Thursday, March 6, 2008

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Today I'm thinking of....

...a dearly loved friend who is undergoing open heart surgery as I write. We trust all will be well, that this is a good thing and that he will come out the other side healthier than before he went in. We know will soon be playing in our grand style.

I know it's brought up all sorts of stuff for him. I can see it in his face, primarily his eyes. His face has changed. Although I am totally projecting here, I don't know if it's as much a fear of how surgery will turn out. I think it's more that the world is shifting for him. He's never been this sick before. He has to redefine how he sees and feels his body, can no longer claim "no major surgeries" on medical forms. His wife has had a degenerative disease and both thought she would be the one "to go" first. And although that's probably still the case, it opens eyes to the reality that nothing is permanent, nothing is assured to be as we plan in life.

I'm thinking of another friend who woke up this morning with pains and achies in her heart. She "doesn't do" anxiety attacks, heart attacks or heart burn so has never experienced this feeling before. I can tell she's discombobulated, as she called to get support at about 5am...not her usual MO.

And I'm thinking of another friend who used to be a runner, then he tweaked his knee. And now his hip is toast. He's going through a painful divorce "that's slowly killing him." Although I know he's on his way back, this whole two/three year period of his life has been intense, pretty much ripping him to his core. I know he'll re-emerge an even more amazing person than when he entered this soul cycle. But in the meantime, I know he's not himself because he says he doesn't even know who the new "him" is.

I'm thinking of three in my community, all in their late 40's early 50's...who died this past year.

And I'm thinking of the Tantra and yoga teacher, in the prime of his 40's health, a loving soul, who died a few years ago after slipping in the shower, passing out from the impact, lying in the shower for three days (under cold water because the hot water had run out within an hour), then dying of pneumonia.

I don't write about this to be morose or be down. I don't feel down at all. In fact, the realization of all this brings home the preciousness of each and every moment...once again. I give thanks for all I have right here, right now in this moment. I want to remember this when I forget that nothing can get in the way of inner peace when I shift my perspective just an oontz. I am Blessed to be right here, right are each of those who I'm thinking of today.

My prayers are with you.

Art is The Dance Of Shiva And Kali and can be purchased here.


derick said...

in the dance of life each step that one takes is key--to be aware in the graciousness and the gratitude of the moment without taking anything for granted are the lessons we need in the surrender and the embrace of life.
each moment is precious--the realisation sometimes takes a long time to sink into our conscious minds.
all the best for your friend and my prayers and energy are with you take care

Pamm said...

Thanks, Derick...he is doing well. My apologies for taking so long to post this comment. I was gone then got distracted yesterday.

All is going really well. Every second is precious, indeed. Yup.

sassinak said...

i try and try to remember that... but i forget. sometimes i'm lucky and i stumble across a post like this and sometimes the universe reminds me another way but man.

it is SO easy to forget.

Pamm said...

Hi Sassinak-

Isn't it, though? My practice is to try and return here as quickly as possible in between the things going in here that challenge it.

Thanks for stopping by.

JulieAnn said...

I gave you some love on my blog. :)

Greenwoman said...

Hi hon...Just finally getting here. I tried to read the weekend Blogger had a glitch...Yanno?

Preciousness...yes. yes. There is nothing like realizing the closeness and possibility of change and death to keep the moments precious. Makes sunsets, chocolate and kisses way, way better dont' you think?!

Pamm said... apologies for taking so long to get over here. I've been busy with much Life going on. Thank you so much for your attentions and your are a Dear One!!

Hey, Sweetie, Greenwoman!! Yes, I do..lots of pondering changes these days, indeed. Snuggles are precious.