Friday, November 14, 2008

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Isn't it amazing how nothing means anything outside the meaning we give it?

I love finding pennies when I walk.

Years ago, I walked regularly along a route that, for whatever reason, had tons of pennies. I would play manifestation games, seeing them as a gift of abundance. Sometimes, I imagined that they were signs I was on a "right path" of thinking if I was pondering. Sometimes they were a reminder that all was well. Every so often, I would come upon a pile of coins in the street, couple of dollars worth. These were big signs to me and would make my day. I'd feel all glowy inside.

One day, I as I walked up to my driveway, I noticed what looked like about a hundred pennies strewn all over. I got really excited, tears came to my eyes at this huge gift from the universe...and right at my front door!!! I imagined them as a gift from a friend who knew about my delight and how I saw them as treasures. I skittered here and there, picking them up, giggling a thank you every time I put one in my pocket. I felt so Blessed!!!

A short while ago, I was watching "Weeds" ( a show on cable in DVD...very entertaining and recommended).

One day, the main character, played by Mary Louise Parker, walked up to her car. Around it were hundreds of pennies.

The guy she was with called it "getting pennied." It was an active, violent warning to her and she was furious about this act of "vandalism."

I laughed. It NEVER occurred to me in all these years that my pennies had ever been anything but an act of love and signs of blessings. I would think of it from time to time and it always made me smile.

Could it be that someone was so angry with me that I was being intentionally singled out for an act of hate?

Were all those pennies in my driveway a random act of violence?

Or where they Pennies From Heavean...a synchronistic reminder of the Abundance Of The Universe and how connected to it I was?

I'm stickin' with the last one.

Art: For Love Or Money by Ginny Guara


Fusion said...

I guess just about anything can have double meanings if you think about it enough...

Warrior said...

It is what you want it to be.

Pamm said...

Could be, Fuse. Philosophers define Truth as that which can be, yeah...things "true" can be 180.

It is, Warrior. And I liked the Pennies from Heaven so heaven it is :)

Greenwoman said...

I would have taken it as a blessing myself. *grins* Its a good story. I love your childlike glee in the smallest things in life. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

I like to think of finding change as "cosmic winks" :)

Pamm said...

It is a fun story, GW...I laughed every time I thought of it after seeing that Weeds episode. Life is so interesting.

Hi, Col and thanks for stopping by. I do, too..makes me happy. I love it, too when it's dollars. That's way cool.