More On Tantra And The Extreme Dark
I've been pondering controversial topics lately and I've been having a difficult time figuring out how to write about them.
One pondering got triggered during a visit to an old Tantra friend a few months ago.

First- some background on Esoteric Tantra:
Dissolution of the disconnected ego to unite with The All is one of the main goals of Tantra. The Tantrikas of old participated in ceremonies that contained forbidden elements in them: eating meat, drinking alcohol, sex, etc...some of them were necrophiliacs. Many of the greatest Teachers lived in cremation grounds. They abandoned families, and all "good" society to let go of the ego's attachment to attachment.
Tantrikas past and present challenge themselves to conquer their fears. What greater fear do we have than being an outcast, one of "the damned?" We are constantly molded and shaped to conform, some societies more than others. Tantrikas engage in taboo behavior to challenge our vision of the sacred and our place in it.
I believe Tantra to be the first Spiritual Path on this Earth. I say "believe" because I don't know it as a fact (and I have not, to date, read any book that would pass academic muster to prove my belief). I believe that those first humans were closer to Spirit than we, by virtue of the lack of technology and their dependence on the Earth and their intuition. I believe these people took this first Path and traveled around the world, resulting in this basic Path's variations. It became Wicca in Europe, Bonn in China and Tibet, Native American paths have the same symbols- spirals, hand prints, eye, bird, egg, etc.
Most of the Earth based traditions do not have a concept of the universe as "good" and "evil." Many of the traditions carry that into their code- that there really is no good and bad, just intent and isness. I know of Buddhists who were the most deadly assasins because they believed that when they killed without emotion, they incurred no karmic debt.
I don't think I've met anyone who is as intent on her Spirit Path as my friend...not even me. Her whole life is devoted to spiritual travel to India's ashrams, meditation, self's how she makes her living. She writes, talks, breathes Tantra constantly.
I hadn't seen her in a few years. One of the first things out of her mouth was telling me that what she thinks most about as the next step upon her path is to kill someone with her bare hands. Someone has given her permission to do it. She said she had been getting in touch with this primal thing about killing and being the agent for another's transition into spirit. She talked about what an incredibly sexy thing it was.
Do I need to say that this woman is the ultimate button pusher...unflinchingly honest about all of her deepest darkest places as well as her light? (Which, I might add, shines very brightly. All who come in contact with her are mezmerized by her giggly, sparkly, loving life force).
I admit to thinking she was kidding around at first. I admit to feeling a bit discombobulated when I figured out she was serious. All sorts of feelings came that woman is a force!
I told her I would come visit her in jail.
She told me she appreciated that I still liked her even after she had told me she wanted to kill someone.
The weird thing is, after my surprise, I understood her when she got all excited and kind of pantomimed choking someone to death, talking about it being the ultimate act of love. It is...think about it...if we think that being spirit is so wonderful, what a gift it is to assist someone in that journey!
Then I flashed on the dangers of this line of thought because of its capacity for being misinterpreted and used as a tool for unconscious behavior. That in the hands of the unconscious, it could justify lots that would certainly upset me to hear about.
What an odd line. What an odd topic to consider.
But it stays with me.
Well...when I think of killing someone I go numb. I don't think I could do it, even in self defense. I don't know if I could do it even to protect my children, but if I was to do it, that's the only scenario I can envision. I have this past life memory and it freaked me completely until I integrated it.
Then a weird thing flashed in the other day. It had been nice out so we had the doors open. We weren't paying attention and a species of small flies (bigger than fruit flies, smaller than the usual kind) took over our kitchen. There were tons of the little suckers flying all over the place. I started a campaign to get rid
I was smooshing and thwacking them, spilling their little guts all over the place. It felt really good killing them. Truth is, the act of taking their little annoying lives was exhilarating when I allowed myself to feel it. I flashed on my friend and I this the same thing?
Life is life. We humans have conveniently appointed ourselves to be the arbiters of the hierarchy of the value of life here on the planet. While I'm not ready to kill a human walking around (although I have had an abortion so have killed a human), I am more than comfortable continuing my fly genocide (flyocide?).
At the same time, intellectually I don't buy that one form of life is any more important than the other and see my hypocrisy.
Then I flashed on actors, specifically Angelina Jolie. I thought about acting and how to be a truly great actor, you embody what it is what you are doing. You live/be/do this act or archetype. And I plays all these assasins. Does she (and other great actors like her) get to feel that feeling of exhilaration of killing in a "safe" way? Does this ability to acceptably embody that taboo enhance their psychic integration?
My knowing is that it's all sacred. All of it means all of it- the light, the dark...all of it. Mystic logic does not allow for arbitrary exclusions of "all" just because we humans feel discomfort and judgment around a particular topic. Doesn't it then follow that even killing is sacred and "not evil" if it's all simply a part of the Dance of Life? And that when we acknowledge those feeling impulses instead of demonizing them we become more whole? I wonder how many would be willing to allow themselves to feel this ultimate taboo as spiritual practice?
Yup...I wasn't lying when I said I've been pondering controversial topics. 

Kali by Mary MacGregor-Reid
Gaia Sacrifice from here
Wheel of Life from here
Girlfriend, you are right this is a button pusher for sure. *smiles*
I sure do get you about the facing of fears and dark places inside the self in order to release attachment. I do agree it is a necessity to being a realized evolved human being.
I don't know that its always necessary to do something in order to face the fear though...
So I question the validity of her following through with the taking of life just for her own spiritual practice...though I was paying attention that she's got had permission to euthanize someone.
It seems to me that spiritual practice should be about living a balanced full physical human life...not about living like you are an unfettered soul here.
If a person wants to truly be unfettered, then shed the body, because that's really the only way to be unfettered. To think you can be unfettered with a body is an illusion. The body itself is a part of this dream we share of physical life. It is a deliberate choice to be fettered...arguing against it is simply illogical.
The shedding of attachments is about being in the moment right now, without grasping. It isn't whether you can face taboos without fear.
At least not in my opinion.
I think that people very often get carried away with their spiritual practice. It can become like an addiction and can do as much harm as it can good.
I did not think that possible, but I heard many Sufi's speak of this when I was an active initiate and so I began to pay attention to myself and others...
I discovered this truth in myself and could see it reflected in others....and that is really what I see going on here with your friend on the surface of things.
I do not know her however, so I do not assume. And I might point out that each of those I speak of who got carried away, were light beings...including me. It shined from them/me beautifully.
I think that the questions and a true shedding of bs as a result of them accomplishes the same as action does. But that's my opinion only.
I liked your comparison of the flies to humanity too. That's so true about human arrogance. We are not the top of the food chain. The bacteria, viruses and yeast are baby... *winks*
Soon followed by the cockroaches, I might add. *grins*
Great post..boy did you get my mind boiling and I just love that!
Hi, Greenwoman...thanks for all this. It was a bit scary to post something so "out there." But there it is.
I, too, don't think we "have" to "do" to grow. But I do think it vital to allow the feelings to light. It's like I say in the sexual realm...I believe it's an important thing to allow fantasy of any sort as it's our unconscious seeking expression. To not allow it is to give it power which can ultimately turn ugly in its desire for expression. I think it not evil to fantasize about rape...or pretty much anything.
But it's one thing to fantasize about it, another to do it.'s also an interesting thing for me to ponder, this paradox of...well...if I won't do it, what's stopping me? Is it my fear of killing...where does that come from? Is it the need to be socially accepted? The fear of immortal retribution for a sin?
Is it the desire to not take any life form...and is that desire ego based so I can continue to see myself as "a good person?"...or????
I think that this pondering is just as "productive" in terms of allowing and forgiving ourselves/ our darkness as "doing" something and having to feel spiritual.
But it's true...where is the line? And is it "OK" for me to kill flies, ...or have an abortion...but not OK to think about killing a person? Why? Who gets to decide the answer to the why? And why do they get to decide?
I think for me, there's people rules and then there's soul ethics. My soul knows the difference between something that is basically right and something which is basically wrong. I think too that this is true of all souls.
People rules are rules that have to do with human ego...not with soul ego. I don't think that we need to feel all that guilty about breaking people rules if they serve no valid purpose other than control or fluffing the truth.
But we will always pay in loss of trust in ourselves and in loss of our sense of innate worth if we neglect to follow along with the ethics of our soul.
It is very possible that these ethics vary from person to person.
I too think that its important to give time to entertain our deepest thinking, whether that be silly ideas to cure cancer or dark thoughts of harm. Letting the unconscious mind have plenty of freedom to explore is vital to emotional and mental health...but that doesn't mean it should have free rein by any means, as you say.
So...who gets to decide? Our souls do...and in general that seems to be in comfortable keeping with general societal laws for most people.
I think you are brave to discuss these questions...But I want to know what benefit you are gleaning from this inquiry...
Now that's an interesting question for me. *smiles*
Controversy is a perspective---a great and thought provoking posting.
The old maxim of knowing oneself is about plumbing the depths of the psyche and being able to travel to the darkest places and to rise on the other side.
to know that one has the darkness and depth is not always to act it out in deeds.
to be able to role play some things out in the mind and know that in certain circumstances one would be able to do it, is an empowering and creates that sense of freedom where one starts to let go of the deepest fears at what if and know that all have the capacitry for the darkest of deeds and all is ultimatley a choice.
Do you think there is a god who sits in judgment of right and wrong? An Akashic record? Does the soul know right and wrong...what is right and wrong to a soul if it is unconditional love?
Benefits? None that I know of at this point, except I noticed some pretty odd-for-me thoughts coming up lately...impulses I've had before that I bury. I decided to just let them be and embrace them (not easy to do). They don't feel like they hold me any more.
But this topic in general? I do this sort of pondering/watching what shows up in my life. My friend showed up, then the flies, I felt, I asked myself what was behind them, then the thoughts to explain myself to me.
This weekend I ended up watching season 2 of "Dexter." I'm not sure if you know it, but what a fascinating show. He's a serial killer of serial killers.
This season had him hooking up with a woman who saw his imbalance and masks. She had no idea what he was hiding, she knew he had deep, troubling secrets.
For the first time, he started to accept his darkness and not see himself as a monster...and he lost the impulse to kill. He felt almost normal and started caring about other people more.
Interestingly enough, before they met he had another girlfriend. They were asexual because he could not feel anything (and she was wounded).
With the new woman, he was passionate. It was like when he accepted himself and his feelings, all of his feelings were now given an avenue for expression. It was almost classic Jungian shadow work.
Things changed, but I thought this portion of the story line really interesting.
Hey, Derick..thanks for stopping by.
Choice. Yes, for me, that's the endpoint of the question and I think what Tantrikas focus on. Is the action truly a choice or the byproduct of fear, pride, confusion, blindness, unconsciousness, etc?
In the end, I think that it depends on if,like the Buddhist assasins, there is emotion attached. If I make the decision to do anything other than emotionally uninvolved impulse then I am involving old patterns, beliefs, rules, rather than soul choice.
Thanks you guys! Fun.
I haven't run off...but I"m thinking about your questions...I'll answer over the weekend...*smiles*
This is a good inquiry. ((hugs))
Oh, Cool...looking forward to what you come up with.
And I sure wish we lived closer so we could gab in person!
Some day.
Okay...this is the latest pondering...I may change my mind. *grins* You know how that is though. *winks*
I think that there's no great white bearded somebody with a list of do's and don't's...No matter what Moses said. *rolls eyes*
I do think that energy has natural impulses. I think that if you examine life around us, you'll see that it poses itself toward life. Even our bodies, though our minds have given it thoughts and may have made a decision to the contrary will gasp and fight for life.
It is only the human mind which becomes deluded into thinking that life is not precious, that some idea or ideal is more important than life.
By life, I don't mean quantity...I mean a mixture of as much as we can get that's quality and cherishable...and even then much of life is still so pleasurable despite its lack of depth that its worthy of paying attention to it a long, long while to see if it gets more depth later.
I think that like your show, it begins to feel unnatural to a life full of love and gratitude...which to me are the natural states of life want to end life.
Is this physical body the only means of life a soul has? No. Of course not.
I keep coming back to the firm belief that we souls chose a body. We engaged in this collective dream. We did that for a reason. It wasn't just a accident of genetics. Life here has a purpose.
Playing around with ideas like this are contrary to that original purpose.
I find such questions useful to getting rid of mental and emotional detritus...but I am also all about focus these days. Why am I really here? If such a question isn't directing me along that road to purpose, then is it a power leak to fiddle around with it as your friend is doing?
For me, this is so. I believe its so for her as well, but I am not walking in her shoes. I cannot make such choices for her. I don't know what her soul lessons are and why she's here. Perhaps her life is taking her somewhere I can't possibly understand....because its not my purpose to this time around. My purpose this time is to focus on what sustains life in a way that's beautiful.
And my answers are necessarily filtered through those associated needs and ideals.
Yea...I would love to gab in person too. I can assure you that the next time I need to head to Hawaii or some other area close by you, I'm going to do a layover. *grins*
I do know how that is..and thanks so much for coming back and writing all your ponderings....spirals upon spirals, the mystic mind swirls with its infinite spirals. Lovin' it. And yup...sure do know how it goes with the "this is what I see today" thinige.
And...yeah...meeting will be good. If I get to your neck of the woods, I'll do everything possible to see you, too!! DEAL??!!!???
Deal!! *grins*
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