not enlightened...I don't ever HAVE to be enlightened. And I don't have to go anywhere to find enlightenment, I don't have to buy any more books, go to any more seminars, spend any more money doing any of this stuff unless it's to play and fine tune...I don't HAVE to be doing this any more.
And...get this...Pammie...even if I get it even half way together this life, I will die and just start this journey all over again. It's never ending.* Ha-ha-ho-ho-he-he-ha-ha.
And another big revelation??? I thought I liked Me before, and that all this was coming from love and "good, right" intention. And it was. But now I see that I was giving myself subtle, and not so subtle, messages that there was something wro-o-o-o-ng with me. That I was flawed, not whole, not complete, separate. My Victim had tricks-i-ly convinced me that I had so much wrong with me that there was no way I could ever get out of it, or feel whole because of all the imagined stuff.
There's a calmness that was never there before. I laugh at myself. Whereas I was "o

Am I saying that the journey isn't needed? Not really. I don't know about anyone else, we all have our own journeys. It obviously was needed for me because that's what I did. Am I saying that there is nothing more to learn? No. Do I think I will never attend another workshop, read another book, listen to another Teacher? I haven't a clue what the future brings. I may want to, but that's a very different energy than thinking I need to do this to get better.
So now when people talk or write me about the confusion they feel, or if they are upset that they haven't moved further upon the Path, or are upset or questioning something in their lives about their lovability...I remind them:
You are doing just fine. In fact, look at how really well you are doing- look at this, look at that. Be gentle with you

I invite them to imagine they are with their best friend who is in deep pain. Would you berate that friend who is in agony now? Coldly or angrily tell them to go fix themselves? would hug that friend. You would be there with them. Sit with them, hold them, love them. with yourself in the same ways you would be with this friend or a child in pain. Give yourself that which you give others.
When people love themselves, they naturally extend that love outward toward the world. They don't have to be mean to others to protect "what's theirs." They trust. They don't judge others. They do no harm and live with a strong sense of internal ethics. Likewise, when they see action out of alignment with the good of The Whole, they act because they have to. When you love yourself, you can't not act. But the action comes from a very different place and intent.
I am, once again, slowly beginning to work more for the a larger audience of people and the planet. But this time it's from an entirely different energetic intent. It's softer. Before, my motivation came from being driven by my Victim Voice that I needed to fix the imperf

But there is pain and as this hurts the whole, it touches my heart. This time, I don't feel the need to heal the world. I want to support Earth and it's people in the ways they define they want that help. Because I'm an Italian Leo, I get on an occasional fun rant or four. But when that's done and I calm down, in the end, I am comfortable enough in myself that I don't need the world to fit my vision of what it should be. I trust that all is well and working its way through whatever the Soul Path is.
Service work still calls me. It's where I feel most alive. I am slowly beginning to put myself in the middle of places where people are remembering and re-awakening to their empowered selves and creating new lives in the ways they define and want them. Because I love myself now, and am not caught by my Victim, I no longer see Victims out there that need help or fixing. I see Strong Souls who have lived and learned lots through their ordeals and are ready for huge creation. I am excited to see what they will create and want to celebrate and support them. I feel called to do this because there is simply nothing else I can do.
Plus, it's really a lot of fun.
Art and Images:
Friday, August 10, 2007
!!!Public Service Announcment!!!
We've been playing the abundance game on the left sidebar for awhile now, with the winners listed there. Karen Lynch has won three times now and it's been way fun sending everyone tapes.
I have a request- if you Stumble a post of mine, please let me know you are the stumbler so I can keep track and give credit for hits where credit is due!!! Leave a comment or send an email. Thanks!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Thursday's Tantra: Another Side Of Tantra

Monday, August 6, 2007
Powerful Living 2: Death
This post is the second in a three part series on Living Powerfully and was inspired by Karen Lynch over at Live The Power, who is celebrating her Blog Anniversary . Go check all her celebration stuff out as parties are fun. The first part of this series is here.There's nothing like remembering Death to put things in perspective. This is not a new topic for me on this blog as I consider my relationship with Death to be integral to Living Powerfully. As explained on that post, it was out of a very difficult period in my life that I decided to start living life as if I was going to die soon. Because I might. Death is now my constant friend, reminding me to live fully as best I can right now, because She calls me. I don't know when She will show up, but I know She eventually will. And when She does, I want to be able to look Her straight in the eye and say I've lived a life what makes me smile.

Another piece of My Truth that came after the "let go" was the experience that energy never dies. I have memory of "in between" lives. There are times that I wish I was like some mystics that live in LaLaLand after that, but those aren't my gifts. I have wayway too much of a Midwestern Sceptic Scientist Voice that lives alongside Mystic to stay there. My job is that I get to learn how to get LogicMind, which reverts to fear, to play with me with this MysticMind knowing.

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thursday's Tantra: Bringing The Energy Up
If you've learned the basic breath, kegel and pelvic tilt and are combining the three (or at least two of them) you are ready for this stage of practice. Now the fun really begins where you get to start consciously bringing orgasmic energy up your body. You can increase your ability to feel Life energy flowing through you. It also forms the base for increasing orgasmic potential whether you are just beginning to feel it, want to enhance what you already feel, become multi-orgasmic, or if you are a man, help you with both PE and ED.
I've included this picture of the chakra centers as a handy reference.
Although not necessary, it helps with this exercise to have some hypnotic music to play. Something soothing, monotonous, entrancing is best. The CD, El Hadra, is an excellant choice.
This exercise was first taught to me in its basic form in 1994 by Margo Anand. She calls it "Opening the Inner Flute" and it is included in its full on form in her book The Art of Sexual Ecstasy. I think it is the best selling Tantra book in the world.
Start your breathing.
Then add the kegels, then pelvic tilt if you want.
After you feel comfortable and relaxed, focus on the red area (first chakra, at the perineum). If you have a difficult visualizing this, some find it helpful to envision the colors and the area itself. It's important for you to continue the exercise even if you don't think you are feeling anything. If you "fake it," in other words, even if you only imagine you can feel it, the body will often follow suit and actually start to feel after awhile. You can't do this wrong.
Feel your sexual energy and visualize that area lighting up and filling with energy. As you exhale, feel/see/sense the energy going out and down. Even if you don't feel anything, just keep pretending you do and often you probably will when you least expect it.

After a few times of having just this area light up, then see the energy move from there to the next stop above the pelvic bone. Release/see/sense/feel the energy go down and out as you exhale.
After a few of those, bring it up to your belly. Take a few breaths there, pulling energy up, letting it out.
Just keep going, stopping for a few breaths at each energy center; to the heart; throat; between the eyebrows; all the while imagining you are bringing Life energy up the center of your body. Eventually you bring it all the way up to the top of your head.
Then after you've brought it all the way up, stairstep your way back down, with each few breaths; bringing it to the Third Eye, Throat, Heart, etc., all the way down. End with just breathing fully into the belly, then regularly. Slowly feel your body connecting to the floor, ground more and more fully into the Earth, then when you feel ready, slowly open your eyes, roll over and sit for awhile before getting up.
What you will notice is that after a number of times doing this that the center of your body feels really free. Many will begin to feel energy rising in different ways. You may start to get tinglies, shoots of energy, or oozie orgasms that make you shudder while little ripples of delight pass through your body. There is no right or wrong way to do this.
If you don't feel this stuff, just keep doing it. I know you will eventually feel something, perhaps ease and peace, clarity and inner ease.
Just doing the exercise this way is extremely beneficial in and of itself. It tunes you into the energy, opens pathways, increasing connection and presencing. It can also be used to directly influence sensual experience and orgasmic capacity.

After you've done this a few times and feel comfortable with it, you can start a basic modification to really spread the energy and get it moving. When you are ready for this next level, you can combine this with self pleasuring. As you bring yourself almost to the point of orgasm, then stop the stroking. Take a huge breath in through your nose, bringing the energy up through the Chakras. Many people bring the energy up to the heart, to assist the heart in opening. Some bring it to the Sixth. Just bring the energy up, hold it, pump the kegels as you do the pelvic tilt, diffusing that orgasmic energy all through your body. When you need to breath, slowly release the breath, imagining the energy flowing out the first chakra into Earth, taking all blockages you are holding on to and don't need with it. As the energy of orgasm lessens, begin self pleasuring again. Do this raising of the energy at least three times before you let the orgasm complete.
You may notice after awhile of doing this that your body gets very sensitive to energy movement. Because you have practiced this, you will be able to diffuse the energy easily, bringing Life through you and vitalizing your body for optimal health.